Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 313 313: Deraka II

When Cole opened his eyes, he found that he was covered head to toe with blood, he could hear Ravena screaming at him, she probably had been calling out to him for the last few seconds, minutes?, Cole had no idea how long he had been in the soul realm this time, to him it felt like it had been years.

As his awareness returned he could feel the bleeding stopping. It seems he has been pouring out his life giving blood from the very moment he had initiated the skill. Cole noticed that he was sitting right in the middle of a pool of blood, and by pool he meant the volume of it was enough that it rose up at least two inches off the ground and covered the entire command room.

He had been bleeding and at the same time, his [Demonic Constitution] has been healing him, trying to preserve his life through it all. It was crazy really, but it left Cole worried, just what sort of monster has he brought into the world, now it was no longer a matter of if he could bring his enemies down, it was a matter of if he could keep himself safe from what he has dragged out.

"You can not, whether I tear your mind to pieces, or your body is broken into tiny little bits, it is all wholly dependent on my mood Mortal. But you and I are now inexplicably bonded for all eternity, your fight is my fight, my authority is you authority, your enemies my enemies. But I will feed on your mind and soul, and on the chaos that you will wrought in mine and your name. As long as you do so, we will remain allies."

Cole's eyes dipped down to the small puppy on his lap, with coat as black as night, three eyes on a round head. Cole recognized the breed immediately, a Caucasian Shepherd, but with three eyes. For a moment he could not correlate the sight in front of him to the monstrosity he had seen in the soul realm. But the moment he had that thought, everything seemed to grow dark.

Cole suddenly found himself in a place of no light and no joy, desolate and bereft of life, at the mercy of a thousand and one tri eyed canines. Straining and pushing against the very fabric of reality to swallow everything up in chaos, it was then Cole could also notice the tentacles for tails, 7 of them, and claws that rested on the souls of the innocent and the guilty, eyes red as the flames of ultimate destruction.

Just as sudden;y as the vision started it came to a swift end, but once again Cole was bleeding. But he got the point, Cute and small did not mean he was dealing with a creature that was any less dangerous from the monster he just met and had unfortunately been bound to. The monster remained.

[You Have Entered A Familiar Contract With The World Ending Wolf, Calamity Of The Void, Fenrir Son of Loki, He That Sees With A Million and One Eyes, The Hound Of The Lost, Shepherd Of The Fallen, Alpha Of Alphas; Deraka Dark God Of Chaos And Void!]

Cole swallowed, the fact that he could not even see the stats of this being was more than enough proof that he had bitten off more than he could chew. Why wasn't an option given to him to chose, instead he had been dumped straight in an area where this being could find him.

"You're A God?" Cole asked, absolutely shocked by what was happening.

"The system doesn't make mistake, even if that rabid program is going about causing Havoc by stirring things up. What you are now is a demon on the cusp and path to godhood. Your potential is endless, the system would only match you with what it knows would match you and help you and at the same time keep you in check and in balance.

Chaos is good, but too much is bad for business. Everything would get boring, it would be anarchy until eveyrhting is nothingness. And while I am all for the chaos and the void, none of those things are nothingness. And the prayers of mortals seeking my guidance and offering up their first born on altars of blood is pleasing to me…..should the universe end then so will the blood sacrifices...I love blood sacrifices."

Cole froze in shock, more so by the fact he could hear Ravena Sputtering in the background, shocked by everything happening. 

"Relax, I'm just joking. Or am I. now it has been quite some time since I have been  in the mortal realm, I take it you have prepared a meal for me, and some entertainment. I would so hate to start tearing this ship apart in my boredom." Cole heard Raven give a startled squawk as an explosion took place outside, causing the entirety of the ship to shake.

"We have some merfolk outside trying to kill us….. would they be enough." Cole asked, after trying but failing to school his features.

"Sushi? Ahhhh it has been a while since I've had sushi. But the merfolk tend to be chewy if they're too old, so I'm hoping these one you're offering are still young and fresh?" Cole had no idea what to say to that, he only just nodded his head as the puppy rubbed itself on his body like a cat.

The small dog walked around the command deck for a bit observing the fight happening outside within the depths of the sea. Ravena in her Asian Dragon form was busy maneuvering and dancing around attacks whilst giving some of her own back. The water was filled with bodies of merfolk and other aquatic lifeforms. Then Deraka said to both of them.

"Let me out!"

There was no hesitation on Cole or Ravena's parts. A small opening seem to appear by the side as the Eldritch god made his way outside of the ship. And as he left Cole could not help but ask himself…..between him and the horror…..who was the familiar and who was the master?

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