To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 155: The No-Life King, Lich

Chapter 155: The No-Life King, Lich

They cautiously joined the conversation, as expected.

Count Herman of Beybon Kingdom greets the esteemed Saint.

Duke Eloin of Glaymen Kingdom greets the two Saints.

Upon their arrival, the watching nobles of the Holy Kingdom hardened their expressions.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall chilled as if by magic.

The Holy Kingdom was not particularly welcoming to their visit.

This was because they had only moved once everything was settled, a behavior that was poorly received.

Despite the wars recent end, the relationship between the neighboring countries and the Holy Kingdom had grown distant.

This distance affected both trade and diplomatic relations.

Of course, they didnt want to lose the power they had amassed, but the current situation could be seen as them having abandoned the Holy Kingdom first.

Ray and Iriel acknowledged their greetings.


Thank you for coming such a long way.

Iriels words carried a hint of sharpness.

It was as though she was questioning why they had come, having ignored the Holy Kingdom during the war.

They tried to maintain a nonchalant demeanor despite wiping away sweat.

Hahaha. Thank you for your hospitality.

Aside from themselves and their servants, everyone present was a noble of the Holy Kingdom, which explained their palpable tension.

Any misstep could have severe consequences.

Feeling the pressure, they brought up their reason for visiting.

If its not too much of an imposition on the Saints the Beybon Kingdom has an urgent matter to discuss.

Eloin eyed Herman nervously as he took the lead in speaking.

A positive outcome here could signify significant progress, but a negative one might result in humiliation and expulsion.

Rays expression turned into a slight frown.

From their way of speaking, it appeared they were seeking assistance, which was perplexing.

When the Holy Kingdom had fought for its survival and sought their aid, they had been nothing more than spectators.

They could have been executed for such a grave diplomatic offense.

Well listen.

With Rays permission, Herman continued, his head bowed.

The Beybon Kingdom is currently facing a financial crisis due to the sudden halt of all trade with the Holy Kingdom. We were hoping to restore relations to their previous state

Before Herman could finish, the enraged Holy Kingdom nobles interrupted.

Shut your filthy mouth!

How dare you speak so freely! Leave immediately!

They were open to receiving them as guests, but this was a blatant transgression.

They had come to the Holy Kingdoms banquet and even dared to approach the Saints directly for a favor!

The nobles furious responses made Herman and Eloin recoil.

Yet, they could not afford to remain silent.

If the situation persisted, both the Beybon and Glaymen Kingdoms would face significant financial difficulties, which might necessitate increased taxes or higher fees for using infrastructure.

They had retracted their support, believing the Holy Kingdom would collapse, but it had endured stubbornly like a weed.

Their judgment had been seriously flawed.

In the Holy Kingdoms view, they were traitors who had heartlessly ignored its plea for assistance.

Even if the roles were reversed, their current actions were indefensible.

Ray observed them pensively before he spoke.

Thats strange.

What do you mean?

At Hermans question, Rays brow creased slightly.

You claim the Beybon Kingdom is in financial trouble and has come to seek our help, correct?

Yes, thats right.

Why should we assist a kingdom that failed to come to our aid when the Holy Kingdom was in peril and now seeks our support only because they are in distress?

Rays comment caused the nobles expressions to grow even more hostile.

With the Saint expressing such sentiments, it seemed the decision against them had already been made.

The Holy Kingdom, too, had not been without its losses.

The disruption of trade had certainly put a strain on the Holy Kingdoms finances.

However, they managed it through other means.

Eclay and Iriel had worked tirelessly over the past days, losing weight due to their dedication, primarily because of these two kingdoms.

Considering the current fatigue was largely caused by the two kingdoms, Iriels gaze was anything but warm.

I agree with the Saint. Im sorry for the trouble youve gone through to come here, but we would like you to withdraw from this matter.

Their clear refusal made Herman and Eloins faces fall.

They desperately needed to resolve this issue.

For the Beybon Kingdom, which relied heavily on trade, the situation was particularly critical.

We implore you to reconsider

Ive already said wed like you to leave.

Overwhelmed by her commanding divine power, they had no choice but to relent.

It was time to step back and observe the situation.


Enjoy the banquet.

The cold stares of the nobles fell upon them.

Their looks were as good as an expulsion order.

Herman and Eloin dejectedly left the banquet hall.

The expressions of Griaia and the others were also not favorable.

Having lost many loved ones in the war and suffered greatly, they were deeply offended by the impertinent behavior of these kingdoms.

Theyre shameless.

Theres nothing to say. Hahaha

Coming to ask for financial help now

Honestly, the request itself wasnt unreasonable.

They were simply asking to restore the previous trade relations.

However, the problem lay in their approach.

Theres an adage that you receive help only if youve given it. Having betrayed them first and then using the Popes inauguration as a pretext to ask for favors was not fitting etiquette.

Furthermore, it wasnt a formal request for an audience but rather a direct appeal at a banquet, which was unacceptable.

Of course, they were desperate, but for the nobles, this was a step too far.

In any other country, things might have been different, but in the Holy Kingdom, these two were as sacred as representatives of the gods.

Iriel lightly tapped her teacup, drawing everyones attention.

Lets not worry about that and enjoy the banquet. The rest will be handled by His Holiness the Pope.

The nobles chuckled at her subtle way of passing the responsibility to the Pope.

It would indeed be regrettable not to enjoy a banquet that had been so long in coming.

True to the Holy Kingdoms worship of Gaia, the goddess of abundance, the banquet hall was resplendent.

The wine, rich in flavor with a clean aftertaste, and the sumptuous yet smooth food were truly of the highest quality.

The slightly unusual taste of the wine stimulated Rays palate.

He hadnt had a drink in a long time.

Had it been since the baptism ceremony?

It was a pleasantly sharp sensation that he hadnt felt in a while.

Iriel spoke as she sipped her wine.

It seemed like it would never end but somehow the war has concluded.

It doesnt seem completely over yet, though.

Huhuhu. Yes, just the remnants though.

At her words, Ray shook his head.

Theres also the Necromancer.


In any case, the Necromancer couldnt exert much power now that Proxia had been decimated.

He had been kept alive only to extract information, so executing him now wouldnt make much of a difference.

However, they hadnt considered one thing.

The remnants of Proxia werent the only ones left.

A young man quietly opened his eyes.

The dried tears of blood made it difficult for him to see.

It seemed he had died once.

He was the Lord, the magician of Proxia whom Ray thought he had killed.

Standing up, he surveyed his miraculously recovered body.

The surroundings were utterly devastated.

A plague had swept through, leaving the corpses of soldiers strewn about, and mighty Proxia was reduced to ruins.

I failed. And died.

How long had it been since he last faced death?

He never thought there would be anyone left who could kill him.

With Proxias fall, his dreams of continental destruction seemed far-fetched.

His mind filled with thoughts of his last battle against Ray.

The hold spell Ray used in the end revealed an undeniable truth.

Was he of a higher circle than me?

Hold spells usually worked only on those of a lower circle.

It was common knowledge that one couldnt hold someone of an equal or higher circle.

Considering this, it seemed Ray had surpassed the 8th circle.

A human higher in circle than me, a Lich

He had indeed died, but his revival was possible because he was a No-Life King, a Lich.

Even Ray didnt know his mana was so pure that it was undetectable.

At a glance, one might not even recognize him as a black magician.

He had placed his life vessel, the source of his existence, elsewhere.

Thus, the destruction of his physical body didnt matter much.

But he hadnt expected to die so suddenly.

It had happened in an instant.

He still felt the pain from when his heart was pierced and the sword blade entered his side.

The overwhelming power left him feeling futile and yet admiring.

Such was the nature of magicians.

The respect magicians showed their Lord was their way of acknowledging his strength.

Though he was a Lich and not a magician, his attitude toward those of higher circles remained the same.

Thats why he was overjoyed when he became Lord.

He reveled in ruling over all magicians.

Even Proxia submitted to him, such was his power as Lord.

The might of the 7th circle that could devour a magic tower in an instant was tremendous.

Proxia had entrusted its forces to him without hesitation.

His admiration for Ray was profound.

To know that someone had surpassed the lonely heights of the 7th circle made his heart race for the first time in a long while.

Peeling the blood crust from his eyes and straightening his clothes, he gazed into the distance.

I will come to find you now.

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