Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 114: Special Ability

Chapter 114: Special Ability

After defeating Enel, Buggy doesn't leave the location. He wants to wait for Enel to wake up because he has a plan for Enel. The lightning man is still not as bad as when he has a God Complex, so Buggy decides to recruit him.

Enel himself has high potential and so is his devil fruit. The only problem is his personality in the series. But the current him isn't that bad yet and Buggy is sure that it will change if he joins the Clowns.

While waiting for Enel to wake up, Buggy checks the change in his body. The lightning currents that he took previously have done something in his body. It's triggering something that Buggy can't activate by himself.

Buggy closes his eyes and tries to feel the sensation that he felt before. Suddenly, his body starts to split at the cellular level. It starts from his fingers and keeps going on his arms.

This is something that he has always done in his free time to improve his devil fruit mastery. But he still has his limit, he can only split his arms into the cellular level. But now, he can start to split the other parts too.

Buggy keeps splitting his cells into the cellular level. He focuses to feel every cell in his body with the help of his Observation Haki. Then after 5 minutes, Buggy's whole body has split into cellular levels completely.

Now, on Buggy's spot, there are a lot of flying particles like dust. All of those are Buggy's cells that have been separated from each other. This is Buggy's first target of his splitting level that he has set since 3 years ago.

"HAHA, FINALLY!" shouts Buggy excitedly.

Buggy starts to move his cells around and tries to control them. He can feel and control every cell that flies around.

"Haha, I feel like turning into Nano Machines now. Well, maybe more like Micro Machines because Nano Machines are smaller than cells. Wait! This is the time to try that," says Buggy excitedly.

There's something that Buggy always wants to try after he reaches this level. Buggy gathers his cells again and reforms his body. But he does something strange and now his right hand is shaped like a spike.

"Damn, it works!" says Buggy with glee.

Because he can split and control his cells freely, Buggy can also shape them freely. He has become like the Nano Robots from the movies that can change their shape freely. This will give him a lot of options for many situations.

Buggy laughs maniacally and starts to experiment on his new power. He splits all his cells and reforms them back many times to get used to it first. His splitting and reforming time reduced as he start to get used to it.

Then he starts to shape his cells into many things. He transforms his body parts as he wants, including transforming his face into someone else. Also, he tries to transform his body into animals, but he failed as he doesn't have the necessary parts like fur.

"Hehe, if I think of my cells as Nano Robots, then I can do many things for fun. But the main benefit for me is the logia-like ability," says Buggy.

The logia-like ability that Buggy means is his ability to split into the cellular level. Now his body is like Sand Logia, Ash Logia, or other particle types logia. But he still won't have the logia ability to produce their elements.

The Chop Chop Fruit is not a special paramecia, but Buggy has turned it into one with this. He still hasn't awakened it yet, so he still has a long way to go. This achievement should take him closer to awakening.

Buggy keeps playing with his new ability to get used to it. He plays around with it while waiting for Enel to wake up. He thought it will not get so long, but Enel finally wakes up after an hour.

"Huh? This is?" says Enel while looking around confusedly.

"Damn, you really take your time to sleep," says Buggy with an annoyed tone.

Enel is confused at first, but then he remembers what happened. He jumps backward and gets wary of Buggy. He touches his stomach and inspects his condition.

"Y-You, how could you touch me?" asks Enel with wide eyes.

"Of course I could, it's not that difficult," says Buggy while grinning.

"How?" asks Enel.

"It's a secret," says Buggy.

"Tsk, what's with that answer?" asks Enel with an annoyed tone.

"Haha, let me ask you then. Why should I tell you about it?" asks Buggy.

Enel can't answer that question and just keep silent. Buggy doesn't have the obligation to answer his question. They're enemies that have just finished their fight, after all.

"Wait! Why're you still here?" ask Enel in realization.

"You finally ask about it. Say, do you want to get stronger and meet stronger people?" asks Buggy.

"Huh? Of course, I want to get stronger, but what do you mean by stronger people?" asks Enel with a confused expression.

"Heh, do you think that I'm strong?" asks Buggy again.

"I don't want to admit it, but you're strong because you've defeated me. But I will be stronger than you. I just need time," says Enel.

"I like your optimism, but let me tell you this. There are many people who can kill me easily in this world," says Buggy.

"What?! Are you serious?" asks Enel with widened eyes.

"I am. The world is vaster than what you've ever thought of. You can be the best in here, but you are still nothing down there. Well, you can stay here if you are satisfied with a small achievement like that," says Buggy with a mocking tone.

Enel gets a tickmark on his head because he knows Buggy is looking down on him. But Buggy is right because he will be satisfied by being the best on Sky Island. However, now he starts to change his mind after Buggy looks down at him.

"Hmph, what do you mean by getting satisfied being the strongest in this small place? My ambition isn't that small and this small place isn't enough for me. I will make the whole world know about me. Yahaha," says Enel haughtily while laughing with a smug face.

Buggy is rather speechless seeing Enel's act. His personality is different from the canon. He is very childish even though he still has his arrogance. But this is not a bad thing and Buggy prefers this personality.

'He's still immature and can be influenced easily. This is the best time to get him on my side even though he'll be quite troublesome. Well, everyone in the crew is troublesome in their own ways,' thinks Buggy.

"Oho, then how will you do it?" asks Buggy.

"Of course, by going to the Blue Sea," says Enel.

"How will you go there and what will you do there?" asks Buggy.

Enel paused after hearing that question. He knows how to go there, but he doesn't know what he'll do there. Even now, he doesn't know what he'll do in this place. He only has his hatred toward the people here.

"As I thought, you don't have any plan yet because you've just thought about it," says Buggy while smirking.

"Shut up," says Enel while looking away in embarrassment.

"Haha, then how about this? Rather than being confused on what to do, how if you just join me?" asks Buggy.

"Huh? Are you stupid? We've just met and don't know each other. Heck, we've just fought too," asks Enel confusedly.

"So? As you said, the fight is over, and I am the winner. But that and this is different. I've seen your strength and I can help you live up to your full potential that you've never imagined. Now follow me and you'll achieve what you always wanted. Follow me and I'll make the world know you," says Buggy with high confidence & pride.

As he said that, a little aura of his Conqueror Haki gets released. It enhances Buggy's aura and makes Enel flabbergasted. This is the first time Enel see someone with a domineering aura like Buggy.

Enel is rather tempted, but he is also someone with high pride, so his answer is, "I will think about it."


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 133 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 144 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.