To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 141: Battle of Catastrophe (3)

Chapter 141: Battle of Catastrophe (3)

Saint Arcane Cathedral / 

Ars saved the cathedral from collapsing. 

However, the Black Hunter group launched an attack that was bigger than before. They triggered a Catastrophe Beast summons that headed for the East District.

That, of course, is terrible. 

In addition, there was news that the East District had locked themselves or got locked in the district. Nothing can get in or out of it.

Elisa of course has been very worried about that. 

Her foster sister, Sylvia, wouldn't do something so stupid to her family.

That's why she's trying to go over there, to see if they are locked up or not?

But unfortunately her way got blocked. So she can only see from the inside of the cathedral.

Then suddenly, there was a sizeable explosion that took place on the north side of the east district wall.

It was true. There is a battle taking place within the district.

Elisa reflexively tried to run outside.

"No, little girl! We can't let you go outside!"

But again, her way got blocked.

Not only two adult male gatekeepers, but also a female teacher pulled Elisa behind. 

"We know you are worried, Elizabeth. But let the adults handle this. We can't let you into that danger."

Didn't allow her. 

Everything her surrounding adults did is true. 

Everything that happens outside the cathedral is beyond the capabilities of young people like her.

But she has to go there no matter what. 

She didn't want to do that, but there is no other choice, she had to go back to church.


Gate of Hell's Judgement slowly closed. The Imp singing the Chants of Hell's Lullaby as the gate closed. 

Everyone who sees the event shivering. 

Except the Abyss Pit, Gate of Hell's Judgement, is a gruesome sight they didn't want to see. 


In a blink of an eye, Sylvia pulled her sword back, then in the next blink, she launched Blue Clarity to the Demon King Commander.

A streak of blue light shot up to DKC.

DKC captures the blue light with his right hand. Despite being caught, the streak of blue light still has the speed boost that gives DKC a little push. 

However, DKC managed to stop the blue light, Blue Clarity and crush it until back to mana. 

It was the first time anyone had escaped Blue Clarity.

It is undeniable that what they are facing at the time is the Demon King Commander. Plus the right hand of DKC is not an ordinary right hand. A hand that has the shape of a reptile demonic's hand, or a dragon's hand if look more closely.

That right hand is the unusual part of the body of DKC. The rest of his body is normal except his flawed face.

Even though the attack from her legendary weapon got stopped, Sylvia wasn't surprised. 

Sylvia raised her left hand with a grip. That is a sign for Ranged Hunter to ready their attack.

"I don't know what resentment you hold on to me. But if you also intend to destroy this city, then all the female warriors who live in this city will not remain silent."

DKC is strong, and they all know that. But that doesn't mean they will run away from him. After all, if they ran away from him, they would have to be forced to face the Catastrophe Beast. Even though they could run away from the Catastrophe Beast, that meant they would leave their beloved city.

Not wanting to choose that, they stood strong to fight.

"Then die, in your... misery."

Sylvia released her left hand. 

A dozen of attack being launched to DKC. 

DKC raised his right hand. 

Sylvia activated Blue Clarity. Then she slashed up front. Her slash cut through the explosion blow coming from DKC.

It was likely that he had waved his demonic right hand to return all the attacks that had been launched.

Luckily, there were no more than 30 of them. So Sylvia was able to protect them from the burst of energy just now.

But unexpectedly, DKC looks like he will do a scratch attack with his demonic's right hand. 

All the tank reflexively rushed to the front of the party and raised their shields. Veora exclusively standing right in front of Sylvia.

"[Sentinel Fortress]!"

DKC sent claws of dark energy that blew everything in front of him. 

Yes, Sylvia and the rest of her subordinates blown quite far back. 

Not only them, the claw attack just now swept through the buildings that were within range of the attack.

Sylvia landed on both feet. On the other hand, her subordinates fell on their backs or fell to their knees in the shock of the attack just now.

"What's with that attack?!" asked Veora, kneel down in a bit thrill. 

"Probably because of his dark flames. That is not an ordinary Dark Arts. There is something about it that seems off." 

DKC's Dark Flames cannot be cleared or destroyed with Arts. 

At that time, the Dark Flames managed to drop their party's defenses and threw them far enough.

They think the fight with the DKC will only be a battle of strength. But who would have thought, it turn out into another complicated battle.


The Catastrophe Beast howled once again. The howl didn't sound like it was just a howl or a courier debuff howl. The howl sounded more complicated.

After that howl, one point of the Land of Honor's sky turned red for the third time. But this time it wasn't raining red spears or the opening of the gates of hell. 

That one red dot grew brighter and brighter over time, like a large fireball descending downward.


"Is that a motherfucking meteor?!"

"Looks like it. Catastrophe Beast is a descendant of hell. Fenrir is a walking catastrophe bringer. Grandfather Tree is too. But the 2nd Floor disaster in a whole different level from the 1st Floor."

"What the hell? I thought that dog is Fujitora."

"Who again?"


Their eyes don't lie. The gigantic fireball is a falling meteor sent down by Fenrir.


Sylvia shouted at Veora.

Veora immediately drew her sword from its sheath and threw it at Sylvia.

The meteor is huge enough if it hit the surface, then there is no way it wouldn't perforate Shield City and blow everything around it.

Actually, something as amazing as that is not the first time it had happened on Floor 2.

The Sword Saint, The First ex-Emperor, and the Third Emperor had stopped an attack as big as the meteor like it was now.

However, that is the first time for a Diamond Hunter to face it.

Sylvia held Veora's sword, an SR Wind Elemental Sword, in her left hand. She focused on her left hand to make a single slash into the sky.


Everyone outside the city walls ran away or tried to enter the city even though the standing is very narrow; the west district already has a maximum number of people that could enter.

Jade saw the meteor coming. Green Sky Shield could stop the meteor from hitting the city. However, her opponent, the Hollow Swordsman, did not allow her to turn her shield.



"You will just do nothing to stop the meteor?"

"Your big girl is going to do something. I will see what she will do first."


Sylvia climbed onto the wall divider. Then she jumped high enough to float for a moment in the air.

In midair, she combined Veora's Sword with Blue Sky Sword. Horizontally, she spins twice and then sends out a large slash which is able to counterbalance the size of the meteor.

The giant wind slash shot up into the sky and met the meteor. 

A collision between a gigantic energy and a giant fireball occurred.

At first it seemed that the giant wind slash couldn't stop the meteor. But actually, the meteor got split open by the giant wind slash. Even though it still fell to the surface. But at least the giant ball that was split in half will fell outside of the city and won't give a devastating shock.


After carrying out an attack of that size, Sylvia is out of breath and fell in resignation.

Veora quickly caught her like a falling princess.

At the same time, there is a wave of destruction coming towards them.

Their subordinates tried to stop the destructive wave, but they couldn't and ended up being blown away.


That is DKC. Suddenly his attitude changed and became very aggressive.

He ran fiercely at Sylvia. His demonic hand is ready to launch an attack.

Sylvia could stand, but she still hasn't recovered.

Veora, holding her shield with both hands, stood firmly in front of her leader.

DKC is already in front of their eyes. His eyes lit up, showing huge resentment towards Sylvia.

But suddenly, he stopped.

He lowered his head, restrained himself. His left hand tried to stop his right hand.

"St..op,, me."

He is trying to hold back something inside himself, which didn't seem like himself.

"She, is not... wished, for this."

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