Touch of Fate

Chapter 158: An Enlightening Dance

Chapter 158: An Enlightening Dance

Mike leaned back in his chair with contented sigh. The food was incredible, easily the most delicious meal he'd eaten in this world. It had consisted of eight separate courses, each more filling than the last. He'd been so focused on eating, and enjoying to sublime flavors each dish brought, it came as a surprise when he finished his last plate. The servers ended the meal by bringing around a spiced cider with a mild herbal taste, that was supposedly good for digestion.

"I don't think I've ever been so full." Brenden groaned.

Sera sighed after taking a sip of her cider. "That's because you're not supposed to eat everything. Traditionally, you leave roughly one third of your food uneaten to show your host that you've been properly provided for. If this was a more intimate setting, it could be considered insulting."

"What? And waste any of that amazing food? No way."

"What now?" Tal asked Mike. Their neighbors had already started getting up and moving towards other rooms. A team of servants were studiously not looking at them, but it was clear they were just waiting for the group to leave so they could start the cleanup process.

"Well, it sounds like we have some options. What do you all want to do?"

"Oh! I heard the players are putting on a production of 'Lady Esmerelda and the Trial of the Seven.' I've always wanted to see it." Sera exclaimed.

"Haven't heard of that one, what's it about?" Mike asked curiously.

"It's an old tale, written by Fornaerus, the famous playwright of the Second Pyrathien Empire. It follows the story of Lady Esmerelda, a widower whose children are stolen by seven demons. In order to rescue them, she has to undergo a trial set by each of them. It's considered a classic story about the power of maternal love, and the value of persistence in the face of impossible odds. Although, I'm sure they chose it due to the recent kidnapping incidents. There's a lot of subtext in it which serves Duke Vamith's purposes."

"So you want to watch it even knowing that it's a propaganda piece?" Mike asked, a little confused.

"Of course. Pretty much all plays are. I've also heard that the troupe playing tonight has a new take on the fifth demon, Hargaunt, which completely revolutionizes the role. I don't know when I'll get the chance to see it again."

"That does sound interesting, but I promised Elaine I would let her spend some time with Audra. It wouldn't do to stand up a ducal heir, now would it? There should be no problem splitting up, though. I doubt there would be any danger in a place as heavily guarded as this one." Mike replied after some consideration.

He looked over at the beastman, who seemed to be in a semi-doze. "What are you thinking about doing, Brenden?"

"Urgh, I suppose sitting here isn't an option?"

Mike glanced over at the group of servants that were getting increasingly annoyed with their continued presence. "Doesn't look like it."

"Fine," He grunted while standing. "I suppose I'll go to this play. It should be dark enough to take a nap there."

Sera shot him an angry glare, before sighing again. "You better not snore."

Mike turned towards Tal, and was about to ask the same question, when she cut him off. "Go with you."

"Alright, it's settled. In the case we get split up, meet at the front door at nine and a half bells. We still need to get back before the curfew." He announced as they rose and went their separate directions.

It didn't take long for them to find Elaine and Broderick. The two of them were waiting near the entrance of the ballroom. As soon as Mike and Tal walked in, the girl rushed over. "Can I see her now? Please?"

Chuckling at her energy, Mike pulled his familiar from her dedicated pocket. Audra had apparently been sleeping, so when he'd dragged her in to the bright light of the ballroom, it caused her to yawn and look around blearily. As soon as the dragon caught sight of Elaine's eager face, she stretched languorously and hopped up onto the girl's head, making herself comfortable.

Broderick walked over, smiling at his sister's resulting laughter. "Thanks for that. It was all I could do to make her sit through the meal."

"No problem. There aren't many people Audra seems to like, much to Sera's disappointment. I'm glad your sister can get along with her."

"She's always had a way with animals. One time when she was barely three years old, she escaped from her nanny while the family was visiting a beast trader in search of a new mount for the Duke. They eventually found her curled up asleep next to a Dovistani Tiger, who was treating her as its cub. It took them nearly an hour to get it to let her go." Broderick's smile took on a slightly melancholy cast. "I sometimes think, she would have been happier if she was born a commoner."

Mike wasn't really sure how to respond to that. He knew that nobles, especially female ones, had very little freedom. It was a concept he'd seen repeated often enough in literature. Still, he wondered how someone with a background like Brenden's would feel about his sentiments.

However, that story did raise a couple of questions, so he took the opportunity to use Appraise on the Ducal Heir.


Elaine Vamith

Age: 7

Race: Human (Star Elf)

Class: Primal Conduit

Title: Beloved Child of Teun


"Did it have something to do with her class, or a title?" Mike asked unconsciously.

Broderick frowned a moment, while studying Mike's features. Finally, the other man relaxed. "I would avoid asking about that sort of thing in the future. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but it's exceptionally rude to do so. I'm not sure how it's handled where you come from, but in most noble circles, revealing details about ones class is considered a sign of deep trust. It is not something one asks for."

[Crap. I forgot about that.]

"My apologies, I didn't mean to offend. Anyway, I take it that the Princess was too busy to visit us?" He asked, wanting to redirect the conversation.

"Andrea had to talk to some ambassadors. She said it was going to take a while, because they love the sound of their own voices." Elaine offered cheerfully while scratching under Audra's chin.

Broderick sighed, "She's been delayed by other duties, but promised to swing by later." He glanced at Tal, before looking back at Mike. "The music should be starting soon, if you are interested in dancing. I know I would be, if I had such charming company."

[Well, when in Rome]

He took a chance to really look at his elven companion for the first time tonight. Something he knew he should feel guilty about, but in his defense, he'd been distracted by other things.

Not that it was any excuse, but she had the most subtle presence of his three companions, so he rarely devoted his full attention to her. In fact, he now realized that he frequently ignored her completely, something that she calmly tolerated without complaint.

[I'm going to have to work on that. It's not fair of me.]

Tal was wearing a deep blue, low-cut dress, which emphasized her pale skin, and graceful features. Her blonde hair was done up in a similar fashion to Sera's, but in the elf's case, it was pinned up with jade comb that served to bring out the color of her emerald eyes. Around her neck was a band of whitish metal embedded with sea green stones, Mike's present from earlier.

Without warning the lights dimmed, and the musicians started playing in earnest, filling the hall with an energetic tune. Couples began moving out onto the dance floor.

In a playful mood, Mike took an exaggerated bow, "May I have this dance, milady?"

Tal replied with a monotone, "You may." Although, he detected amusement in her voice.

"Don't worry! We'll watch Audra." Elaine chimed in.

Taking Tal's hand, he led the elf out amongst the other dancers, before turning to face her. It was then he realized, that he had no clue how they handled dancing in this world. Panicking a little, he quickly glanced around at his neighbors and tried to copy their actions. As far as he could tell, they were doing something similar to a waltz, but every so often they would break into a sort of spinning jig that culminated in a clap. Quite frankly, he was lost.

Thankfully, Tal seemed to be familiar with the dance, and gently walked him through the moves. By the time the song ended, he was starting to get the hang of it. He'd even picked up a new skill in the process, which helped greatly when the next song started and the style of dancing changed completely.


- Dancing (Tier 1, Rank 1)

The act of moving one's body in set patterns as determined by social constructions and established musical rhythms. This skill enhances the user's ability to perform said maneuvers. Minor system correction to the execution of dances in a structured setting.


The music picked up speed, and suddenly Mike found himself doing something similar to a tango, only with more exaggerated arm movements. It took all of his concentration, but he was able to keep up this time, to the point he was actually starting to feel comfortable with the process when the song changed a second time.

Luckily, it was a slow song, and judging by their neighbors, no extra skill was needed. A lifetime of school dances had prepared him for this part.

Tal gave a quiet laugh as they slowly rotated. "Getting better."

"But of course, I had an excellent teacher."

She nodded as if this was expected, before taking a quick look around at the nearby nobles. "Made decision?" She asked.

"About the nobility thing? I don't know. It could be helpful in the short term" He trailed off.


"But, it would cost me in the long term. I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to give up traveling just yet. There is still so much I want to see and do, the idea of being tied down by national allegiance or feudal obligations is a little unbearable. I'm also uncomfortable with the idea of swearing allegiance to someone."

She looked at him seriously for a moment, before giving her reply. "Then don't."

"I'm not sure if it is quite that easy." He said with a laugh.

"You're strong. Will be stronger. More important. When ready. Take what you want." Tal commented quietly. If it weren't for her quirks, he was certain she'd be giving him a defiant grin.

He blinked. Indeed, why would he worry about making himself beholden to anyone? Why change his current path at all? Why limit himself by trying to fit into the role of noble, when he could become something more?

He'd been so blinded by the possible rewards and benefits, he'd lost sight of the simple fact that he didn't really need any of it. As things stood now, it wouldn't be too long before he ascended to a point where even the rulers of nations would have to treat with him on even grounds.

Mentally kicking himself for ever worrying about the decision in the first place, he gave Tal a sincere smile. "As always, you cut right to the heart of the matter. Thank you for helping me to see it as well."


They finished the dance in companionable silence, and by unspoken agreement moved back over towards Broderick and Elaine. The girl was occupied with trying to feed one of the decorative flowers to Audra, who seemed slightly confused by the pink thing that was bobbing in front of her.

"Did you have fun?" Broderick asked with a sly smile.

"Yes, it was quite the enlightening experience." Mike answered calmly, ignoring the man's teasing.

Shrugging, Broderick moved to continue when an angry male voice cut him off. "What is that monster doing here?!" The sheer power of the yell enough to disrupt the proceedings. The music died as everyone in the hall turned to see what was going on.

Mike quickly located the source, an elegantly dressed male sun elf. He was standing with a group of his kinsmen next to the entrance to the ballroom. A confused looking Andrea was nearby with her own entourage. From the looks of it, she had been in the process of guiding the elven group into the room.

For a second, Mike wondered if he was upset about Audra's presence at the party, at least until he saw what the elf was looking at.

Tal seemed to shrivel under the intensity of the man's glare, unconsciously drawing back while whispering something in elven. Although most of it was too quiet to make out, he did catch a single word.


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