To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 166: The Lesian Empire (1)

Chapter 166: The Lesian Empire (1)

The journey to the empire was not perilous.

Who would dare attack a carriage escorted by an entire order of knights?

Their daunting presence alone, coupled with their overwhelming numbers, ensured that no monster dared initiate an attack.

Thus, the journey was safer than any before it.

Ray took out the grimoire he had brought from Proxya.

To unlock the grimoires magic seal, one needed to understand the magic formula with which it was bound.

However, only the caster of the magic would know this.

Unlike ordinary locking magic, this seal had a somewhat unique structure.

Simply put, the magic binding this grimoire was not the commonly known Lock spell.

It was constructed with magic circles, locked with magic formulas, and sustained by immense mana.

Even for someone as intellectually gifted as Ray, unlocking it was not easy for this reason.

In such cases, there is a brute but effective method.

Due to the nature of the step-by-step unlocking, using all the magic formulas eventually opens the grimoire.

However, this could take a very long time.

In the worst-case scenario, it could take decades.

But for Ray, it was different.

As he unlocked each lock, he understood the magic formulas.

With each unlock, his understanding deepened, and his unlocking speed increased.

As he applied the formulas to the magic circles, he found that they were set in a fairly structured manner, which made it easier to unlock as he progressed.

But there were countless locks to undo.

Ray, swiftly eliminating them, muttered while holding the book.

This definitely wont end today.

There seemed to be no end in sight.

The unlocking speed increased, but the number of locks still to be released outnumbered those already unlocked.

Yet, he did not give up.

He firmly believed that there would be a teleportation spell inside.

He didnt expect something as advanced as Teleport.

He would be overjoyed even with something like Fly.

Among all spells, Fly, the sole flight-type magic, is a 5th circle spell.

Moreover, humans rarely used it due to its high mana consumption.

Furthermore, the grimoire was so difficult to obtain that even a Saint like himself couldnt easily gain access to it.

Naturally, it should be more readily available within the Holy Kingdom.

That left learning from Aira as the only viable alternative.

Certainly, he would have preferred to learn Teleport.

But that would be out of the question unless he visited the elf village.

Teleport is not the next-door pet dogs name; its not something that can be easily learned in a brief time.

Inside the carriage, Ray diligently worked to unlock the grimoires seal(?) until nightfall.

Thus, his days were spent unlocking, and his nights, sleeping; a relentless cycle of strenuous effort repeated.

Five days had passed since they left the Holy Kingdom.

According to Heor, they would soon reach the border of the Lesian Empire.

Whether his statement was accurate or not, after another half day, they were welcomed by a well-organized guard unit alongside a massive wall.

Upon seeing the luxurious carriage and the formidable knights, the guard appeared somewhat tense and inquired,

What brings you here?

We are here by the royal summons of the Holy Kingdom, Heor responded, presenting a letter bearing the Emperors seal.

Recognizing it, the guard immediately turned inward and commanded,

Open the gates! Distinguished guests have arrived!

As he spoke, the imposing gates swung open.

Thank you.

With a brief expression of appreciation, Heor directed the procession of knights into the city of the Lesian Empire.

From within the carriage, Ray also took in the view outside.

The architectural style bore similarities to that of the Silia Kingdom where he had been, yet there were distinct differences.

The materials used for buildings appeared dissimilar, and there was a subtle presence of mana in the air, hinting at the widespread use of magical tools throughout the city.

Were these to be employed as weapons, the city would be no less than a stronghold.

He noted this with mild admiration.

The standard of living in the Lesian Empire was vastly different from that of the Silia Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom.

Unlike other kingdoms that were constantly threatened by monsters, even the smallest villages in the Lesian Empire lived without fear.

The empires walls protected not just the city but also the outlying villages.

Ray peeked out of the carriage, taking in his surroundings.

The very air seemed different.

So this is the famous empire, huh?

They had reached the empire.

Remarkably, they had not encountered a single monster along the way.

Upon entering the city, they did not rest but headed directly for the imperial city, driven by Rays urgency.

His eagerness, a reflection of the unique Korean ethos of hurry-hurry, was somewhat overwhelming.

Even though they could have taken a break upon reaching the imperial city, he insisted on pressing forward.

But his urgency made sense.

Unbeknownst to them, the emperor lay critically ill.

As it was a matter of national security for both the kingdom and the empire, he could not reveal the truth and could only urge them onward.

Of course, the knights fatigue was understandable.

The journey had been long, with scant opportunity for proper rest.

After nine days on the road, sleeping rough, exhaustion had surely set in.

The only one who might not have been tired was Heor.

Throughout the journey, he was aglow with delight at being in the Saints company.

He smiled so constantly that at one point, he looked almost like he had neurological facial muscle stiffness, nearly prompting a medical intervention.

It was only after another half day, having passed through the border city, that they finally entered the imperial city.

Inside the imperial palace, a battle for sovereignty raged.

As a result, the air was always charged with tension.

Observing others for mistakes and plotting assassinations were daily occurrences for those coveting the throne.

Yet, outwardly, the calm was such that an outsider might not notice any disturbance.

The most prominent candidate for the emperor was the First Prince, with the Second Prince closely watching him.

But the princes were not the only ones vying for power.

The First, Third, and Fourth Princesses each supported different candidates, engaging in what could be described as a tightrope walk.

A misstep could lead to their execution by a future emperor.

So, they did not hesitate to resort to assassination.

Of course, the princes had trained in swordsmanship from a young age, so they were not easy targets.

But if someone close were to stab them from behind, anyone, unless they were a swordmaster, would be defenseless.

As a result, the princes were more on edge than anyone else.

The Second Prince was acutely attuned to the palaces atmosphere, maintaining a facade of alertness.

The Fifth Prince, who had always been frail, now unexpectedly entered the competition for the throne.

His target was the Third Prince.

Not too threatening among his elders, yet not too removed from the power dynamics.

For the Fifth Prince, the Third Prince was the ideal prey.

The intelligent Third Prince knew the truth, but for him, killing a brother was an unthinkable act.

He had a warmer heart than any of his siblings that he had seen thus far.

This prince had resolved to protect the Third Prince at all costs.

Consequently, he became colder and more adept at navigating the challenges that came his way.

The further he was from the power structure, the fewer means he had to protect his younger brother.

He opened an elaborately decorated door.

Inside, the First Princess was sitting on the bed.

The prince bowed slightly.

I heard you called for me, he said.

Yes, I wanted to see you, she replied.

As she rose from the bed, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Despite having different mothers, they were clearly siblings, yet their actions resembled those of a betrothed couple.

The First Princess, already quite advanced in years, was about to turn fifty and was deeply infatuated with the prince.

Therefore, she supported him in his quest to win her over.

As the first princess, she held the highest power among all the princesses.

Her power was necessary to protect the third prince.

A smile crept onto his otherwise cold face.

I too was thinking of you, sister.

Ho ho ho. Perhaps we are fated.

As he finished speaking, he warmly embraced the princess.

She exclaimed in surprise, Why this? Youre acting out of character today.

While embracing her, with his expression hidden, his face turned bitterly cold.

Fate, what nonsense. This cursed woman.

Despite her involvement in the assassination plot against the third prince, she spoke so casually.

It seemed she had realized he was protecting the third prince.

She was a woman quick to understand.

The implicit hostage situation involving the third prince limited his actions.

Thus, he had to pretend a love that brought him no joy.

As the princesss face turned rosy, only frost seemed to swirl on the princes face.

It was late evening when he arrived at the imperial palace.

A well-dressed middle-aged man appeared to have been waiting, greeting him at the gate.

Greetings, Saint. I am Count Ophil.

Pleased to meet you. I am Ray, the Saint.

Please, speak more formally. Its overwhelming.

I prefer it this way. Dont worry about it.


Count Ophil glanced over the Holy Knights and then shook his head.

Saint, Im terribly sorry to ask, but could everyone please step back?

What do you mean!

Heor was about to protest Ophils request, but Ray stopped him.

Everyone, step back. Youve worked hard, so rest in the annex.

Understood, Saint.

Heor hesitated for a moment, but then complied without objection.

He knew the strength of the Saint.

Therefore, he could easily obey the Saints command.

Had the Saint been powerless, he would not have stepped back so willingly.

The Holy Knights saluted Ray and followed the empires servants to the annex.

Ray understood Count Ophils intentions.

The emperor must be trying his best to conceal his illness.

It made sense.

Had the roles been reversed, the Holy Kingdom would have acted similarly, although the Pope falling ill was unlikely.

Count Ophil bowed his head.

Thank you for obliging.

No problem. Lets go check on the illness first.

The count seemed relieved at his words.

In truth, the urgency was on the empires side.

They had been worried that the Saint might want to rest, but he understood the situation without needing an explanation, proving himself to be a cooperative Saint.

Count Ophil quickly led the way, comforted by the smooth progress.

Please, follow me.

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