Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 61 - 0061: First Aid (In need of recommendations! Collections!)

Chapter 61: Chapter 0061: First Aid (In need of recommendations! Collections!)

Translator: 549690339

‘Sorry… that seems like an autopsy!’, thought Su Lu to himself.

He’d also heard the legend of the Beak Monster, but in the tales, they were simply ordinary doctors who wore masks shaped like bird beaks, stuffed with herbs to filter the air in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

However, due to the ignorance of the people and the spread of rumors, they became known as monsters with beaks.

Moreover, because they often entered areas plagued with infectious diseases for research and treatment, they were unfairly seen as heralds of epidemics, nicknamed ‘Death Crows’.

Nevertheless, he didn’t interrupt the old man’s tale, but instead listened attentively, to the old man’s great satisfaction.

Through their conversation, he learned that the old man’s surname was Farrin, who had been married to Mrs. Farrin for over forty years and their children were living away from home. Having recently retired, Farrin was entertaining the idea of returning to their hometown to spend their old age.

Time flew by as they talked happily.

Gradually, alongside the roar of steam, the silhouette of a port city emerged before everyone’s eyes.

It was the Federation hallmark of trade – Posey Port!

Named after the hero Posey, who rose to prominence during the first Holy

War, the city boasted the Federation’s most famous landmark: the Goddess of Light Memorial Tower, standing at 103 meters tall and weighing 327 tons, it was the dominant figure in the port.

Legend had it that the crew of every ship docking at the port for the first time would salute this grand and stunning monument, their emotions surging with the sight of it.

However, to Su Lu, he preferred the Memorial Tower on the silver dollar.

Ah, those thick, firm and indescribably delightful pieces of pure pleasure, each one exchangeable for a Silver hawk at a regular bank! Of course, the more, the merrier.

“We’re here!”

Seeing his hometown, a joyful look crossed Mr. Farrin’s face as he stood up.

Then, his vision went black.

It seemed that sitting for too long had stiffened his body, causing some dizziness.

Amidst Mrs. Farrin’s cries, he slumped back into his chair, his condition appearing grim.


“Please… save him! Save him!” cried Mrs. Farrin. “This is… I… I know some first aid!” Dora rushed up to help, but it was to no avail.

“Relax, ladies!”

Su Lu sighed as he saw a panicked Dora and a distraught Mrs. Farrin, tears streaming down her face. “Perhaps he is experiencing low blood sugar? Could you step aside, please?”

While checking Mr. Farrin, Su Lu’s eyes rolled back in his head and he entered Soul Trance.

In the Spirit World, his spiritual body immediately noticed a vaguely translucent spirit about to leave Mr. Farrin’s physical body.

“Go back!”

Su Lu reached out with his right hand and gently pushed.

The spirit abruptly returned back into Mr. Farrin’s body.

Back in the physical world.

Mr. Farrin’s eyelide fluttered, then slowly opened.

“Oh, darling, you scared me to death!” cried Mrs. Farrin as she embraced her husband.

“He’s just sat for too long and got up too fast, causing some lack of oxygen to the brain… he just needs to rest and drink some hot water.” Su Lu politely explained, and picked up his luggage, “I need to get off now.”

“Thank you! Thank you, sir, we don’t know how to thank you!” Mrs. Farrin squeezed Su Lu’s hands, gratitude radiating from her face.

“Don’t mention it!”

Su Lu exited the carriage, leaving behind his parting words, “If there’s anything else, Mr. Farrin, please take care of it as soon as possible!”

Although Su Lu had given him a push in the Spirit World, Mr. Farrin’s health had shown no signs of improvement.

In the next minute, or perhaps in the next hour, but definitely no later than tonight, his spirit would undoubtedly leave his body again, a decision made by his physical body which had reached its limit.

‘So, it was only a timely rescue rather than a change of fate… ‘

With a sigh, Su Lu blended into the crowd and disembarked from the steam train.

Since discovering that he had supernatural abilities in this world, his attitude began to change.

At least… he did not want to end up like Mr. Farrin, and many other ordinary people, living unexceptional lives until death.

He wanted to live longer and experience more excitement!

Having an attribute panel and living in such an era, it shouldn’t be difficult to achieve this.

‘When these are all satisfied, I want real freedom! Even… with the help of supernatural powers, to go back to my world!’

‘Haha… indeed, human desires are infinite, and those with greater power have stronger desires!’

‘But it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing!’

The so-called civilization, development, and technology, weren’t they all born from the desire to be lazy?

As he was about to leave the station, Su Lu kept a vigilant eye for pickpockets that may appear.

“Wait for me!”

At this moment, a crisp and familiar voice came from behind him.

He turned around and saw a slightly shorter woman with lively brown eyes – it was Ms. Dora.

“What’s the matter?” Su Lu asked doubtfully.

“Excuse me… are you a medical student?” Dora asked boldly, with a hint of blush on her face. “Your first aid skills just now were even more professional than mine!”

In the Federation, being a doctor is a lucrative profession. As long as one doesn’t perform too poorly, they can typically afford a middle-class lifestyle.

“No, I just attended a few first-aid courses,” Su Lu responded with a smile.

In reality, those techniques had little to no effect. The main factor was his influence in the Spirit World.

In addition, this was only possible because Mr. Farrin’s body had still been capable of supporting life. He hadn’t extended Mr. Farrin’s life in any way.

“But I think you’re as good as some professional doctors. My name is Dora! Dora Ruby!” beamed the journalist as she looked at Su Lu.

At this time, it’s customary for a gentleman to reciprocate by introducing himself; not doing so would be impolite.

With no other choice, Su Lu responded, “Su Lu! Su Lu Pottery!”

“Mr. Pottery… can I call you Su Lu?” Dora asked with cheeks slightly blushed.

“Of course, we’re friends already!”

Su Lu walked out of the train station with Dora. Observing the ebb and flow of people on the streets and the waiting horse-drawn carriage, he asked, “Where are you headed?”

“The Hilton Hotel, I’ve reserved a room there,” Dora replied cheerfully.

“In that case, I wish you all the best with your interviews!”

Dora’s face dropped as Su Lu helped move her luggage into the carriage, and then shut the door.

“Indeed… a man of competence is easily admired by women. It’s a pity, I still have things to take care of!”

Watching the carriage drive away, Su Lu drew back his gaze.

He had obtained Kira Gale’s address from the detective.. This was now his top priority!

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