To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 184: Team Battle Arrangements (1)

Chapter 184: Team Battle Arrangements (1)

Hey, sorcerer

To think Id actually see a sorcerer in my lifetime

Whispers surrounded Ray as he stepped into the gambling area.

Like the day before, Ray followed the same secluded path and placed a leather pouch in front of the proprietor at the table.


The heavy sound indicated the substantial amount inside.

The proprietor eyed Ray and remarked, What an interesting kid. I took you for a novice until yesterday, but it turns out youre a sorcerer.

Ray offered no reply but set down another pouch.

In the previous days duel, Ray had emerged victorious by default against a third-circle youth, netting him more than double his stake.

The favorable odds had made this windfall possible.

However, he knew this strategy wouldnt be as effective starting from today.

A queue of people now lined up, eager to place wagers on him.

Total it up, its 120 gold coins. Bet it all on me.

Despite his bold proclamation, the proprietor couldnt dismiss him with a laugh like he had done before, now aware that Rays confidence had merit.

Having stated his intention, Ray made his way to the duel arena without delay.

With three victories under his belt, the team battle, which didnt involve gambling, was approaching. He needed to capitalize on the third round.

In essence, today marked the last day he could reap profits from gambling.

Ray clicked his tongue, feeling a twinge of disappointment.

Well, cant be helped. Gambling is the best way to scrape together a little extra, but with money to collect from the Holy Kingdom, I might as well quit while Im ahead.

The earnings from today were already considerable.

Dismissing the sum as a trifle, Ray advanced toward the duel arena with an airy stride.

The duel concluded without fanfare.

In the swordsmanship duels, competitors typically gauged each others abilities before admitting defeat, but magic duels were a different matter.

Hes a sorcerer!

Theres no way we can win!

The young magicians surrendered before they even made an attempt.

To the audience, it was an obvious outcome:

The emergence of a rare sorcerer on the continent.

And not just any sorcerer.

A sorcerer who could suspend over a hundred fireballs in mid-air.

That scene alone showed he possessed firepower equivalent to a small to medium-sized magic battalion.

Thus, Ray easily secured his third victory and automatically qualified for the team battle.

After a day of rest, the team arrangements were complete.

Ray was placed in Group D.

To prevent unnecessary contact with nobles, the Emperors orders effectively isolated him.

Of course, Ray preferred it that way.

Since no one bothered him, he had more time to himself.

Ray even skipped the strategy meeting for the team battle.

He had learned from war that strategy was meaningless against powerful magic.

Though helpful, it only mattered when equals fought.

He even considered using Earthquake to blow up the entire arena if necessary.

Looking back, in the Lesian Empire, he had been bothered with disputes but never gained anything beneficial.

So, there was no need to be overly cautious.

Ray, while reading a book, had only half-heard about the rules of the team battle.

Each teams base had a flag planted in it.

The objective seemed to be to capture the opponents flag and plant it in ones own base first.

Therefore, indiscriminately casting magic spells wasnt the best approach.

The focus was on using appropriate magic to achieve the goal.

Knowing the rules, Ray saw no need for practice.

Just need to fetch the flag, how easy is that?

While his teammates were busy formulating strategies and coordinating their magic, Ray sat reading a book.

The day of the team battle arrived.

The rules for both the swordsmanship and magic team battles were identical:

Simply capture the opponents flag and plant it first.

Despite not attending the strategy sessions, Ray yawned away on the day of the competition, slightly annoying his teammates.

However, due to his title as a sorcerer, they dared not express their irritation.

Instead, they communicated among themselves, excluding Ray.

The team battle unfolded in a small forest filled with trees, except for the respective bases, creating numerous obstacles.

It was inconvenient for a straightforward rush but ideal for ambushes and surprise attacks.

A tall youth looked around and said, As we discussed yesterday, well just run straight in. Mr. Heibon, please take the lead. Well follow and look for a chance to snatch the flag.

Alright, lets do that.

Okay, its difficult, but lets give it a try!

They nodded at each other and quickly formed ranks.

Lets go!

At the youths command, a man named Heibon led the charge.

Running through the forest presented many obstacles unless one was an elf.

Trees blocked the way, and the noise of stepping on dry leaves made it easy to be detected.

Once they had disappeared from the base, Ray was left to guard it.

He casually sat down next to the flag.

His extraordinary perception extended far beyond the small forest, allowing him to clearly see his opponents movements.

Sensing the approach of three people heading towards his base, Ray casually plucked the flag from the ground.

Soon, three men arrived.

Youre late. Where did you wander off to?

We were scouting around. Looks like everyone left you behind?

I alone am enough to guard this place.

Keep in mind, this is a swordsmanship team battle. Can you, who cant use magic, stand against the three of us?

Who knows.

Misinterpreting Rays ambiguous response, one man reached out and said, Hand over that flag. I acknowledge your magic is great, but your swordsmanship doesnt compare. Hand it over quietly, and you wont get hurt.

As they spoke, they drew their weapons.

Clang- Clang-

Swords clashed, creating a threatening atmosphere.

Yet Ray remained completely nonchalant.

Wow, you guys use pretty good stuff, huh? No joke. Mine is just something like this.

He waved the flag he held in the air.

If you understand, then hand it over. You know that hitting without causing a fatal wound is allowed, right?

Of course, I know. Its an important rule.

Good, we understand each other.

As the man with the sword approached slowly, Ray smirked.

You brought our flag?

Ive hidden it on me. Its not technically against the rules. And since its small, it should be easy to conceal.

It was an excellent strategy.

Even if opponents encountered them while carrying the flag, they would waste time searching for it in their base.

Their decision to move separately in a group of three to avoid suspicion was praiseworthy.

The three men shook their heads at Rays sharp words.

As expected, we cant get past you. Youre too observant.

Knowing this, we cant let you go. Dont take it too personally; its all for the win.

The three men attacked simultaneously.

Swords aimed from three different directions seemed unavoidable.

But Ray blocked all their swords with the flag he held.


The wooden flagstaff clashing with the swords made an unbelievably loud sound.

Ray looked at them slyly, grinning.

Hehehe. What luck.

Just by sitting there, the opportunity to grab the flag presented itself.

It was a win-win situation, especially for Ray!

He swung the precious flag of his base indiscriminately.

Hand over everything youve got, you bastards!

Thump- Thud-

Solid blows landed, followed by screams.



They were overwhelmed by the intense pain.

Even with mana protecting their bodies, the pain was significant. Unprotected, they would have been pulverized.

They didnt know it, but even orcs and trolls from the Holy Kingdom had suffered beatings like this from Ray.

What kind of sorcerer was he to have such high-level swordsmanship skills?

They wanted to protest to the heavens at that moment.

Two of the men quickly regrouped and tried to block Ray with their swords.

Ugh! This bastard!

As they prepared their stance, Ray lightly released his aura.

His small but dense aura instantly sliced through their expensive swords.


Their swords were cut as easily as tofu, the sound resembling paper tearing.



It wasnt an aura blade, but Rays aura boasted a density unmatched by anyone else.

No wonder it could slice through mere metal scraps so effortlessly.

As they stared dumbfoundedly at their swords, Ray began to strike them again.

Each hit from Ray, like a bard skillfully playing an instrument, elicited a different scream.


Stop! Please, stop! Aaaargh!

Well hand over the flag, just stop! Aaaaah!

Not just the flag. Hand over all the money you have! Hahaha!

At that moment, it was unclear whether Ray was a saint or a bandit.

Theres no flag in the base What on earth

Heibon muttered in disbelief, to which the youth offered comforting words.

Think of this as scouting until now. Lets return to our base. Even a sorcerer cant defend the flag alone in a swordsmanship team battle.

Alright, lets do that.

They returned to their base, only to be met with an unbelievable scene.

Before them lay three men writhing on the ground, with Ray casually sitting, having planted two flags.

Ray spoke to his teammates.

These three had the flag hidden on them.

So, youre saying you took it from them by yourself?

I was just lucky.

His teammates werent naive enough to be satisfied with that explanation.

Each of them thought to themselves.

This could be easier than we thought?

What kind of person is skilled in both swordsmanship and magic?

Their view of Ray began to change, bit by bit.

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