Touch of Fate

Chapter 160: A Fighting Chance

Chapter 160: A Fighting Chance

In all of his 84 years, Farin had only felt such an overwhelming hatred once before, on the day his dreams were crushed by his sister's sin. Now that he'd finally managed to claw his way back to something resembling his former influence, she'd appeared a second time.

[She is a demon in elven form. Banishment and enslavement were too good for her. I obviously need to make sure this never happens again.]

It took all of his will to not throw himself on the miserable cretin, and tear her apart with his bare hands. Well, that and her human protector. The strange golden-eyed youth had set off warning bells in the back of his head. Ones that he was having trouble dismissing.

Stepping back once the princess had gotten involved was actually something of a relief. However, every time he caught sight of his sister's abominably emotionless face, the old anger resurfaced.

"I am sure you are well aware that Pact Magic, while frowned upon, is not illegal in the Kingdom of Almir." Princess Andrea was explaining, her posture signaling anxiety, even if her face remained calm. It was laughable the way these humans thought they could conceal their emotions from his practiced gaze.

Sneering, he delivered his most withering stare. "A fact that has long been a point of contrition between our nations. However, it matters not. This creature," He growled while pointing at the abomination, a small part of him was thrilled to see her twitch in response, "is a citizen of Nirethial, and as such, is subject to our laws. She committed a mortal sin, and I would be well within my rights to slay her right here and now."

A chill suddenly crept up Farin's spine as ice cold words split the air. "Try it and you will be dead before you take your first step."

Turindinal, the Eternal Blade who had been assigned as Farin's guard during the mission stepped in front of him, blade part of the way out of his sheathe.

"I would recommend you stop making this matter more difficult." The princess commented coolly to the golden-eyed youth who'd issued the threat. Turning towards Farin, she continued. "While she may be beholden to your laws, at the moment she is still a guest of our family and kingdom, and as such is afforded the same rights and protections of one of our citizens."

It was a stretch, legalistically speaking. The only thing that might give credence to the princess's words was the Almiran traditions concerning guest rights. Taken loosely, the Duke had an obligation to protect those that sought shelter under his roof, and so protecting the abomination could be seen as an honorable duty. However, Farin had spent most of the last thirty years studying the culture and tradition of Nirethial's trading partners. He was quite aware that such an obligation only extended to those without an established allegiance, and therefore, didn't fully protect his exiled sister.

However, forcing the issue would require the authority of the Ambassador. Farin was hesitant to involve his superiors, at least at this junction. He'd spent decades rebuilding his reputation, he would like to avoid reminding them of his family's crime if he could avoid it. The wise move would be to simply bide his time, and have her taken care of quietly. Yet his pride wouldn't allow it.

She was supposed to have died already, or at the very least been subjected to torments and horrors that would have made her wish she was dead. The slaver he'd sold her to had assured him as much. At the time, it had seemed like a worthy punishment. Yet, here she stood, in good health as the guest of a Duke.

This couldn't be allowed.

Luckily, there was one more path available to him.

"You do your country credit, Princess, to honor your obligations even to one as abominable as this thing. However, I cannot bear to see that monster continue to draw breath after what she has done. She must be made to pay for her crimes. As such, I invoke the Blood Right."

Andrea was taken aback, likely not expecting him to even know of the ancient custom. "To do so, you must have a valid claim in the eyes of Almiran tradition and law. Simply being a Pact Mage is insufficient."

"The source of her dark powers is but a trifle against her true crimes." Drawing himself up to his full height, Farin prepared to give his declaration. "I Farin Ulithindiel Lorethenica accuse Talitha Valikenateil Lorethenica of the most heinous of crimes." He paused for dramatic effect.



Mike glanced back at Tal in shock. Admittedly, he didn't know much about the elf, but he didn't think her capable of killing her own mother. However, tears were streaming down her otherwise emotionless face, eyes staring in a manner that suggested a horrified realization.

Andrea's mouth moved a few times, before she realized that she needed to continue in her current role. "That'sthat's a strong claim. Do you have sufficient evidence to justify it?"

The haughty elf grinned maliciously, "I offer my own account. That monster's actions, the sins she committed, directly led to her mother's death. I am justified in making this accusation because the victim is also my mother. I swear as such, as an appointed Envoy of Nirethial."

Andrea, looking a little sick turned towards Mike and Tal. "I'm afraid his claims are valid. As such, it is within his rights to demand a trial by blood."

"What does that mean exactly?" Mike growled. It was taking every ounce of his willpower to not simply incinerate the offending elf, regardless of his kinship to Tal. He could almost feel events aligning in another clichd scenario, only this time it was directed at someone he cared about.

He couldn't recall ever being this furious before.

Andrea hesitated, "A fight between the disputed parties, until one side yields, is no longer able to continue, or perishes."

Mike glanced back at his distraught companion. Judging from her still vacant expression, she was in no state for a life and death battle. Turning back towards the princess, "I assume there is some procedure for a stand-in to fight for the accused, right?"

"That is correct. Are you wishing to serve as her champion?"

"Yes." Mike answered simplt.

"Is that acceptable to you?" Andrea asked Tal.

For a second the room held its breath, as the elf looked at Mike with guilt ridden eyes. He mouthed, 'it's alright, just nod" in an effort to bring this to conclusion. Finally, her head bobbed in acquiescence.

"Very well, the accused party is prepared. Accuser, will you be taking part yourself, or selecting a champion?"

Mike took a second to use Appraise on the envoy.


Farin Ulithindiel Lorethenica

Age: 84

Race: Sun Elf

Class: Minister

Title: Master of Subtlety


[Well, that's an inaccurate title.]

"I chose Turindinal, my guard, to stand in my place." Farin replied with a smug grin.

Andrea nodded, then spoke in a controlled and dignified manner. "Then by my authority as Princess Andrea Almir, daughter of King Gregory II of Almir, I declare this Trial by Blood initiated." Turning towards her aides, "Lola, lead the participants to the gardens and have a dueling ring demarcated."

"Yes, Your Highness." The woman said with a bow, before motioning towards the two groups. "If you would all please follow me?"

Mike took a step forward, ready to tear apart a haughty elf, but felt something pull on his sleeve. Tal let go, and opened her mouth to say something. Evidently, her words failed her, and after a few moments she close it once more.

Giving as reassuring a smile as he could manage, Mike tried to console her. "It will be alright. We can talk about it after I beat his champion."

After a few seconds, she replied in a quiet voice, "Careful. Turindinal dangerous. Eternal Blade. Warrior elite. Tier 3. Suggest disabling magic."

He nodded, before turning to follow after the rest of the group. He took a moment to flash a confident grin at Broderick and Elaine, who were watching the proceedings with obvious anxiety. "Would you mind keeping an eye on Audra for a few minutes? I might need to really cut loose."

Elaine nodded wordlessly as he passed by.

The gardens turned out to a vast, sprawling affair that covered a few kilometers square in the area behind the main house. One segment of it seemed designed to function as a training yard of sorts. Here, there was already a crowd gathering around a ring laid in the dirt. Mike caught sight of the elven contingent grouped to one side, and started towards the other.

Andrea caught his attention as they got close. "While I am bound by the rules of tradition to adjudicate this event, please allow me to offer my apologies for the trouble you have faced while a guest in the house of my uncle." She spoke while inclining her head in a manner that was probably significant from someone of the royal family.

Mike knew that the situation was not her fault, but it was hard to not hold her accountable for the manner in which he was being forced. He quite frankly resented the constraint, and he allowed some of that bitterness to filter into his words. "It is alright, Your Majesty. I'm well acquainted with the fact that no good deed goes unpunished. I will make sure to keep that in mind the next time I encounter a member of the Almiran nobility in need of my aid."

He stepped passed her while she was still trying to formulate a response, not really caring how rude he was being. He was seriously considering simply saying 'the hell with it,' and leaving this country to its probable demise at the hands of its enemies. If it was for the University and his desire to continue his studies for a while longer, it would have been his primary choice.

Once he'd reached the edge of the circle, the female aide named Lola seemed to take it as a signal to begin. She spoke to the assembled group. "By ancient tradition, a Trial by Blood has been demanded. The claim has been verified by a representative of royal authority, and champions have been assigned. At this time, both parties please enter the ring."

Mike walked forward at Tal's side. The elf appeared to have her emotions back under her control, at least as far as he could tell. However, he could still sense a tension in her posture that reflected her turbulent thoughts.

Once they were in position, Lola continued. "The Trial by Blood is a battle to the death, although it may be ended early by virtue of yielding or inability to continue. There are no limitations on the methods of combat, but participants are not allowed to use abilities that extend outside of the combat ring. In the event that the accuser's side is victorious, the individual known as Talitha Valikenateil Lorethenica will be surrendered to the accused for judgement under their laws. Should the accused prove triumphant, her innocence shall be confirmed within the Kingdom of Almir. Are there any questions at this time?"

Neither side spoke.

"Very well. Champions take your positions. Participants, retreat to the edge of the circle."

The elven guard Mike had been facing off against earlier remained in place while everyone else took the opportunity to withdraw. He was dressed in a suit of bright, silver scale mail, which created a soft tinkling noise as he moved. Scars crisscrossed the man's face, giving the elf's natural elegance a harsh tone. His short cropped blonde hair was hidden behind an open-faced helm, as he readied a glaive with a long, scimitar like blade.

Mike used Appraise prior to the start of the fight.


Turindinal Gulien Opaliental

Age: 457

Race: Sun Elf

Class: Blade Master

Title: Eternal Blade


[Looks like this is going to be an interesting fight.]

"Young man, are you in need of a weapon?" Lola asked once everything was ready.

"No. I will be just fine without one." The confidence in his words caused his veteran enemy to frown.

Andrea stepped forward, and raised one arm. "Then, by the authority of my father, King Gregory II, I declare this Trial by Blood initiated. May the side of justice prevail. Begin!" She dropped her arm to signal the start of the fight.

Before her hand had even reached its final position, the Eternal Blade was already on him. Glaive sweeping in from his left, leaving him with no chance to evade.

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