To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 58 - 58 This Person is So Cheap_i

Chapter 58: Chapter 58 This Person is So Cheap_i

Investigation into this matter wasn’t burdensome, and Xu Qingling quickly came to know the relevant intelligence.

As the granddaughter and external granddaughter of a bigwig, Xu Qingling had many connections. A few phone calls, and she would learn many inside stories that ordinary people didn’t know.

After a few calls, Xu Qingling said, “It’s clear now, Tianyi is planning something. First, take a look at this game.”

She opened Bilibili, searched, and then displayed a game video.

This game was a game CG released by a Korean gaming company, which effectively showcased Korea’s beautiful but slightly greasy character modeling and apart from character modeling, the gameplay was practically non-existent. Despite the flashy special effects, it was apparent that this game was likely a battle royale with a swords and magic theme.

After watching the two and a half minute demo video, Fang Cheng, standing behind Xu Qingling, asked with confusion, “What’s wrong with this game?” “This is a new battle royale game from Korea called ‘Sword of Heroes.’ The art is nice, but the other qualities are mediocre, and it didn’t make much of a splash in Korea. However, according to reliable information, Tianyi recently acquired the domestic distribution rights.”

Flicking the lawyer’s letter from Huang Ping, Xu Qingling continued, “So this lawyer’s letter is just a Blinding Method. They probably think most of ‘Quiet Cultivation’s success is due to Huang Ping, so we certainly won’t give up on Huang Ping. Afterward, they can use tactics like lawsuits to tie us up and slow down the update speed of ‘Quiet Cultivation,’ creating a time gap for the localization of ‘Sword of Heroes.'”

After contemplating for a moment, Huang Ping said, “There’s also the possibility that they want to acquire us.”

As an old ox who had left Tianyi, Huang Ping knew a lot about their internal affairs.

Sorting his thoughts, Huang Ping said, “Tianyi has many studios, with headquarters on the other side in Shencheng, and a total of thirteen studios here in Rong City. Opposite us, Kongkong Studio is just one of them. Buying games m advance and sending lawyer’s letters is very much like the handiwork of Rong City’s Feixiang Studio.”

Hearing this name, Xiao Douzi showed a face like someone who found half a mouse in their meal, “Feixiang Studio…”

“What about this studio?” Fang Cheng asked with keen interest.

‘It has a lousy reputation,” Xiao Douzi said with a frown, “They’ve released a lot of games, including single-player, mobile, and online games, but they really push the in-app purchases. Also, games acquired by them never last more than half a year, which is why they’ve been dubbed ‘The Game Slaughterhouse.'” From the name alone, one could sense a whiff of blood and corruption.

Huang Ping nodded in agreement, “That’s right, Feixiang Studio doesn’t have a development team, only legal affairs, business, and network operations departments. They’re best at finding games with potential, then directly acquiring the studios and beginning extensive in-app purchase modifications.” “What if you don’t want to be acquired?” Monkey asked curiously.

“They’ll acquire a similar competitor and then sue you for infringement using their powerful legal team. They almost always win. Even if they lose, it doesn’t matter, because small studios can’t afford a long battle and end up being forced to sell their games for cheap. After acquiring the game, they aggressively milk all its value through various channels before discarding it. It’s pretty disgusting.”

With a wry smile, Huang Ping shook his head, “As despicable as they are this studio’s revenue ranks in the top ten at Tianyi, so Rong City’s president, Zhang Pmg, often turns a blind eye. Many promising games have been mishandled by them. I have a few personal grievances as well.”

“That’s right,” Xiao Douzi nodded somberly, ” ‘Endless Doomsday,’ ‘Big Prison Warden,’ ‘Romantic Tales of Peach Boy’… I can name several games offhand that can’t be played anymore. That damn studio should be flattened by a nuke and have a large public toilet built over it as a warning!”

” ‘Endless Doomsday’ was run by them? No wonder the game was fun but the operation was crap! Alright, Feixiang is my sworn enemy from now on.” After hearing Huang Ping’s introduction, Fang Cheng was slightly surprised. Feixiang Studio was not a game studio at all but a group of merchants who wouldn’t act without profit.

Before hearing about this, Fang Cheng had never imagined games could be so profitable.

Piecing together the connections, Fang Cheng pondered, “So, you’re saying that Feixiang Studio has set its sights on ‘Quiet Cultivation’ and begun targeting us?”

“Maybe, but not necessarily,” Huang Ping sighed, “I hope they just want to target me, not our game.”

And Xiao Douzi squinted his eyes as he looked into the distance and suddenly said, “Tonight, I’m gonna smash his face with a brick!”

“Douzi bro, don’t be rash!” Monkey grabbed hold of Xiao Douzi.

Huang Ping quickly interjected, “Exactly, Xiao Douzi you shouldn’t…”

“If someone’s going to do it, it should be me! I’m a minor!” Monkey added.

Monkey, you be calm too! Boss, what do you think?”

Pretty cute,” Fang Cheng remarked.


Huang Ping looked at Fang Cheng with confusion, wondering if his boss had been driven mad by anger.

But Fang Cheng genuinely found the other side rather adorable.

Ever since his own cultivation had reached its peak, just short of ascending, he had never been schemed against.

Of course, that’s not to say it never happened, but in the end, none survived.

But now, a few mortals actually believed they could plot against him This foolhardiness was like a Chihuahua on the roadside, watching a passing dreadnought barking madly, its show of might quite amusing.

And right now, this situation even had a bit of a war-like feeling.

The business world is like a battlefield, and the invader (Feixiang Studio) had already sharpened their knives, ready to plunder.

Their target was to loot our assets (“Quiet Cultivation”), their weapons were ready, ammunition loaded, and their full attack would likely unfold soon.

Ready to take this opportunity to experience what makes war so intriguing, Fang Cheng signaled everyone to keep calm and then, smiling, said, “Don’t worry, we’ll just wait at our leisure. Alright, it’s getting late, and since Huang Ping and Chen Liang joined us, we haven’t had a team-building dinner. Let’s all go out to eat together, and take the next two days off.”

Boss! You really don’t understand what we want! Our team-building should be working overtime at the company!” Xiao Douzi said nervously.

“No use in talking more.”

“Plus, we just had a week off last week! Don’t you think we spend too little time at work?” Huang Ping asked incredulously.

“Isn’t that great? Not working and still getting paid, isn’t that the life many netizens dream of?”

“We’re different!”

“No use in talking more. We’re going for the buffet, the same one as last time.

By the way, you can bring family members, the studio will reimburse.”

Dragged forcefully to the buffet, Huang Ping watched the company’s front gate close before his eyes and shed tears of regret.

In the past, he had envied Fang Cheng’s studio, envious that they could have a feast during work hours.

But now that he had become one of the feasters, he found himself envying those who could freely work overtime.


Really are a bit masochistic.

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