To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 138: Battle of the Long Night (A Little Serene)

Chapter 138: Battle of the Long Night (A Little Serene)

[Dragon Arts - Red Judgement: Red Sky, Raining Spear]

Two big things happened to the Land of Honor sky. One is hundreds of red spear raining down from the red sky. The other is the hundreds of red spear kills all the harpies and triggers the bomb. Make all the bombs explode in the sky and paint the sky with fire.

"Cause, bebeh, ur a firework! Komon, show'em what yor worth! Make'em go, "Waw, waw, waw." As you you shoot across the ska-a-aye!"

When the scene is so mind-blowing, Jade suddenly heard someone sing a song passionately. 

"Ahh! That feels good!"

That is the Greedy guy. He does not get startled by the scene. In fact, he gets affected really happily instead. It was as if he had just released the stress in his head, looking very relieved.

The surprise didn't stop there.

Suddenly, heard a 'boom' sound came from the cathedral. 

A bomb by chance escaped from [Red Sky, Raining Spear] and fell over the barrier cathedral. It seems trivial. However, that trivial matter is able to trigger more destruction of the ground supporting the cathedral.

Everyone in the cathedral screaming because the ground moving again. 


In an instant, Jade immediately running to save the cathedral. 

However, Ars makes a move way faster. He launched three Sinaga Sword in three directions beneath the cathedral barrier. 

Moments after that, the cathedral stops moving down. 

Everybody shocked but relieved at the same time. 

Jade once more got mind blown by the Greedy guy's action. 

"What did you do?" asked Jade. 

"Hm? Just some big brain move."

Jade didn't know the meaning of that answer. But she is glad that the guy is on their side. Even though he came so late to help them. 

The cathedral saved. The [Red Sky, Raining Spear] is over. The Harpies is all dead. The boss monster is defeated. Somehow all the lizardmen gone nowhere. What remained is Deadly Vulture that somehow escaped [Red Sky, Raining Spear].

All these things happened because of the arrival of the Greedy Young Master. 

All of that is a good thing. But Jade also felt that there is a very high cost to pay. Of course, all the cost it must pay to the Greedy guy. 

"Wait!" "You, sir!"

Harry and Henry finally arrived at the Stairs of Serenity. Panting, they stopped the man who saved the cathedral.

"We..." "Saw you..." "Saved the cathedral..." "And wanted to say thank you!"

They talking like that with bowing their heads. 

Ars, however, presume their arrival. He did not give them response until he reach to the tip of the huge ditch that circled the cathedral. 

Harry and Henry followed the man while wondering. 

"You two, make ten swords each, then create stairs to reach the cathedral's gate. No need to be specific for now. Just make it to become your platform to reach the other side."

The man suddenly ordered them to do something. 

"We just need 20 sword to reach the gate?" "It might be tiring, but not impossible."

Plus, why did the man know what their Arts could do? Even the two of them didn't think about the usefulness of their Arts abilities besides defending. 

"Power is the same as science. They are meant to make human life easier. So don't just use your muscles, use your brain too now and then."

The man's last word, Harry and Henry, seemed to have heard that sentence before. Words that insult them because they're not smart, but also tell them to be smart.


Harry and Henry turned around to look at the man. But somehow he had disappeared.

"What the?!" "He just disappeared like it was a story in a webnovel?!"

The two of them might be surprised, but a moment after that they immediately returned to think about the task assigned to them.


Kane had just witnessed that the Savior, their Sword Master who had somehow changed appearance, disappeared, teleporting once again behind the twins.

Then he heard someone getting up behind him. It was Aiden. 

Aiden wiped all the tears in his face. Then walked to take the Deputy Administrator's axesword. 

"H-hey, isn't that hot?"

The Deputy Administrator unknown-name axesword, a few moments ago burned in a hot heaven's fire. But Aiden, even though his hand started to burn holding the axesword, he somehow looked at it very seriously.

Then suddenly, he slammed his head against the axesword until it made the sound of two hard objects being pitted against.

"W-what are you doing, man?!"

Just seeing that made Kane feel the pain too in forehead.

In other side, Aiden didn't care about the pain he felt. He didn't even care about the burns on his forehead and the blood that flowed from the wounds he got.

Kane began to understand what Aiden was feeling. He pissed off with himself. 

As a man and a Sword Disciple, he was confident that they would win the battle. But unexpected things continued to happen to threaten the cathedral and made the Deputy Administrator have to sacrifice herself to save the cathedral.

Aiden was right in front of the incident when it was happened. But he couldn't do anything, and that is what made him angry with himself.

"You okay?" asked Aiden.

The bleeding on his forehead has stopped. The bleeding on his forehead has stopped.

"I really suck."

On the outside he looked calm, but on the inside it seemed he is still dealing with anger.

At Aiden's negativity, Kane snorted, chuckled. "Yes, we are."

Aiden feeling down. Instead of giving him a cheer up, Kane proudly agreed to the negativity. He fully accepted that they are suck.

"But, just like Master Arsen usually said: "Hey, stupid. Don't think too much about it. You will end up overthinking it and you won't make any progress and I'll start hitting you again if you're stuck on your own fault.""

At Kane's words like a joke, Aiden got amused remembering the moments every time their Sword Master said that.

Those are not wise words to encourage you. But you won't want your Sword Master to start beating you again, and that honesty in violent is what makes you strong the way you are now.

"Every failure is also a teaching. You can cry or angry about it. But you can't refuse its arrival. The world is cruel and you have to fight it in order to get strong."

Those words didn't come from Kane's own mouth. He stole and use it to lighten up the atmosphere.


Aiden finally accepts the reality where they are in and chooses to move forward. 

"Every time, man."

Fully recovered, Aiden starts to walk. 

"Let's go up."

"On your lead."

They are going up to the peak to catch up with the twins. 


Jade still got frozen. Unable to recover from the mind blowing scene just now. 

"Bos... Boss!"

Her men revived her to reality. 

"Uh, yeah, what is it?"

"What do we do now?"

"What do we do now?"

At first they ran to that place in order to save the Cathedral. However, one random Greedy guy suddenly appears to end the whole problem and save the day, the night. 

"Let's just go to the Cathedral. Maybe they need some help with anything."

Jade just arrived a few days ago in the city. She did have the intention to stop by the cathedral. But why not now, when the cathedral is in front of her eyes?

There they begin to walk to the cathedral. Even though the cathedral is far enough across from the big ditch.

When they get close to the ditch, they could see the previous two cathedral disciples working on something. 

"Excuse me, what are you two doing?" asked Jade to the twin. 

The twins seemed focused on their swords and somehow measured the distance between the end of the ditch to the cathedral gate. 

"Is it straight yet?" "I think yes." "Don't think it, stupid. Look and correctly measured it." "Hey, don't you hear what Master Arsen said? It's no need to be that specific. The important thing is we can reach the other side." "Don't you also hear Master Arsen said to use you brain now and then!" "Those words are for you too!"

Somehow they fight with each other over a trivial thing. 

There Jade walks up to mediate them. 

"Hey, excuse me!"

"What?!" "What?!"

They finally notice her, but in an angry expression. 

Then they quickly realize that Jade is not a person they should yell at. 

"O-oh, we are sorry!" "What is it, Miss?"

"You want to make some kind of bridge to the cathedral, right? Then let my member help you."

The twins looked at each other, a little hesitantly. But they did not refuse the assistance.

One of Jade's men, wearing glasses, is seen measuring the distance between their positions and the cathedral gate. After he finished measuring, he turned to the twins.

"The distance is about 100 meters further forward. And the straight line is right where I stand."

The twins were amazed at this man's cleverness.

"Ooh, so that's why Master said we just need 20 swords!" "Heh, think you can handle it?" "Don't underestimate me just because you are the older!"

Although Jade did not know what is the difference between them.

However, the twins start working with something. Once again, they focused on their sword. 

'What actually they want to do with their sword?' muttered Jade in her hearts. 

The twins sword looks like an earth element sword. And the two swords are also twins, like their wielder.

"[Sword Copying]!" "[Ten Sword]!"

Suddenly, the twins create 20 elemental artificial sword that lined up from the tip of the ditch to the cathedral gate.

Jade glared at the skill. During her life in Abyssal Terra, it was the first time she had seen a skill that could reproduce an elemental sword.

After creating twenty sword, the twins look at each other. 

"Don't get fainted in the middle of the process." "You too!"

They both started doing something again. 

"[Earth Arts]!" "[Raising Ground]!"

This time they let their two swords float in the air, right in front of them. Then they made a move like martial arts.

At their moving, something happened to the ditch. The ground that was in the ditch being lifted up by Arts. All the grounds gathered together and coalesced into a rectangular block centered on each elemental copy of the sword.

A bridge made of natural earth connected the Stairs of Serenity to the cathedral once again.

Jade once again gaping.

The two youths, the disciples of the cathedral, had performed miracles that even a high-ranking Caster would find difficult to do.

But after performing that miracle, the twin lay on the ground, exhausted. It seemed that the Arts had exhausted all their energy.

There were so many things Jade wanted to ask them. But she had to postpone it until the twins recovered.

"Carry them to the cathedral."

Jade ordered two of her men to carry the twins. Then they started to climb the Stairs of Serenity made by the twins.

On the way up, Jade deliberately slows down and leaves the party first.

Stop walking, she looked up at the sky. The sky is still dark. Even though it didn't seem over yet, at least they gave some time to breathe.

The Deadly Vulture still wondering in the sky. Got nowhere to go. 

"As long as that bird wasn't killed, something worse wouldn't happen."

That's what Jade and all the hunters want. 

But in the end the bird got killed by being burned by the black flames in the air.

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