Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 302 302: Information

It took a while for the captain to get everything back under control, Cole was willing to give him the time he needed. After all, it was not everyday your ship gets hijacked by the pirate prisoners you're ferrying, and then an uber powerful handsome rogue comes along to save your ass. You would worship the ground he walks on, and at the same fear him in equal measure.

In this case it seems the fear was the most prevalent emotion. It was making Cole uncomfortable to say the least, it did not matter where he turned or he looked at. The fear in their eyes and bodies could not be hidden, it was weird, Cole was sure the only fight that they had witnessed should be the ones in the prion levels of the ship. Even then he hadn't really brought out the big guns.

But yet everyone was looking at him like he had just scarfed down new born babies for breakfast. He couldn't get out of here any sooner, the people on the ship were weird. But whether or not Cole was giving the captain time to get things in order once again, a day and half was more than enough time for that. Cole was in dire need of information and directions.


His forays through the floors was not a leisure thing, he was racing against time here to get as strong and as powerful as he could quickly become. Nothing else matters in the long run. Cole sat back on the chair the captain had given to him, the captain was sweating a lot, causing Cole to roll his eyes in annoyance. The sooner he got this over with the better, he had already lost a day dealing with this shit.

"Alright I will get straight to the point, first of all do you know who Peronico  Porins is, and if you do where can I find him. I'm under a mission to deliver him and his family safely to the Isle Of Meros…. anything you can tell me about that?" Cole asked the captain with the most disarming smile he could muster, that just seemed to make the Captain even more uncomfortable.

"Peronico Porins? The former Grand Alchemist of the sapphire sea? He and his family are locked up in a maximum security prison for selling weapons and information to pirates. They're locked up in the same place we're heading to, and the Isle of Meros should be about a month's sail from our destination, but you can make the journey faster if you have a good enough ship."

Well this was messed up. Cole was almost thanking God above for providence, but now he was thankful he had kept his mouth shut. He just prevented a prison break, now it seems he was going to have to carry one out. Nothing was ever easy with the system, how the fuck was he going to carry our a prison break on a world that was predominantly water, he had no contacts on the ground, or any crew to carry it out with, it was a prison and Cole had the finesse equivalent to a hammer.

This needed surgical precision, in order for him to be able to save this Peronico, he had to be able to get into the prison and get out with the man and his family. And after his encounter with the pirate captain fish-man, almost killing him with his water bubble skill. Cole knew there was a lot more challenges waiting for him on this floor, so breaking in and out of that prison would be a problem

And going all super saiyan and blasting his way through might cause more harm than good. None was more clear on the nature of his abilities and currently scope of power. He was a literal moving breathing, weapon of mass destruction, if not a country destroying weapon, then a city destroying one. So saving shit was definitely not within his purview, but now he had to do it…..he also needed to worry about a getaway driver.

"Can I get a really fast ship where we're going? And maybe some new gear and a crew to man the ship?" Cole asked the Captain, his voice taking on a dangerous edge as he tried to figure something out.

"Irgis was a prison island until 85 years ago when it's current warden took over. Now it is one of the largest trade hub in the entirety  of the Sapphire seas, with connections and profits coming from other seas, including the diamond sea. There's nothing you want that you cant find there, there are rumors that the island even has goods from off world, brought down whenever the aliens come to visit and flaunt their powers and advancements in our faces."

Cole furrowed his eyebrow at the turn the conversation took towards the end. It looks like just swallowing universes is not enough to make people get along. Those who were already part of the system universe, and they have either been born into, or survived the incursion and have grown strong and thrived. No matter how you spun it, they were the enemy as many of them would actually do everything in their power to make sure the system invades another universe.

"As for the crew, some of the prisoners there are professionals, and if they have light sentences they are allowed to carry it out through indentured servitude or slavery for a couple of years. You will be able to get a crew from there, or hire any of the many sailors looking for employment there.


Cole could not help it, even after 800 years since the white man touched the shores of Africa, slavery was still a testy thing for most humans on earth. Particularly the black community, of which Cole was a part, regardless of his doubly mixed race from his Japanese grandmother and half Japanese Mother. Cole felt it was stain on earth's history, one that perhaps they would never be able to get rid of even if the people responsible were already long dead and gone.

"Tell me more about this slavery." Cole asked, as the captain swallowed hard and looked at the entrance to his cabin with longing.

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