Touch of Fate

Chapter 167: Converging Circumstance

Chapter 167: Converging Circumstance

After sending a quick mental message to his new familiar, he headed towards the eastern side of campus.

Feeling guilty for reasons he didn't want to completely acknowledge, Mike snuck back into the Magic Department's administrative building, and worked his way up to the top floor. He knocked on his advisor's door, and after hearing the invitation to come in, did so.

"Ah, Mike. I was wondering when you might stop by." Emmanuel commented from behind his desk. "Please have a seat. There are a few things I think we need to discuss."

Taken off guard, Mike sat in the proffered chair. He'd only come here to ask his advisor for assistance in gaining access to the secretive bookstore Rusilka recommended that he check out.

Once he was settled, his advisor fixed him with a intense stare over his interlocked hands. If he had a pair of glasses, the look would be distinctly sinister. "The headmaster has told me about your conversation this morning, and the conclusions you've come to."

[Ah, that's what he wants to talk about.]

"I understand your motivations, and indeed, I empathize greatly with the sentiments, I just want to make sure that you get a full picture of what we are dealing with. As you are probably aware, there is an undeclared civil war going on currently. While the University is, in theory, a neutral party, we have become deeply tied to the Third Prince and Princess faction due their status as students here."

Mike nodded, this was all pretty self-explanatory.

"What you may not have considered, is the effect this will have on our ability to defend ourselves in the coming conflict with Tennundi. I want you to understand why our situation is so dire. Soon, there will be an army outside the walls of the capital, and we will be forced to fight for our very survival. Because of the dynastic conflict, we will likely not see any assistance from other parts of the kingdom."

"What?" Mike asked, startled. "Would they really be willing to sacrifice the capital of the kingdom for small gains in the struggle?"

"I assume it is more a matter of allowing our faction and the Tennundians to exhaust each other before sweeping in to claim the spoils. At least in the case of the Second Prince's faction. They control the majority of the naval resources and mercantile assets of the kingdom, and would be poised to repeat the benefits of such arrangement, giving them a distinct advantage over the First Prince's faction. With the majority of Prince Johnathan's supporters involved with the military and the older noble families, it would be prudent for them to wait."

"Then, shouldn't we expect the assistance of the First Prince's faction?" Mike was starting to get tired of all this political maneuvering.

"Possibly, but they are currently in disarray, since Prince Johnathan himself is trapped behind enemy lines along with a slowly diminishing group of knights. They have been rather successful in raiding the Tennundian supply lines. Indeed, it is probably because of their actions that we haven't been besieged yet. However, it is only a matter of time before they are crushed. So, it shouldn't be surprising that many of the faction's members are dedicated to launching a rescue mission."

Mike was stunned. "They're really thinking of prioritizing the life of one man over an entire city? Are they insane?"

"You forget, that man is the future king, at least according to them. For traditionalist and military men, preserving the prince is tantamount to saving the kingdom itself. As such, they'll expend every effort in his defense." Emmanuel commented sadly while leaning back in his chair

"So, we're on our own?"

The older mage chuckled at that, "Thankfully, there are more than three factions. One of which has interests that happen to align with ours. The Neutral Faction, headed up by Count Graveston, is working to bring the Eastern Army to bare on the invaders, and with it comes a host of allies, drawn from all corners by the Serpents influence."

Mike felt the hairs of his neck stand on end. He briefly had the sensation of being caught in swirling currents as the tremendous weight of events threatened to crash down upon him.

"Reports are still unclear at the moment, but it seems that the count has somehow formed an alliance with the Ashborn orcs, who are even now marching west in force."

Emmanuel smiled, evidently finding the whole situation amusing, "There have also been unconfirmed sightings of longships from the Barren Isle sailing with merchants under the flag of Wyrport. Combined with our newly acquired support from the elves of Nirethial, we have all the makings of a powerful international coalition."

[No way]

"With a Dragonknight at its heart, we could very well see the creation of an army, the likes of which has not been seen in centuries. It's enough to give this old man cause for hope. However, even if everything goes our way, we are unlikely to see relief before the end of Byrthine." Seeing Mike's blank look, he added. "About three weeks from now. Until then, we really are on our own."

This was a lot for Mike to take in.

"It is important for you to understand, that you and your dragon will be key to our survival over the next few weeks. Aid us, and I can guarantee that land, titles, and wealth will be yours to claim when the hostilities are over. Depending on how things play out, you might even earn a place in the royal family itself. After all, Princess Andrea has yet to be betrothed." Emmanuel continued with a sly grin.

If Mike was drinking anything, this would have been the perfect opportunity for a spit take. Hoping to change the direction of the conversation, he asked, "Why are you telling me all this?"

"I don't want you to get the wrong impression about the Headmaster. For all his manipulations, he is a good man at heart. Due to a rare confluence of circumstances, the Third Prince's faction finds itself at the head of an international coalition in a manner that will thrust us to the forefront of the contest for succession. Alexander, as a former general, has been put in charge of the defense efforts here in the capital. The lives and welfare of not only the University and the rest of the faction, but the residents of the city as well, are in his hands. As you can imagine, he is under a tremendous amount of pressure as a result."

Mike tried to imagine what it must feel like to have that many people look to you for guidance and leadership. The thought was terrifying.

[I really hope I won't have to deal with that in the future.]

"I understand. I won't take his words to heart."

"Good man." Emmanuel replied with a smile. "Now is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Well, there is one thing.."


"Have a good day! Visit us again soon!" Selene called to the departing merchant. She made sure to wave from doorway of the tavern until he was no longer in sight. As soon as he'd rounded the corner, her face fell into a grimace. The man had barely tipped at all.

Luckily, the coin purse she'd snatched off his belt when he was busy staring at her cleavage had contained a fair sum.

[A few more days of this, and I should be in pretty good shape financially.]

"A tavern catering to traveling merchants and sailors, huh? A good choice. You really have a knack for this intrigue thing." A voice spoke from directly behind her.

"Gah!" She screamed while leaping forward, spinning, and landing in a fighting stance.

Her new master stood in the doorway, suppressing a snicker at her reaction. "Okay, well maybe we need to work on your situational awareness. Nice reflexes though."

"Don't do that! Nearly gave me a heart attack." She scolded while trying to calm herself down.

The mage glanced around before leaning in to whisper, "Is that even possible for a vampire?"

"It's an expression." She grumbled. "Now what do you want? I still have a few hours left on my shift, and if I get caught slacking, they take it out of my pay."

"Did you get my message?" He asked.

Selene stared at him for a few moments, completely at a loss, until she remembered the strange voice in her head from earlier. "That was you? I thought I was going crazy. How are you able to do that?"

He waved his hands, "Magic."

"Hilarious." She replied with a straight face, "Anyway, I looked into that group you asked about. Didn't have much time to do any real research, but I figured a few things out."

"What did you learn?"

She tilted her head and looked upwards while remembering the information she'd charmed out of the wealthy sea captain. "They don't have a name as far as anyone can tell. Most people just call them the Organization. They deal in goods of any type, but every agent has a specialty. The one operating in this area focuses on books. They has a solid reputation and are well trusted by the standards of the underworld. They play fair, but expect you to play fair as well. Finally, they have a large number of major players in their employ. Anyone who tries to mess with them usually disappears in a gruesome way."

"So, powerful underground organization that focuses on selling valuable things. Got it. Anything else I should know?" He asked, summing up her points quickly.

"Not really. I would say be careful not to antagonize them, but you can probably handle the worst they have to offer."

He smiled at that. "Always appreciate a vote of confidence. How are things here, by the way?"

She sighed, relaxing a bit. "Not too bad, all things considered. Between my old talent for persuasion and Harmonic Domination, I've been able to settle in without any problems."

"If your skills are that potent, why are you working at a tavern?" He asked, seeming genuinely curious.

"You told me to blend in, remember? No one pays much attention to what a tavern wench is doing, or at least what she's doing above the neck, and a lot of business gets conducted over drinks and meals. Besides, I'm trying to not draw attention to myself, and a new serving girl down at the local tavern is a lot easier to believe than the sudden appearance of the long-lost heir of noble estate, or something to that effect."

He nodded appreciatively, "Fair enough. Looks like you've put a lot of thought into this."

"Despite my appearance, I am a professional. Anyway, was there anything else you needed, boss?"

"Just to let you know that you can leave messages for me at the Adventurer's Guild, should you need to contact me." He added, while stepping around her to get out into the street. "Address them to Mike, and they'll make their way to me."

"Just Mike? Nothing else? How will they know that it's you specifically?"

"Have you ever met another person in this world named Mike?" He asked with a smile while walking. "Don't worry, though. I'll make sure to have them keep an eye out for you."

Thinking about it, she supposed she hadn't. By the time she came to the realization, the mage had already faded into the milling crowd on the street.

"Penelope! Where are you, girl?! You better not be slacking!" Came the deep, rumbling voice of the tavern's owner. Evidently, there was more work to be done.

Sighing, Selene walked back inside. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to use her abilities a bit more. Just enough to make the tyrant in charge of this place a little more amendable. "Hey Valen, there's something I want you to listen to."

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