Transmigrated as a Ghost

779 Chapter 779

With a grimace on his face Marcus looked out at the now upturned and barren land before him.

'It is a good thing we are out in the middle of nowhere at the very least.' Marcus thought, seeing the destruction his companions had caused.

After they finished the celebratory feast he had made, everyone decided to test out their Supreme Skills, and the landscape paid the price.

All around them now looked like a warzone that had been thoroughly destroyed.

"Well, are you all satisfied yet? We do have a few pressing matters to attend to now that we are back out in the real world." Marcus asked his exhilarated friends and family.

"Yes, I am content with my tests, and it would be best if we headed back to the capital soon so that I can make a quick trip back to Tralenstein." Lyra said.

Most of the others also agreed that it was a good time to head back, though Quillon and Mrazivý were still wanting to try out their skills a bit more.

"Mraz, I can understand Quillon as he does not have anything pressing to attend to, but you do remember that you have your own wedding in less than two months. We got held up here a bit longer than anticipated and I know that there are still many finishing touches that need you and Marcus." James said, being the voice of reason for his sister.

In response she sighed but nodded her head.

She had truly been enjoying practicing her new Supreme Skill, especially along with Quillon who could match and even exceed her sword skills.

"Very well. I suppose we will have time in the future for all of us train with each other again." Mrazivý said as she put her sword away.

Quillon looked a bit despondent to see his only ally give up.

Nevertheless, he bounced back quickly when Lyra mentioned that he could spar with his master the Sword Savant and show him how much stronger he had gotten.

Once they had quickly packed everything up everyone got onto the back of one of the flying beasts and they took off.

Moving at extreme speeds, it did not take them long to reach the capital and as James had sent word ahead with a sending stone a squad of sky knights came to meet them and escort them back into the city.

Soon enough they touched down in a large courtyard that had been prepared for their takeoffs and landings.

"To think this is the last time we will be landing here as one big group." Lyra said with a wistful expression.

It had become a sort of yearly tradition for them to take off and return to the capital all together but now that they had beaten the special dungeon, they no longer had any reason to.

"It is true we will not be doing anymore yearly flights over the city, but it is not like we are all just going our separate ways indefinitely. You will be seeing us when you come back for our wedding." Mrazivý said to Lyra.

Of course, they were all experiencing similar feelings.

Something that had been a constant part of their lives for the last few years was now over.

Still, they had other things to look forward to and soon moved on to discussing their next meeting rather than the soon to be parting.

"Oh, now this is a surprise." James said when a misty portal opened up in front of all of them.

They had not been expecting such a prompt greeting, but Boreas and Gwyneira appeared before them only a few minutes after their arrival.

"It is good to see that all of you made it back in good health. You have still not told us exactly what it is you all do every year, only that it is dangerous and time consuming." Boreas said in a probing manner.

Seeing that he was trying to get them to divulge where they had been going as he had numerous times before, they all wore stiff smiles.

Boreas had been gone for nearly a century the last time he gained access to a special dungeon, and they were afraid he might simply abandon everything if he knew about a new one.

And while before it would have simply been disheartening for Gwyneira to have her partner go off on another adventure without her, right now it would be far worse if Boreas disappeared again.

"How have you been Gwyneira? I know that you were having a bit of trouble when we left." Mrazivý said with a concerned look as she turned her attention to Gwyneira's stomach.

"Things have gotten a bit better recently. The nausea has subsided for now and I have been able to get some more sleep. Though it is still difficult getting used to this again after so many centuries since having my last child. Especially since this little one is quite the kicker."

"Yeah, I honestly did not think that we would have another child with how old we are, and how difficult it is for us to conceive with our races being different. But I guess I still have it in me." Boreas said with a proud expression on his face.

After saying this, Boreas gave Marcus and Mrazivý a mischievous grin and decided to trigger some chaos with his next question.

"So, when will the two of you be adding to the family?"

All attention swiftly gathered on Marcus and Mrazivý. Both of them looking like a deer caught in headlights.

They had not really discussed this topic before, and it suddenly being thrust on them among their closest companions was a bit uncomfortable.

'I think I would rather fight the Archdevil again than have to answer this.' Marcus thought.

Naturally, he had actually considered the possibility of having children before, but ultimately gave up on the idea.

He may have been able to imitate a human body to a certain degree. but in the end, he was a unique entity that was a type of undead and spirit.

While it was strange enough that a dragon and a human could have a child like Boreas and Gwyneira, it was likely impossible for a spiritual being like Marcus to actually have children with Mrazivý who was flesh and blood.

"We have not really talked about that even among each other. I think that is something better discussed after we are married. It is not like the royal family is lacking in progeny with most of my siblings already being married with children. Anyway, I doubt that this was what prompted you both to come meet us out here not long after we arrived. You have something more important to speak to us about, don't you?" Mrazivý said, navigating around the question of her and Marcus having kids.

A serious look came over Boreas' face after Mrazivý said this, and he nodded his head in confirmation.

"Yes, there are two things that we needed to tell you about that happened while you were gone. The news is not extremely pressing now, which is why we did not lead with it. But you are right that we did not just come out here to greet you."

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