Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 55 - 0055 Spirit Oppression (Please add to your collection! Recommended!)

Chapter 55: Chapter 0055 Spirit Oppression (Please add to your collection! Recommended!)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In the gallery, there is a Cursed Spirit that has a well-understood pattern of murder. That is not true terror.

But if this place has caught the attention of a real Demon… that’s when inexplicable, horrific scenarios can unfold.

This could lead to the Cursed Spirit mutating and starting to kill indiscriminately. That is not entirely impossible.

At this moment, Su Lu felt a terrible palpitation.

‘Could it be… that the organization Catherine and the Transcendent corpse from the sewer belong to is subordinate to the Demon? That the Ouroboros

Badge is some kind of guise of a Demon?’

Unfortunately, with Moli’s death, everything seemed to have been buried away.

Now, what he needs to consider is how to survive!

“Let’s get out of here!”

Su Lu and Rod quickly retreated, rushing towards the exit.

The lingering darkness became murkier. Everything inside the gallery seemed to come alive, making all sorts of strange noises.

This is the evil spirits influencing the environment, projecting the Spirit World. Given enough time, they could completely isolate the surrounding environment from the outside world, turning it into an inescapable Ghost

Realm just like Galan’s residence before.

“It… it’s coming!”

Su Lu felt a chill throughout his body. In his heightened perception, he sensed the invasion of a terrifying entity.

It was the Cursed Spirit!

Under the influence of the Demon, it has broken free from its previous pattern of killing only those who have seen the oil painting and recalled the demon’s image. Now it’s killing without restrictions!

This is at least a third-tier Spiritual Body!

With their Expert Level transcendent abilities, both Su Lu and Rod were unable to stop it!

“Spirit oppression!”

Su Lu immediately used the innate ability of the [Spirit Medium], turning his spiritual foundation into a powerful force of oppression which can drive away common spiritual bodies and even evil spirits.

However this time, his heart sank.

In his heightened perception, that tremendous entity from the Spirit World just paused for a moment before continuing to encroach upon them!

His spiritual defense was losing ground rapidly.

“My spirit oppression isn’t strong enough, not even capable to drive away the evil spirits… using the spirit thorn probably won’t make much difference either!”

In dealing with spiritual bodies, spirit oppression is used to disperse, and spirit thorn is used to immobilize.

If it’s unable to disperse, expecting it to immobilize would be wishful thinking.

Gradually, the feeling of invasion had reached within three meters!

Through Su Lu’s heightened perception, he could now see a pale humanoid figure. It was covered in furrows as if scorched by a fierce fire, its arms and legs were slender and disproportionate to its teardrop-shaped head.

At this moment, it seemed like new flesh was about to grow on the face covered with burn scars, forming a distinctive demonic face!

‘Don’t look! Once I see it, I’ll become cursed and there would be no escape!’ Within Su Lu’s mind, his heightened perception was ardently warning him.

“I’m going all out!”

He moved his thought, quickly poured 100 experience points into the attribute of[Spirit Oppression LVI].

[Expended 100 experience points… Spirit Oppression level upgraded to LV2!]

[Spirit Oppression LV2: Gain a temporary bonus of +0.4 to Spirit each time Spirit Oppression is used!]

The essence of the [Spirit Medium] skill relies on one’s spirit. The stronger the spirit, the stronger the skill performed.

Although it is only a temporary bonus and not a permanent attribute increase, Su Lu was already content.

Because his spirit was already at 2.6, adding the temporary bonus would bring it to 3.0!

This is a height that ordinary people simply cannot reach. Even those with exceptional spiritual power would be crushed by a difference of at least 1.0, resulting in an overwhelming outcome. At this moment, it is a rare and precious lifeline.

“Spirit oppression!”

Su Lu took a deep breath.

A new, overwhelming pressure quickly poured out!


A sound like waves crashing onto rocks resonated through the void.

The advancing Cursed Spirit finally slows down, even if just by a little bit.

The consumption of Inspiration is also swiftly increasing in his stat panel.

Su Lu, who managed to buy a few seconds of time, immediately picks up the pace with Rod.

“Help… save me!”

The spiritual oppression he had just unleashed even dispelled some of the darkness, making a certain figure rush over.

“It’s a regular person!”

Su Lu quickly confirmed.

“I…l’m Bill. I don’t know how I ended up back here. Please save me!”

The man appeared in his forties, well-kept, but currently out of his wits.

“He’s our third designated visit, a survivor from the gallery incident…” Rod asks, in between sprints, pulling him along: “Are you recalling that portrait?”

“Yes… Yes, I am!”

Bill answers in terror: “In my mind, a voice kept telling me that I had encountered a ghost. That image is important… I had been trying hard to remember, but the moment I finally remembered, I found myself back in the gallery… the source of the nightmare!”

“You’re quite lucky!”

Thinking of Lady Xi Ling, Su Lu adds: “Now, if you don’t want to die, follow our every command.”

If this man isn’t smart enough, then let him die!

After all, the gallery is rapidly escalating in terror levels under the gaze of the demon’s true form!

The three of them run quickly towards the main entrance.

By now, wisps of thin black mist are spreading rapidly, almost blocking the entrance.

“It’s about to completely change this place. Let’s get out of here now!”

Rod roars.

Once the Cursed Spirit succeeds, they’ll be trapped in here forever unless they can eliminate the Cursed Spirit, which is impossible!

“Spiritual oppression!”

At the critical moment, Su Lu once again uses the Spirit oppression.


The intense pressure almost becomes tangible as it strikes the black mist.


The sound of shattering glass echoes. Outside, a few points of light leak out, revealing the tense figures of the police officer and the female bodyguard.

Rod grabs the other two men and jumps over adroitly, out through the hole.

“Gentlemen, where is the lady?”

The bodyguard Katy immediately steps up.

“She’s dead… I’m sorry!” Rod apologizes: “1 need to inform the church immediately to seal off this area. No one, absolutely no one, can approach this place.”

Su Lu sighs, looking back at the gallery.

The whole building is now shrouded in a thick layer of black mist, becoming hazy. It’s evident that it has been thoroughly affected by the Spirit World, making it a space between reality and illusion.

‘This Cursed Spirit, the speed it created this odd domain… it seems slower than the second-order evil spirit we encountered last time? No… we don’t know how long that second-order evil spirit had been setting it up, and this Cursed Spirit has just been unsealed… maybe it’s due to the specialization differences?’

‘Once such a domain forms, forget about leaving- unless you can persuade the ghost to let go or possess the ability of Spirit World Traversal!’

Su Lu slowly takes in everything, a cold sweat breaks upon his forehead.

Without the stockpiled experience points boosting his strength in the last-minute, he might’ve been trapped in the gallery forever.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

Next to him, Bill quickly expresses his gratitude, offering a business card: “Please let me show my thanks!”

“Bill Abbot, a coal businessman?”

Su Lu takes a glance, and nods with a smile: “Sure!”

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