To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 51 - 51 You’re still here! (Three more)_l

Chapter 51: Chapter 51 You’re still here! (Three more)_l

Translator: 549690339 |

This planet was akin to Earth, yet the star it orbited had died, transforming into a dim, lightless black dwarf star.

As his gaze landed on the black dwarf star overhead, Fang Cheng realized that this star wasn’t particularly old, but due to problems with the laws here, it had perished. Its heart had extinguished, leaving behind only a completed stellar corpse.

Due to the absence of sunlight, there were hardly any plants on this planet, and the cold climate filled the place with ice and snow, sealing it in a frozen tomb.

Even though the environment was extremely harsh, within the cracks of the planet’s crust, some plants still struggled to survive by relying on geothermal heat, and there were even multicellular organisms that subsisted on the sparse oxygen these plants produced, prolonging their species.

With a touch to the ground, Fang Cheng pierced the planet with a fingertip. His Divine Sense spread through the hole within the planet, capturing the characteristics of the local life forms, and tracing them back to their origins.

After the analysis was complete, Fang Cheng sat on the snowy ground, facing the blizzard, deep in thought.

“There’s plenty of water, the air composition is balanced, and the soil conditions are all quite good.”

“By tracing the origins of these species, I can infer that they share a common root with Earth’s life forms, suggesting they also came from Earth. It seems that the Immortals and Buddhas knew about this place and escaped here, bringing them along.”

Knowing that the life here originated from the same universe, Fang Cheng felt a sense of kinship with the life on this planet.

Upon further analysis, Fang Cheng was surprised to find that the plants on this planet were actually degraded Spirit Grass.

Spirit Grass was the most basic and also the most important plant in the realm of cultivation. It was not a single kind of plant, but a collective name for many kinds of plants.

Some Spirit Grass had the miraculous ability to purify foul air and exhale Spiritual Energy; others were used to strengthen the body and for making medicinal pills.

Moreover, Spirit Grass was highly malleable. The powerful would often personally nurture fair-skinned and beautiful Spirit Grass, admiring it day and night, which was a delight.

Thinking of this, Fang Cheng felt an itch in his hands.

He took out the degraded Spirit Grass from beneath the crust, and prepared to plant these Spirit Grass seeds to see what they would become.

Of course, without sunlight, the growth of the Spirit Grass wouldn’t be great.

Looking up at the black dwarf star in the sky, he calmly said, “Shine.”

The Mana of a True Immortal expanded. Millions of kilometers away in the black dwarf star, a spark of light ignited from its silent heart and then spread throughout its body.

Like a resurrection from death, the lifeless star once again burst into light, with brilliant sunlight crossing the vast journey, transcending the long stretches of time, and once more shedding its warmth onto the planet.

Since time was very unstable here, Fang Cheng stepped out of the area, looking at the ice-bound white planet, then flicked the planet’s time to the right.

The effect of accelerated time was maximized, and the ice covering the planet melted at a visible rate, forming streams, then rivers, and finally oceans.

Underneath the ice, mountains appeared and plants began to revive. The Spirit Grass, sensing the change in heaven and earth, started to regrow.

Some had lost their Spirituality, but in return, they grew into towering ancient trees.

Others retained their Spirituality, amplifying it to become more vibrant plants.

Seeing the planet rejuvenated with life, Fang Cheng allowed time to return to normal, then went to a plain, personally cleared a fertile piece of land, and planted the freshly gathered Spirit Grass seeds.

Although he had reverted time, due to the peculiar nature of this planet, a certain type of stone here possessed the power of time, capable of accelerating time again.

Burying this stone in the center of the field, plants within a certain range would experience an accelerating effect and grow rapidly.

The acceleration effect was related to the quality and size of the stones; after some experimentation, Fang Cheng casually set aside the experiment records and continued to document the various characteristics of the Spirit Grass.

The creator of these Spirit Grass must be quite skilled, producing lively and talented plants that brought Fang Cheng great joy as he cultivated them. Before he realized it, five days had passed.

Fortunately, last month he had caught his employees working overtime secretly at home, and everyone got an extra five days of leave as a result, which meant he didn’t have to go to work this week.

After finishing the planting, Fang Cheng still felt somewhat unsatisfied.

He had been thinking of planting for another two days, but then a thought struck him, and an idea formed in his mind.

This place could be used to create a game!

With acceleration and Spirit Grass in place, it would be perfect for players to enjoy the fun of farming!

No sooner said than done, characters were quickly created, and the Spirit Gathering Array was swiftly laid out; Fang Cheng had become proficient at this process, and it was all set up in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, to prevent players from fighting and neglecting the farming, he specifically set limitations on the clay figures so that they absolutely could not attack each other, cause mutual destruction, steal crops, and other such rules.

Under the constriction of various rules, players could basically only cooperate with each other, and even Time Shift, upon seeing this, could only sigh.

Additionally, since there was a certain randomness to the growth of the Spirit Grass, the process of cultivation was constantly filled with a sense of randomness, which was also a delightful thing.

After carefully reviewing the whole process, Fang Cheng felt there should be no issues—it even seemed quite fun.

He also added interactive elements, allowing players to meet and exchange appraisals of each other’s Spirit Grass. He was confident that before too long, everyone would be immersed in the cultivation of Spirit Grass, unable to extricate themselves.

Spending a day to fully realize his ideas, Fang Cheng noticed that it was now six o’clock on a Saturday evening.

Having prepared the player’s entry device to this location, Fang Cheng once again crammed a bunch of useless items into it and then reached out to a familiar figure, Wang Say Games.

No need for idle chatter, Fang Cheng sent a spaceship reward with a flip of his hand, then released his game with a message, saying, “Wang, help me test this out, same deal as last time.”

Before Fang Cheng released the game, Wang was feeling frustrated.

Frustrated that he hadn’t captured the full wave of traffic this time.

The live stream of “Quiet Cultivation” was booming, and his Ape Demon character was not too shabby, but he still couldn’t match the popularity of those playing female characters.

He considered switching to other female characters, like the Dragon Girl, with her snow-white attire and creamy skin, who, although silent, was the very image of a kind elder sister, capable of gently and shyly enacting every little boy’s dream.

Or the Mo Family Heir, the tomboyish character! Her accidental sultriness was particularly enticing, and hugging her big sister puppet was a formative experience for certain people.

Then there was Meng Po, the yandere dark beauty, who doesn’t love that?

And the Worm Witch, she’s great because of her gap moe.

He wanted to play every character, and even did when not streaming, but he didn’t dare do so while live streaming.

His girlfriend overseas was watching him.

With a sigh, Wang was about to start today’s Ape Demon live stream when he saw a notification light up his inbox. The Living Immortal’s greeting came along with the game, giving Wang a start.

Bro, are you trying to prank me again!

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