Transmigrated as a Ghost

785 Chapter 785

It had now nearly been a month since Marcus and Mrazivý's wedding.

During that time the two of them had gotten used to their new life as a married couple though few things had actually changed for them.

Their relationship before was already plenty intimate and the biggest change had been the new suit in the castle that they had received in lieu of their old rooms.

"Are you ready to go. If we are not quick our guardian knights or attendants might find us out." Mrazivý said, trying to hurry Marcus up.

"I just need a bit longer. We need to make sure we will have everything we need, and I can only put so many things into my item box in one go." Marcus said back with a slightly frustrated tone.

The two of them were getting ready for their honeymoon, but instead of going along with the designated itinerary that had been set up for them, they were going rogue.

For people of their status, it was expected that they would travel with some number of personnel, such as guards and servants. But neither of them was very keen on having an entourage with them.

That was why they planned to sneak out of the castle unbeknownst to those assigned to them and head out on a honeymoon of their own design instead of what had been planned out.

Of course, they had not been able to do all of this on their own and had a number of coconspirators. One being the future monarch and Mrazivý's sister Frostine.

Her job had been to divert the king's attention away from them and correspond with other members of the royal family who were helping Marcus and Mrazivý with their escape.

Along with that, Jaela and Ardea were doing them the favor of setting things up per their instruction since the kingdom had no real way to monitor them.

It was the perfect plan except for Boreas catching on, but he had just laughed it off and asked if they needed any help.

During his time as king, he had snuck out on occasion with Gwyneira and was more than willing to offer his assistance to Marcus and Mrazivý. Saying that he was proud they were following in his path.

Though if they were not as strong as they were, he certainly would not have been so eager to let them go off on their own, However, unless they sent Aria and Knight commander Darius to protect them, pretty much none of the kingdom's forces would be able to keep up if they actually were in danger.

Naturally they accepted his offer since he was the most powerful person in the kingdom and with his aid everything went off without a hitch.

"Okay, I have everything we agreed to take stored in my item box. Are you ready to go?" Marcus asked.

With a swift nod of her head Mrazivý pulled the hood of the black cloak she was wearing over her head and activated its enchantments.

In an instant she was completely obscured from view and quieter than a mouse.

Her breathing and the sound of her steps were completely muffled, and without his life sense skill Marcus would not know that Mrazivý was there.

"I really am glad that we were able to blackmail- I mean persuade Wade to let us borrow this cloak that his mother won at that auction. It really is a powerful stealth type magic tool and will make this much easier." Mrazivý said with an impressed tone.

After saying this Mrazivý did not make another sound, and along with Marcus, who was in his ghost form, they slipped out of their room.

Currently there was no one around since it was the middle of the night, but it would be all but impossible for them to have snuck out without being seen unless they took some heavy precautions.

There were plenty of knights that patrolled all through the night and servants that moved around to complete their duties.

And while Marcus could easily leave no problem through multiple methods, Mrazivý had to physically get out of the castle. Hence borrowing the stealth cloak from Wade.

'Slowly but surely. Just a little bit more, and I got it!' Marcus thought with a wave of elation.

After dark all of the doors exiting or entering the castle were warded with enchantments that alerted a guard room if they had been opened and it was quite likely that the occurrence would be investigated.

Not just anyone could go in an out of the castle after dark, and while Marcus and Mrazivý had the authority to do so, they would certainly be quickly found out.

That was where Marcus' glyph tuning skill came into play.

He simply messed with the enchantment a little and made it so that the next alert for opening of the door they were sneaking out of would be skipped.

It had been slightly difficult to do but compared to most of the traps he dealt with in the special dungeon it had been child's play.

Once they were out of the castle, they were home free.

Being invisible they both took to the sky and flew over the capital and towards there destination.

They had a long way to go, so once they had passed over the airspace of the royal capital, they upped their speed and rocketed northwards.

'There it is. Loursend is in sight now.' Marcus said to Mrazivý with telepathy.

Both of them could not help but smile as the city came into view as it was the first place they met and where their honeymoon was going to begin.

Examining the city, both Marcus and Mrazivý could tell that it had drastically changed since the last time either of them was there.

A bit over two years ago the city had been heavily damaged during the Dread Burrower incident and had looked like a hellscape afterwards.

Now, however, the city had been nearly fully rebuilt, and while its population was not up to its height again, it was still a thriving city.

'Let us hurry up to the rendezvous spot. The others should already be waiting for us, and we do not want to be late.' Mrazivý said as she picked up the pace.

Soon they were flying directly over the city and located a large green space within the urban area.

This was the largest park in the city and where they had planned to meet with their friends and family that had come to see them off.

Thankfully it was easy enough to find them as the sun was just coming up and very few people were in the park.

"And we have arrived." Marcus said as he and Mrazivý reappeared on the ground in the center of the group.

Waiting for them ahead of time was James, Fallon, Lilia, Alaric, Ardea, and Jaela.

All of them had assisted Marcus and Mrazivý's with their escape and made sure to be here to see them off before they left on their honeymoon.

"I am glad to see that you managed to escape the castle without any problems. But was there no better way that you could have given your guards and attendants the slip?" James said.

"Of course, there were easier ways, but they would not buy us as much time. We already informed everyone we would not be leaving our room for five days and did not want to be disturbed. Anywhere else they would not have let us get away with that." Mrazivý said with an unabashed smile.

Alaric and Lilia who were still young and in the height of puberty blushed deeply at what Mrazivý had just insinuated, and began staring at the ground,

​ "Okay, I think that was more than any of us needed to know." James said, no longer questioning their plan.

After that Marcus and Mrazivý turned to Jaela and Ardea and thanked them for arranging everything for them.

"No problem, we had some fun doing it. Oh, and we called in a favor from one of our associates and she will be giving both of you quite the surprise." Jaela said with a mischievous snicker.

Hearing this, a suspicious expression appeared on Marcus' face, though Mrazivý took it in strides and thanked the two grand witches again for their consideration.

"James, make sure to give this back to Wade for me. He said he would get into trouble if it was out of his possession for too long." Mrazivý said as she handed the black as night cloak to her brother.

Letting out a sigh, he accepted it and agreed to return it to their cousin.

"Lilia, you make sure to follow Ardea's directions. I know you have gotten much stronger, but do not get full of yourself." Marcus said as he ruffled her hair.

"You know I am not a child anymore. I can take care of myself now." Lilia said in protest. Though she did have a slight smile she could not hide forming on her face.

For several more minutes they all said their goodbyes and gave last-minute warnings and bits of advice to each other.

Marcus and Mrazivý were going on a long trip, and this would be the last time any of them saw each other for at least a year.

"Ah, and whenever you are in the Verkoudhied Mountains make sure to check up on Roxene, Blitz, and Inten. I am not sure what kind of training Retharin is putting them through, but I do expect to find them in one piece when we get back." Marcus said to Lilia right before they all parted ways.

With all they had to say said, Marcus and Mrazivý waved farewell to those that had come to see them off and began making their way to the docks. Where they would find the vessels that would be taking them to their first destination on their first adventure outside of Borealia.

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