Transmigrated as a Ghost

740 Chapter 740

"Another one is coming from the left. Aurelia intercept it and take it down." Lilia commanded.

Bounding of in a flash of light, Aurelia moved towards the enemy that was closing in on them.

They were currently fighting an ever-growing number of enemies that kept coming at them in waves that were slowly increasing in size.

All of the monsters were of the same few types, with the main ones begin unsightly creatures with more thick legs that ended in blades and a thin elongated head that sat upon a very small torso.

These creatures were fairly slow, but their bites backed a lot of power, and they could also lash out with their front legs. And due to their teeth being their main weapons, Lilia had started calling them biters.

Along with these types there was also a creature that was like a cross between a cat and a lizard with green scales all over its body that moved quite swiftly and would pounce when any of them were distracted. Which Lilia had dubbed a jumper.

The third and final type they were dealing with was a large slug monster that was constantly lobbing blobs of acid their way, and just making a general nuisance of itself. For these Lilia had named them shooters.

"Force Wave."

Needing some room to maneuver, Lilia blew away a large amount of the biters as she had started being surrounded by.

It normally only took her a punch of two to kill one, but they were numerous and coming from four different sides with the north and south having more spawning than the east and west.

"Lilia behind you!" Alaric called out.

One of the jumpers had leapt over her force wave and managed to flank her.

Luckily, she did not have to worry about it, as after giving his warning Alaric hit it was an ice spear which nearly killed it in one shot.

Then without even taking her eyes off the enemies in front of her, she kicked back with all her strength and battered the already injured monster far away. Where it quickly died and vanished into nothing.

"Thanks for watching my back, Alaric." Lilia shouted out while unleashing a few jabs at the biters that had picked themselves back up and were coming for her.

Right now, their formation had Lilia standing in the northern direction where the most monsters were coming from, Zareen taking the south where the second most were appearing, while Aurelia who was the fastest of them all was bounding between east and west as necessary, and Alaric sitting in the middle using his magic to support whoever needed his assistance most.

'How much longer are we going to have to keep at this.' Lilia though as she jammed her hand into one of the monsters tying to attack her.

They had been at this battle for two hours now without much rest and were starting to slowly lose steam.

Physically Lilia was fine, but she was having to conserve her mana since she did not have a skill that restore it quickly. Alaric on the other hand was able to use his mana more liberally but did not have the near unending amount of stamina that Lilia had.

'You have leveled up to level forty-four.'

After killing her three hundredth monster Lilia leveled up. Much to her surprise.

She had honestly forgotten about all of the experience points she must have been getting in the heat of battle.

When there was next a slight lull in between the waves, she asked the others and found that they had all leveled up twice already. Which made since. They were all lower level than Lilia.

'I guess this is the point of this trial. It is trying to level us up.' Lilia thought as she watched the next group of monsters start to appear two minutes after they beat the last.

Time seemed to blur together for the four of them as they continued battling monsters for what seemed like several hours, with only the occasional break of one to five minutes in between each wave.

Eventually though as they had finished off around eighty percent of the monsters of the current wave, something unexpected happened.

At the far end of the northern area where monsters spawned, a bright flash shined brightly for a moment before being replaced by a massive monster they had not seen before.

While all the others had only been slightly larger than the average adult and not all that strong individually, this one was far larger.

It was the around same size as a mammoth beast Lilia had once fought in the Cordillera Depths Dungeon.

However, it was stouter and longer, and instead of thick fur it had armor plating.

Along with that is had three menacing horns protruding out of its head. With two longer ones positioned right above its eyes and one smaller one coming off its nose.

In fact, if Marcus had been there, he would have likely exclaimed that it looked a lot like a triceratops.

With a loud roar, the creature fixed its gaze right on Lilia and began scarping its legs on the ground as it prepared to charge.

Recognizing this motion, Lilia's eyes went wide, and she shouted out to get her teammates' attention.

"We have a large one coming in, and it is about to charge. I will try to slow it down, so clean up the rest quickly."

After giving out this warning, Lilia shot forward. Wanting to intercept this new enemy before it could make the first move.

Unfortunately, the remaining rabble of monsters that included a half dozen shooters got in her way, as she had to avoid globs of acid, as well as snapping teeth and racking claws.

This slowed her down quite a bit, since she had to take a few moments to knock them away or put them down.

'Damn it.'

Barely having gotten thrifty feet down the path Lilia felt a heavy rumbling and saw the triceratops-like monster barreling towards her.

In only the hundred feet between them it had increased its momentum tremendously and she braced herself to receive the hit that she could not dodge.

"Control Impact!"

Before facing down the raging creature, she cast her reliable first magic spell, and focused it in her feet and hands to lessen the blow she was about to take.

Yet right before it made contact with her, a wall of ice sprung up in between them.

A loud crash followed, and the ice shattered within an instant.

Still, it had slowed the monster's charge, and with a yell to bring up her spirits Lilia thrust her hands out and grabbed ahold of the two longer horns protruding form the face of the triceratops.

Using all her might she tried to stop the creature's charge, but with her smaller frame she was being pushed back.

Sparks flew as her greaves scraped across the ground as she held on.

The monster showed no signs of stopping, likely planning to crush her against the wall once they made it to the intersection where all four paths converged, and where Lilia's group had been making their stand.

'I won't let you.'

Flexing her muscles until they practically exploded and sending all her remaining mana into her gauntlets and armor, Lilia made one final burst to stop this monster from getting past her.

Her grip strength increased tremendously and the horns she was gripping began to crack.

The creature let out a surprised and pained sound, and for a moment it began to falter and slow down.

In that moment Evelyn summoned up all of her strength and twisted her body to the left.

With her full power she wrenched the triceratops to the side and off its feet, before slamming it into the ground on its side.

A heavy thud resounded through the area as the several thousand kilos monster smashed into the ground.

But before Lilia could regain her posture the creature reacted and lashed out with its hidden weapon.

A barbed tongue like a harpoon shot out towards her, aiming right towards her unprotected head.

Lilia tried to bring her arms up to defend and let her amor take the blow, but she was not fast enough, and it seemed she would pierced through.

In the end though, she never felt the searing pain of having her head impaled.

Chained manacles of smoke began wrapping around the triceratops monster and its tongue got caught up in them as well.

Soon its entire body was restrained, and it began thrashing around to try and break free.

As it did spikes made of ice began sprouting up all around it and pricing through the softest parts of its body.

This helped to restrain it a bit more, but the armored monster was far from being badly injured.

"Lilia hurry up and finish it off. I do not know how long I can keep it restrained." Alaric said while battling a number of his own enemies with his staff.

Seeing how pressured her was right now but that he still found the time to help her, Lilia felt her strength return for a moment and turned her gaze back towards the thrashing triceratops.

With quick motions she pulled out a mana restoration potion and downed it.

As she felt her mana coming back, she channeled what she had into her right gauntlet and switched her posture in order to deliver a single punch with the greatest possible power.

"Control impact, and mighty blow."

Using her tier one spell in conjunction with her strongest attack skill, Lilia launched herself forward and stuck out with a full powered attack.

She aimed right for the creature's exposed stomach and slammed her first into as hard as she could.

The light armor plating it had there shattered on impact, and Evelyn watched as its flesh and muscle began to violently ripple.

Its body could not take the tremendous power of Lilia's attack and blood began pouring out of its mouth, ears, and eyes.

In a manner of second the once imposing monster stopped flailing about and quickly passed away. Dying from massive internal bleeding and pulverized organs.

Like all other monsters they had faced here it began to fade away and soon there was nothing left of it.

'You have leveled up to level forty-five.'

Receiving another level up notification Lilia snapped back to reality from the stupor she had fallen into after unleashing the finishing blow.

'I cannot rest on my laurels yet. The others are still fighting.' She thought as she pulled herself together and turned around.

She was pretty exhausted from mana exhaustion, which even her peerless physique could not mitigate. But she knew she had to fight on.

Except, as she looked towards the others, they had already finished off the rest of their enemies.

With a victorious smile on her face, she started to drag herself over towards them. Fighting through the tiredness assaulting her.

"Looks like we managed to get through that. Thanks for having my back Alaric. I might have met my end there without your help."

"No, I should be thanking you. That thing would have run right through us if you had not stepped up to take it on. It was only natural I helped you." Alaric said as he pulled Lilia into a hug.

Seeing this, both Aurelia and Zareen rolled their eyes, before moving away and licking their fur which had gotten dirty during the battle.

"I wonder where the chests are? If we beat this floor they should have appeared, right? I do not see any doors around either." Alaric said after they had been resting for nearly ten minutes.

Thinking about it, Lilia also thought it strange, but then realized that there was a simple answer.

"That means we are not done with his floor yet." She said as she forced herself up and looked out towards where the monsters normally spawned.

It was only a few moments later that another bright light filled the room, but instead of conjuring more monsters, Lilia, Alaric, Aurelia, and Zareen found themselves somewhere else entirely. Facing down a new and far more imposing threat.

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