To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 45 - 45 Three Sword Immortals 1

Chapter 45: Chapter 45 Three Sword Immortals 1

Translator: 549690339 |? —

“I am the Ape Demon, a weak and lousy Ape Demon.”

“I originally had three Sword Immortal companions. They were handsome and skilled, and they spoke so charmingly. They could have made me look cool and help me soar, but before I could show off, they soared away without me.” “I’m very frustrated now, I don’t knowhow I can die with more flair for the audience. Life is already tough enough, but a bunch of guys who want me to cross-dress are actually hoping I will survive, because that would be more amusing…”

Muttering grievances like Xianglin’s wife, Wang struggled to dodge the Gang Wind, narrowly escaping death several times, filling the live stream chat with a lively atmosphere.

However, Wang’s luck has always been in a state akin to Schrodinger’s cat. When he thought he was in a stable situation, he would often crash and burn; but when others thought he would crash, he would rise unexpectedly.

In less than ten minutes, Wang actually managed to snatch an unoccupied Meditation spot.

And as he spitefully chose to meditate, two teams arrived right in front of his door. A small-scale team battle unfolded, allowing Wang to catch a rare break. He successfully completed meditation and then took advantage of the chaos to eliminate the two remaining players.

Moreover, this Meditation spot was of a high level, substantially increasing his strength and even granting him a Cultivation Technique that could speed up his movement.

Seeing this high-level Cultivation Technique, Wang made a split-second decision and dashed towards a Meditation spot on the edge of the map, arriving and seizing it before the area shrunk.

Two successful captures greatly enhanced Wang’s strength and filled him with confidence.

Who cares about not having companions? I, Wang, am a professional! I can still win!

The originally weak Ape Demon had transformed into a hulking brute, each step radiating the aura of a formidable fighter. After skillfully ambushing a team on low health, Wang once again secured a Meditation spot and his power skyrocketed.

The Meditation spots in team mode were even more potent. The now immensely stronger Wang couldn’t help but ask the chat, “Am I not magnificent, your brother Wang?”

“Wang, don’t get cocky. Are you going to crash in the next second?”

I, Wang, am steady as an old dog. Crashing? That’s not in the cards!”

No sooner had he finished speaking than a beam of Sword Qi came at him. But this Sword Qi seemed hesitant and unsure, hitting Wang without striking a vital spot, and instead inciting the Ape Demon’s ferocity.

Looming like a small mountain, the Ape Demon leapt high, using hands and feet together, and ran frantically on the ground before pouncing straight at the Sword Immortal, who had just missed his strike and was now defenseless. Clasping his hands together, Wang didn’t use a staff but rather smashed his opponent into a statue, then smashed the statue into dust.

In the midst of the flying dust, Wang shouted, “Who’s next!”

There was silence in the live stream chat.

Although no one wanted to admit it, that scene had indeed allowed Wang to show off perfectly.

The Ape Demon’s dominance was thoroughly displayed just now, pumping up the players, who swore to dive into the game once it was released and have a good time playing it.

The map continued to shrink.

The Gang Wind grew even fiercer.

In the end, only two groups of players were left on the map.

On Wang’s side, no one was lost, and the opposing side was down to just one Ming General.

It was now the late game, and the early advantage of the Ming General had vanished. The continuously shrinking map left the opponent with no room to maneuver, meaning there was only one way left for them-death.

Seeing the last man standing on the enemy side, Wang just wanted to burst into triumphant laughter.

So what if there are no pros around? I, Wang, will win just the same!

However, just as he was about to tear the weak, pitiful, and inept Ming General to shreds, a blast of Sword Qi suddenly flew by, closely shaving the hair off his fingers without harming him.

Seeing this Sword Qi, a chill ran through Wang’s heart.

The opponent could have sliced his throat with a single strike but deliberately missed. What exactly was the opponent trying to do?

Turning his head, Wang saw that the one stopping him was the Monkey Sword Immortal.

The opponent had also seized several Meditation spots. Three Flying Swords formed the Three Talents formation, revolving around him up and down The Sword Qi they emitted was like clouds dancing, tumbling incessantly. Having repelled Wang, the Monkey Sword Immortal paid no heed to him but stared off into the distance in silence.

There, the Mature Sword Immortal had been waiting for a while.

The Mature Sword Immortal too was armed with three swords, and relying on the Sword Qi, he blended into the distant environment, becoming one with it. “What are they doing?” someone asked in the chat.

“It must be the encounter of masters, itching to test each other’s skills. That Monkey Sword Immortal has been wanting to measure his opponent’s mettle since the beginning, but only now has he found the opportunity.” “I see, a clash of Sword Immortals, a sight rarely seen. Wang, you better protect the opponent so he doesn’t die.”

Wang stared at the messages in the group chat, feeling that these group members really enjoyed stirring up a big scene.

A team dungeon, and you actually want me to protect the opponent, what are you thinking?”

But Wang was also curious to see a duel between top Sword Immortals, so he made a decisive move, “I’ll just watch, you all do as you please.” After stating his intentions, he immediately charged toward the Ming General grabbed the unfortunate Ming General in his hand, and began to watch. Neither of the Sword Immortals made a move; instead, they silently stared at each other, looking for an opening in their opponent’s guard.

Before long, the Monkey Sword Immortal made the first move, his green Sword Qi gleaming like ripples on water, flying towards the Mature Sword Immortal. What swordsmanship!

Wang exclaimed in admiration, knowing that masters really are masters If that sword strike were aimed at himself, he might be able to dodge it, but he would undoubtedly be killed by the subsequent strike.

Against this kind of Sword Qi, dodging was useless; the opponent had already calculated every possible evasion, and the next strike would definitely kill him.

The Mature Sword Immortal had also anticipated his opponent’s plan. Knowing evasion was futile, he decisively channeled his sword energy, and the blue Flying Sword behind him shot out, clashing with the green ripples in the sky and canceling out the opponent’s Sword Qi.


Accurate judgment, decisive action-at the critical moment, he made the best decision, and his strike hit its target every time. He was a master too.

The first exchange occurred in a blink of an eye, but the peril involved made the live stream viewers hold their breath.

Watching masters duel was truly amazing.

The second round was initiated by the Monkey Sword Immortal again.

This time, with a shake of his hand, the Sword Qi he sent out also started to twist and sway following his motion, moving erratically like a specter towards the Mature Sword Immortal.

Seeing this, someone in the live stream couldn’t help but ask, “Wang, how did he do that?”

“Shaking your hand can create a lateral momentum that affects your Sword Qi.

I call it the Shaking Sword Style.”

“Wang, what are you babbling about?”

“…Alright, I don’t understand either. This is just the world of masters.”

Faced with the unpredictable Sword Qi, the Mature Sword Immortal also reacted swiftly, sending out similarly rippling Sword Qi that annihilated both streaks of Sword Qi together.

Just when Wang thought it was ail over, from the Sword Qi that supposedly extinguished, a green streak suddenly shot out, piercing through the Mature Sword Immortal and turning him into a statue.

Wang, what was that!” an audience member exclaimed.

“Hidden Sword Style, stacking two streaks of Sword Qi on top of each other to create a sneak attack effect. I’m not bluffing this time, because I can do it too- probably succeed once in ten tries.”

“But the Monkey Sword Immortal’s Flying Sword is still behind him!”

“A Flying Sword isn’t Sword Qi, it could be an illusion.”

As Wang had guessed, the Monkey Sword Immortal removed the disguise from behind, and the only remaining Flying Sword indeed turned out to be an illusion.

Looking at Wang in front of him, he made a gesture, “Wait for me.”

After waiting for his Flying Sword to recover, he walked towards the meditation spot.

There, the Meditation Immortal had already been waiting for a long time. Approaching, the Monkey Immortal stepped up to the boundary of his Flying Sword’s range and suddenly attacked, sending three continuous streaks of Sword Qi like towering waves towards the Meditation Sword Immortal.

The destructive green light should have torn the Meditation Sword Immortal to pieces, but to everyone’s surprise, he just waved his hand and an extremely condensed Sword Qi flew out first, beheading the Monkey Sword Immortal. After the internal strife of the team ended, Wang decisively killed the Ming General in his hands and then marveled that Sword Immortals were indeed difficult, but if played well, they were genuinely incredible.

And they were cool too!

After the settlement, Wang immediately started a new round and continued fighting.

Fang Cheng, the Meditation Sword Immortal, watched the screen and felt that the Monkey Sword Immortal wasn’t too shabby; his swordsmanship had some talent, and in the past, he could have cultivated to be a decent Sword Immortal. He even calculated a bit and felt that this person and he had some kind of connection.

Xiao Douzi, the Mature Sword Immortal, pondered for a while, then sighed that there were quite a few masters among the players.

Meanwhile, in an e-sports training camp, a young man watched the screen and after a long contemplation said, “Just a little bit more.”

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