Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 797 797 Hooking A Big One

With heavily thus the large barracuda that Mrazivý has reeled up slammed against the hull of the Ascension.

It was trying its darndest to get loose or at least cause damage to its surroundings, but to no avail.

A normal wooden ship without any magical enchantments probably would have taken quite a bit of damage from its thrashing about, but the mithril hull of the Ascension did not even budge.

Soon enough Mrazivý had lifted the thing up onto the deck where it continued to flail around rapidly for a moment, until she put one foot on it and stopped all of its resistance with her overwhelming strength. It was only level ten after all.

"So, what do we do with it now? Is this something that we can eat, or do I just toss it back in?" Mrazivý asked, not certain what to do."

Luckily Zaragar, who spent most of his time on ships and in port cities and had an expert level knowledge on fish and informed Mrazivý about what she had just caught.

"What you have there is a fairly common fish in these parts called a jumbo barracuda. They are rather tasty and can be used in a number of dishes. I am sure that the crew would be more than happy to prepare it for you."

"Sure, that sounds good. Is there any sort of fee for the service?"

"No there is no fee you need to pay. The crew will simply take a portion of the fish as payment. Oh, but I assure you that there will be plenty for you and whoever you might wish to share some with. It is a large fish, and I am sure that just you and Marcus would be unable to eat it all." Zaragar explained.

Of course, Mrazivý as a dragonoid actually could probably eat the entire fish by herself, and Marcus seemed to have an infinite void of a stomach. But neither of them was going to mention that.

After Zaragar had explained that he helped the crew carry the large fish to the preparation station that was not far away.

Yet before they left, Marcus stopped them and gave them an extra instruction.

"If you would not mind, I would appreciate it if you could save around a dozen pounds of the meat for me. I have a freezing magic tool in my item box and want to try cooking with this fish myself later." Marcus said.

This caught both the crew and Zaragar off guard and they went wide eyed in surprise.

Freezing magic tools were expensive and bulky, and those with item boxes would not normally waste space on such a thing.

However, Marcus' item box gave him the equivalent extradimensional storage space of a small warehouse. He had plenty of room for things that most would consider excessive.

"Very well. That should not be a problem." Dustin who was standing nearby as the crew's representative said.

With that the fish Mrazivý had brought in was taken away and several people began prepare it.

"It seems that the two of you are full of surprises." Domovoi said once things had calmed down.

He had been observing them since they arrived and was certainly interested in them.

Just hearing that Marcus had a freezing magic tool and an item box was enough for him to deduce that they were far from normal adventures.

In response, Marcus and Mrazivý simply smiled and denied that they were all that special and continued fishing.

Time went by fairly quickly for them and throughout the day they each pulled in a few more catches.

"It seems that I am the winning now." Domovoi, who at some point had decided to join in on Marcus' and Mrazivý competition said as he pulled out his latest catch.

On the end of his line was a double headed yellow eel that was over thirty feet long.

At first the creature had caused quite the panic since it was a level thirty-two monster, but the adventures acting as guards quickly went into action and disabled the eel.

Now it was sitting on the deck dead and unable to cause any more trouble.

"We are certainly going to be eating well tonight." One of the crew members whispered to another.

So far, between Marcus, Mrazivý, and Domovoi, they had brought in ten beasts and monsters. All of which had been fairly large and were edible.

'Damn, I am really far behind.' Marcus thought as he watched the two headed eel get dragged away.

He had caught the fewest number of creatures at only two.

Along with that his had been the smallest, with his largest catch being a type of grouper that was only around six feet long.

Certainly a big fish by Earth standards, but relatively average on Mirrion were creatures could grow to stupidly big sizes.

Yet as the day was winding down and Marcus thought he was going to be in last place, they passed over a certain area where a large crevice on the ocean floor had formed and a certain creature lived.

It noticed the shining lure and being caught by the magical enchantment on it was feeling compelled to take a strike at it.

As soon as it swallowed the lure, which was actually very small in comparison to its body, it realized it had not gotten any food, but instead a number of sharp hooks that had latched into its mouth.

"Whoa! What the hell!?" Marcus said as he suddenly felt a powerful jerk on the end of his line.

He had not been paying especially close attention and did not notice that he must have hooked some sort of behemoth until the line began being dragged away fast enough to create sparks and smoke.

Thankfully the adamantine line was quite strong and had not broken, but there was a chance that it would if Marcus did not do anything.

Sending in an immense amount of mana he reinforced the line and rod, and braced himself to bring in whatever he had just hooked.

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