Transmigrated as a Ghost

771 Chapter 771

'Soul Burst! Shield of the Just!'

After being batted around fairly easily by the Archdevil Rolthor, Marcus determined that his only way to win was to use his full power.

He would be putting himself on a time limit but for three minutes he would be far stronger both offensively and defensively thanks to his two-trump card unique skills.

In a single instant with the activation of his unique skills Marcus turned the fight around.

Before whenever he blocked the Archdevil's attacks he would get pushed back and blown away, but now he stopped the next attack with his scythe.

"What!?" Rolthor screamed out when Marcus pushed him back.

With a flash Marcus used his stalwart full moon technique to simultaneously block all four of Rolthor's arms and then counterattacked.

'Powerful Slash.'

Using his first attack skill Marcus swung his scythe from overhead and down onto the Archdevil.

The air trembled and the ground shattered as his attack hit, and Rolthor found two of his arms cleaved off and Marcus' scythe embedded deeply into his shoulder.

At the last moment the Archdevil had managed to divert the path Marcus' scythe was traveling by sacrificing two of his arms.

Still Marcus' attack had caused quite a bit of damage and dark blood began pouring out of Rolthor.

"I wonder if you will be able to take this at close range." Marcus said as he took his left hand off his scythe and pointed it at Rolthor.

His hand quickly became enveloped in a bright light and filled with an unimaginable amount of mana.

"Last Light."

As Marcus cast his tier eight light magic spell a small orb of light so bright that everything became unseeable appeared.

The Archdevil felt his retina burn out even as he closed his eyes and a blistering pain shot through his body as the light scorched him.

It was so intense that Rolthor could not bear to be near it any longer and he ripped off his left shoulder that Marcus' scythe was lodged deeply into in order to make an escape.

"You're not getting away."

With the flick of his wrist Marcus tossed the extreme ball of light and it chased after the fleeing Archdevil until it caught up and consumed him.

The small ball of light rapidly expanded around Rolthor and completely cut off any escape.

He tried flying away at full speed, but the light kept up with him and constantly enveloped him with its intensity that was burning him to nothing.

"Wow, he really is tough. Even when not using Soul Burst, I have never seen anything take that spell for so long." Marcus said with a genuinely impressed expression.

In terms of single target damage that spell was undoubtably his strongest.

Eventually the mana within the spell wore out and what was left of the devil's body was pretty much just a blacken torso and head.

At first Marcus was not even sure if Rolthor was alive but a faint signal of mana proved that he was hanging on somehow.

"Guess it is harder to kill an Archdevil than I thought. But I should only need one more attack."

Holding up his scythe Marcus planned to fire of a blast of mana and be done with it, but right before he did a dark ink light appeared above the remains of the Archdevil.

Seeing it Marcus swung his scythe and unleased his attack, but the light was absorbed into the Archdevil before it hit, and he erupted with power again.

Another and then another similar inky black light flew towards him, and Marcus being a spiritual being realized what they were.

Three powerful souls had just appeared around the Archdevil, were absorbed into his body, and revitalized his power.

Marcus tried launching a few more attacks, but in his haste, they were not all that powerful and failed to break the barrier that had formed around Rolthor.

His tier eight spell used a truly absurd amount of mana and he had really pushed himself to make it as strong as possible. Bringing him down to only about twenty percent of his capacity.

Taking a moment, he pulled out the strongest mana restoration potion he had and drank its contents.

His time was running out and he needed more mana if he was to launch another decisive blow.

By the time the potion had taken full effect and his mana was around seventy percent filled the Archdevil was back on his feet and as powerful as before.

And to make matters worse, Marcuse was now sitting with only around eighty seconds left until he ran out of time on his Soul Burst unique skill.

"It seems that you friends have managed to kill some of my subordinates. Normally that would have been quite the loss for me, but this time it really saved me. Their souls coming back to me was what I needed to revive myself." Rolthor said confidently.

However, Marcus had not been simply waiting for his speech to finish, he had been preparing his next attack.

'Eclipse Meteor!'

Wrapped in brightest light and blackest darkness Marcus shot forward at stunning speeds and launched himself right towards the Archdevil.

He planned to finish it with one of his biggest attacks but despite his speed, the Archdevil managed to slip away.


Marcus' attack hit hard against the ground where Rolthor had been but a moment ago and a blast of darkness and light swallowed the entire area.

But despite the attack having a large range the Archdevil managed to avoid the majority of its power by warping away at the last moment. And while he was singed and had black spots that were slowly cording all over his body, he had made his escape.

Using his full speed and not looking back he flew away from Marcus.

There was no doubt in his mind that he could not beat Marcus as he was now, but that meant he only needed to run away until the situation changed.

If Marcus could have used that level of power without any restriction, he would have done so from the start rather than waiting until he was backed into a corner.

'All I need to do is stay away until he runs out of power or the skill hits its time limit. Then I can-'

Yet as the Archdevil was making plans in his head, thinking he had gotten away. Marcus appeared right above him and slashed down with his scythe.

It was as if he had appeared out of nowhere, except the Archdevil never even saw him use one of his Dark Portals to move.

Of course, there was no way Marcus could have used his Dark Portal unique skill to catch up.

The Archdevil had already left the range limit he had for setting one up, and it would have taken too long to try and catch up by creating the portals and jumping through them one at a time.

Instead, Marcus had a much more efficient power for traveling in a straight line towards a fleeing foe.

'Lightspeed Movement.'

This was the second unique skill that Marcus had obtained from the special dungeon.

It allowed him to transform his body into pure light and travel at well, lightspeed.

He could only use it to move in a straight line, and while transformed into pure light he could not meaningfully interact with the world.

Still, it allowed him to move around from one point to another in practically an instant. Which this time gave him the ability to catch up on the fleeing Archdevil.

After dealing a heavy blow when he surprised Rolthor by suddenly catching up to him, Marcus prepared to deliver a fishing blow as he held his scythe up high.

'Eclipse Reaper.'

Channeling all his power into his scythe Marcus elongated its blade and swung down on the Archdevil he had slammed back into the ground.

His attack was poised to cleave his enemy in half, but at the last moment the Archdevil fired off a fast moving, though fairly weak blast of mana.

The attack hit Marcus before his own landed, but it simply bounced off him thanks to the impeccable defense from his unique skill Shield of the Just, and his amethros armor.

Except something he had not foreseen happened.

In any normal environment it would have had no effect, but here in the special dungeon the seemingly desperate attack worked well against Marcus.

Currently he was in the air after having used his unique skill to move there. But the special dungeon was still preventing him from flying and he had no way to stabilize his body in midair.

So, despite the attack doing no damage to him, Marcus had no way to anchor himself and was blown back.

His attack hit nothing but air, and he flew uncontrollably towards the ceiling of the area. Unable to stop his momentum until he hit it.

Nevertheless, he had a way to reposition himself and quickly moved back onto the offensive.

He simply created a Dark Portal behind him and made the other opening appear right behind the Archdevil.

In an instant he was right back into attack range and swung his still powered up scythe with all his might.

The attack cleaved right through the Archdevil, cutting him in half at the waist.

Marcus then held out his right hand and out of his item box flew out his newest focusing rings.

They were now made out of amethros he had obtained from the special dungeon and had the highest quality elemental crystals that he had also gotten as rewards.

'Quasar Blast. Rending Void.'

Using his tried-and-true combination attack that fused two tier six spells, Marcus fired off the powerful attack and watched it consume the Archdevil.

Except the moment before the attack hit, the Archdevil ripped his own head off and tossed it away from his body.

His torso and legs were then fully engulfed and turned to dust along with a large part of the area they were fighting in.

The Archdevil's head though managed to avoid being destroyed, and Marcus watched another two souls from the devils his companions were fighting appear and give their energy to their master.

For every enemy his friends and family killed, they only helped to power up the Archdevil. And in this moment, it gave Rolthor just what he needed.

His severed head exploded with power and his body quickly started regenerating.

Naturally Marcus was not going to simply let this happen and prepared another attack. Until he reached his limit.

All at once when his Soul Burst timed out, he felt himself become extremely heavy and he collapsed onto the ground.

He was even so depleted of energy that he lost his solid form and went into full ghost mode. But the special dungeon was set up so that he could not phase through anything. Meaning he could only lie on the ground. Unable to move after expending all of his power.

'Damn it! I only needed another few seconds.'

In an instant where there had been confidence, hopelessness sunk in for Marcus.

He had been winning overwhelmingly once he used his time limited unique skills. Yet now that Soul Burst was over, he was a sitting duck.

He knew that he could do nothing more and that it was only a matter of time until he was destroyed.

Nevertheless, he also knew this was not the end.

His revival skill was long off cooldown since he used it against the Dread Burrower, and he would be able to come back after being defeated.

Unfortunately, that would have been the case only if the Archdevil planned on destroying him.

Instead Marcus watched him grin down at him and pulled out a dark red metal pot.

Seeing it Marcus felt a chill run down his entire soul and he realized that item was extremely bad.

"To think that you were actually some type of spirit. I did not see that coming. You gave off the feeling of a human the entire time. But now it seems your transformation has run out. But don't worry, a soul as strong as yours has plenty of uses. And now that you are defenseless, I should be able to imprison you easily enough."

The Archdevil, confident in his victory, slowly began opening the pot as if to prolong Marcus' suffering. But before he could sue the soul trapping jar someone else intervened.

A large blast of mana came flying right for the Archdevil and he had to jump out of the way to evade.

Then in a flash the one who had fired it off moved in front of Marcus protectively and stood in between him and the Archdevil.

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