Touch of Fate

Chapter 155: The Noble Choice

Chapter 155: The Noble Choice

Once Red had put some distance between them and the small clearing, Mike finally released his pent up breath, before climbing up into a more comfortable position. Not that there really was one, since dragons seemed to be made exclusively of horns, scales, and sandpaper-like skin.

[Really need to work on a saddle design.]

Red, who was lazily flying in the direction of the capital, gave a slight snort, apparently not particularly enthused by the idea.

Mike took in the scenery for a moment, before directing the dragon to fly faster. Judging from the position of the sun, it was starting to get late, and he needed to get back soon, or face the ire of his party members.

[Well, I've done it before. I can't imagine it being particularly difficult in this case.]

Under his urging, Red flapped his wings once, propelling them through the air at ridiculous speeds in a steep climb. Mike planned on passing over the Old City at high altitudes in order to avoid frightening the citizens of the capital. Once they had reached a position above the University, he thanked the dragon for the ride, and jumped off, and used Air Magic to guide him towards his target.

The wind was roaring in his ears, plucking at the fabric of his clothing. He kept a hand over Audra's pocket to keep her from jumping out at an inconvenient time.

It proved somewhat difficult to recognize his new dorm building from above, though. The Spire was a good landmark, and he used it to find a rough location on where to land, hoping for it to be clear.

With a powerful blast of air, he slowed his descent, coming in hard amidst a small grove of trees, punching his way through the branches and creating a small crater in the ground. Surprisingly, he wasn't really injured in the process, making him suspect that he'd somehow become more durable since the last time he'd attempted something similar.

[I feel like it's related to my attributes somehow, like increasing my Endurance somehow improves my resistance to damage. However, that doesn't really make sense. I suppose that's just another thing I need to look into at some point. I really should be writing these down somewhere.]

Brushing a few loose leaves off his cloak, he started walking towards the dorm, but stopped when he noticed a disturbance in the air a few meters away. He stared at it curiously for a few seconds, before two figures appeared with a quiet 'whumpf' of displaced air.

Mike recognized the first of these as his advisor, Emmanuel, but was unfamiliar with the second, a tall, muscular man with a shaved head. Something about him was pricking at his memory, though.

The Magic Department Chair looked over at him, "I'm glad we finally caught up. You've been a little hard to get a hold of recently, Mike."

"What can I do for you, sir?" He asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the circumstances.

[They seem to have some sort of magical means of tracking me. I'm guessing my student ID is responsible. I wonder what's so important they have to use Space Magic to meet me.]

"Well, it's not so much me, as the headmaster that wished to speak with you." He gestured at the other man.

"Please, call me Alexander." The headmaster said with a smile. "I've been looking forward to meeting you. We have a few things to discuss."

"What can I do for you, sir?" Mike asked, now convinced that things had gotten more serious than he wanted. Hopefully, his cover hadn't been completely blown.

The bald man stared into the distance for a moment, "I have been speaking to your instructors, specifically Johnathan and Madeline. It's quite rare to see a student take classes in different schools of magic over the course of their studies, let alone in their first term. However, both had nothing but good things to say about you and your potential. Madeline in particular was forthcoming with her praise. The term she used was 'revolutionary,' I believe."

Understanding what Alexander was getting at, Mike nodded, feeling secretly relieved that only one layer of his identity had been revealed. "I see, and is there a problem with that?"

"Let's cut straight to the chase, shall we?" The headmaster said with a smile. "You aren't a member of the Dragonknight Order, right?"

"I have never claimed to be." The younger man replied neutrally.

The headmaster's grin widened. "Fair enough, but you are the individual responsible for rescuing Princess Andrea, yes? The one that did so from the back of a Flame Dragon?"

"What is it you are looking for, sir?" Mike asked, allowing his redirection to serve as his answer.

A serious look returned to Alexander's face. "I am sure you are aware of the coming conflict with Tennundi. Very soon, we will be putting out a general Call to Arms in preparation for the defense of the capital. As an Almiran student of the University, you normally would be expected to serve. What remains to be seen, is in what capacity?"

"You are making several assumptions, headmaster." Mike spoke in a grave manner. "Not the least of which, is that I am willing to serve at all."

The grin returned, "Of course. There is very little we can do to stop someone like you from simply leaving the country. However, your actions during the Tennundian attack suggest that you aren't the type to abandon others in their time of need. While you could be acting under the orders of someone, your sponsor for instance, my gut tells me that you are altruistic by nature."

"Hardly. I'm more of a hypocrite than anything else. Regardless, that doesn't explain why you think that I might help you. Altruism is rarely a reliable motivation."

"That is part of why I came to speak with you today. The two of us," Alexander gestured at Emmanuel, "and a handful of others, are aware of your actions during the attack. You saved many lives, including our own. I would like to honor and reward you for your efforts, but your choice to take those actions while in disguise leads me to believe that you are uninterested in glory or fame."

"I find anonymity preferable."

"Then, allow me to offer you my gratitude." The headmaster bowed low before returning to his upright posture. "We have prepared a few rewards for your heroics."

Emmanuel handed Mike an elaborately carved and polished box. "This is something we dug up from the University's vault. Considering the amount of dust that was piled on top of it, I'd be surprised if anyone actually noticed it was missing. However, I would avoid flashing it around."

Inside the box was a leather bracer, etched with tiny and intricate runes. Three disks of a silver metal were embedded into it in a triangular pattern. A quick Appraise told him more.


{Flawed Bracer of the Master Mage}

Magic Item (Tier 3, Rank 3)

Made from Eldritch Wyvern hide and disks of mana attuned silver, this bracer was meant to serve as a focusing device for a war mage. However, due to a flaw in its runic inscriptions, it may only be used as a mana battery.


[So it can be used to store and release mana? That's pretty useful for something that's considered flawed.]

"That item should be close to two hundred years old, judging from inscription style. A little outdated, but still quite handy for a young mage who free casts as much as you do." Emmanuel commented while.

Alexander hopped in. "By the way, we've also increased your restricted section access to level three. There had been some mention of simply giving you full access, but one of your instructors felt that it might encourage you to do something reckless with knowledge that was beyond you at this time. However, I was assured that once you prove capable, that limitation will be lifted."

Even though the item was nice, this was much more important to him. If he wasn't already running late, he would have taken the opportunity to run down to the library and explore the collections he now had access to.

Perhaps seeing Mike's eager expression, the headmaster raised one hand to catch his attention. "There is one final reward, in this case prepared by the Prime Minister himself. I'll let you read for yourself." He said while handing him a sealed envelope. The material was heavy, and he could almost feel the importance of the documents contained within.

He broke the seal and pulled out a bundle of parchment. The very first page was a letter written in small, neat letters.


To the Hero of the Day,

I would first like to thank you for your actions. The nation owes you a debt of gratitude. One that I would like to see repaid.

A royal decree is attached to this letter. The contents are dry and legalistic, so I will summarize and translate here.

It is a Patent of Nobility that will serve to create the Baronial House, with you placed at its head. This title will be hereditary.

Alas, due to the current era of civil strife, it would be a poor move on my part to grant you status as a royal vassal complete with landholdings, since you almost certainly be targeted by competing factions in a manner that would be difficult for you to resist. Once stability has been restored, and territorial borders reestablished, you have my word that this issue will be addressed.

You should note that this decree has not yet been issued by the crown, and as such, has no power. I have not yet done so for a simple reason. It would be the height of ingratitude to burden you with the mantle of aristocracy should you find it onerous. Nobles of the Kingdom of Almir are bound by obligations and restrictions that few commoners would believe.

I will not mince words here, but accepting this reward will create great opportunities for you. A man of your caliber may rise quickly in such a troubled time. However, your freedom would be curtailed in return.

You would be expected to follow the orders of your liege lord, or in this case the current monarch. You will owe a debt of service to the crown and may be called upon to raise, equip, and lead soldiers in times of war.

Think carefully on this choice, weigh your options, and when you have decided, let the headmaster know. He will take care of the rest.

Know that what ever you decide, you have the gratitude of this humble civil servant.


Prime Minister Faril Couthbotan


Mike briefly thumbed through the documents in the bundle, which appeared to match the letter's description.

The headmaster patted him on the shoulder. "I know this is a lot to take in all at once, but you must understand that we are at war. If you want to be involved, we will need to know where your loyalties lie."

Mike nodded, "That is fair."

At some unknown signal, Emmanuel began chanting under his breath. Alexander walked over to stand beside the mage. "You should take some time to think it over. I'll be waiting for you in your Basic Elemental Magic classroom at three and a half bells. You can give me your answer then."

The pair of them vanished, leaving Mike alone in the woods, with much to think about.

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