Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 308 308: Peronico Porins

"I would advise you not to use such words in my workshop sir, there are kids here. And yes I know this is not looking pretty, but this is my life's work…..or at least a mockery of it, now how can I help you? You don't seem as if you're here to get torn apart then put back together again."

Cole brought his gaze down until he was looking at…..well he was looking at a gnome, and not the kind you see in fantasy shows or movies, no this was a garden gnome, those tiny little buggers the size of a house cat. Cole remembered they used to be a farm able mob back when Titan Rising was just a game, but given the size of the man, and the fact that he was brought here….Cole had a few suspicions.

"Peronico Porins?"

"Yes that be me? Who are you young man, is there anything I can do for you?" Cole furrowed his eyebrows and turned to the sentinel besides them, he wondered if he would be able to make a run form it with the short creature after he's snapped the sentinel's neck.

But maybe that would be too much of a rush. He wanted to get the chance to talk to the gnome in privacy, but Cole doubted the sentinel would let...not unless he did something different. Cole's auxiliary has already been consolidated with each and every single one of them being as powerful as his own skills, and one of them should be [Telepathy]

"I have a quest from the system to get you and your family out of here, I came here to get some information that would perhaps be able to help with that, and to also see what I'm dealing with." Cole said to him, a smile on his face as he focused all of his mind on the gnome.

"That is a crude way to use telepathy boy, you're literally broadcasting all of your thoughts to every single person here. But you don't have to worry, the big ugly lizard is not privy to what happens within this workshop. The sentinels might belong to him, but I built all of them, nothing you say will leave this room."

That was a relief, Cole did no want to be tiptoeing around, he needed information, and seeing this really short midget, had a hold on things in this workshop, Cole knew this was the person to talk to about how to get in and get out of this place without perhaps loosing his life.

"You must not have had a good teacher of the arcane, magic and energy isn't not some blunt instrument that you can use and wave around. Even the sheer amount of Chaos I can feel from you aura cane be fashioned and directed to work like a surgeon's scalpel. And seriously who the fuck are you trying to in intimidate with that Aura, turn it off young man, it's annoying."

Cole was stumped, why did it feel as if he was getting a lecture from a man or rather a creature no higher than his shin. And even more weird was the fact that Cole could not tell how strong the gnome was, no matter how hard he probed. But he was on the clock and he had things he needed to take care of in the city before he left.

Never the less Cole focused on the aura and tried to reign it in. He had no idea the aura was on full blast, which would explain why the people on the Naughty Nurse had been scared of him, and even more so why the guards of Irgis city had been polite before handing him off to Garudon. It was weird, but once Cole did so he felt as if he had consolidated his strength, like there was an extra ounce of power now hiding within his body.

"If you want to get me and my 200 children and 10 wives out of here, you will need a submarine. There's a hidden path through the reefs that I have been mapping for the last three months now. The only problem is, Gnomes don't swim, and I can not use magic to leave as that would mean I am leaving my family behind. Should I do that, Garudon would either fully enslave them or kill them all, or he could hold them for ransom and force me to return.

The sentinels are powerful, and while I put all of them together, Garudon still had a measure of control over some of them. I have only been able to plant a few minor bugs or moles among them that would do my bidding should the time come,they would be enough to cause a disruption that would keep Garudon busy, long enough for us to make our escape. The idea now is if you are capable enough to do so."

Cole shrugged as he said to the Gnome."You and your family should be ready in three days, I have a little hunting that I will have to take care of. Garudon wants me to slay the three other ascendant beast of the sapphire sea. He needs their prisms to advance to the diamond rank, you should make your preparations in that time."

"No! No matter what you cant let him have those Prisms! If you do so then you have doomed us all, as he would start a war that will set all of the  crystal seas on fire!" Cole rolled his eyes as he said to the gnome.

"Relax old man, I have no intention of handing those prisms to him, I will have to look to see how I can find a submarine. Though I have no idea about this route that you have mapped, so you would have to tell me about it. Once I'm done with my quests, then I will come for you directly instead of going  directly to Garudon."

The Gnome nodded his head, before turning around muttering to himself, them turning back to Cole and gesturing for him to bend down. Cole did as he had to lean all the way down, putting his knees on the ground so that he would be face to face with the Gnome.

"I can give you a hard copy of the route, but I can show it to you. Magic is good for a lot of thing, and let this also be a small lesson in the ways that you can use telepathy. Though if I should be honest you don't have talent for the finer control of magic and energy, but a lesson is in order, this would be good for you after all."

Cole felt a blow to the center of his mind, it was painful and excruciating too. But it only lasted for a second before he became aware of the new knowledge that was now sitting in his mind. He chuckled, there was a clarity to it as if he had always known about the route, this made him see the Gnome in an entirely new light as he got back up to his full height.

"I have to go now, but get ready. I will see you soon." Cole said to Peronico as he turned around and left the workshop. The sentinel followed after him, but Cole kept a tight pace, and the sentinel was struggling to keep up with Cole. On the other hand Cole was casing the environment, making sure to commit every single thing to memory, and more than that he wanted to see if there were any sort of structural weakness in the dome that he could exploit should the time come.

Eventually they made their way back to the surface. Now Cole would be led to the Dragon's so called Horde, where he would pick up the ship that Garudon had prepared for him. This time he was handed over to another sentinel, but this time not one of those that had shark heads, but the normal man sized  sentinels.

They returned back to the Red hall, as Cole had found that's how it was called, and went through another door different from the one that had led them into the elevator that sent them down to the dome. This time it opened up into a tunnel, it looked pretty normal as far as tunnels went. There were lights on the wall that led deeper into the shaft, the heat from the Volcano could still be felt.

In fact Cole could feel the magma running behind the walls, but it was contained in some manner. This entire volcano had been repurpose into a prison and a dragon's lair. It also seems to be what was providing power for the prisons and for the city below, a thermal plant or something of the sort. It was an ingenious innovation, and should he ever own a volcano one day, Cole would do something similar.

Finally they reached the hoard.

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