Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 799 799 A Rare Ingredient

After hitting the titan lobster with a flying kick Marcus stood in the air in between it and the Ascension.

He was the one that had brought this powerful beast up from the ocean floor even if it was unintentional and felt that it was his duty to deal with it.

Though that was not his real reason for jumping into battle it.

He was confident that the ship's defenses could handle this beast thanks to all of the powerful adventurers onboard, but if he did nothing, his catch would either be blown to pieces or more likely driven away.

'I bet it will taste good with a lemon butter sauce.' Marcus thought as he looked up and down the massive crustacean.

One of his main goals of participating in fishing was to bring in rare and delicious ingredients, and there was no doubt that this titian lobster fit the bill.

There was no way he was going to let it get away, which was the main reason he had jumped out to fight it.

Certainly, what he was doing now pretty much defeated the sport of fishing, but it was not common for a lobster to come up on a fishing line anyway. So, he was making an exception.

"Now how do I go about killing it without causing too much damage to its meat. Also, it is a bit too big to bring onto the ship whole. I will probably need to make a few cuts beforehand and store it into my item box in pieces." Marcus mumbled to himself, as he planned how to prepare the lobster as an ingredient rather than seeing it as a threat.

However, as he was lost in thought, his danger sense went off from behind him, and with a glance he noticed that the ship's mana cannons, and the adventurers onboard had released another volley.

Unlike Marcus who was taking this encounter fairly leisurely, for the ship and those meant to protect it, this titan lobster was a threat of the highest order and needed to be driven away or killed with extreme prejudice.

"I know that they can see me here, but they are still firing such wide scale attacks."

Without making any motion Marcus created a large sturdy mana barrier behind him to absorb the attacks coming toward him and the titan lobster.

He did not want to be knocked around or have his prey damaged in any way.

'Oops. That might have been a bit too showy.' Marcus thought, seeing all the stunned faces on the deck of the ascension.

He had just blocked over eight dozen mana cannon blasts along with a barrage of tier four and five spells. No normal person could do that. Especially since his barrier encompassed such a large area and was barely damaged.

Marcus for his part had gotten a little absorbed in how delicious the titan lobster looked and had forgotten to hold himself back a bit.

"Ah whatever. We are here in disguise anyway. If I stand out a bit, it should not really matter much." Marcus said to convince himself.

It was at this point that titan lobster made its own attacks and launched two high-pressured water cannons out of its claws.

Nevertheless, while these attacks might have been pretty impressive, they were not going to cause Marcus any damage even if he took a direct hit.

Still, he properly blocked the attack to make sure that it did not cause any damage to the ship.

"Whoa! You are faster than your large size would suggest." Marcus said as he dodged a series of attacks.

The titan lobster had more than just its large claws to fight with. The antenna on its head were actually able to move on their own and strike out like spears.

They were quite precise and each one packed a decent amount of power.

"Well, I think that is enough analyzing its moves. It pretty much just fights simply and uses its large size and immense strength to crush its opponents." Marcus observed.

From all the fighting in the special dungeon he was used to opponents that had tons of tricks up their sleeves and did not always fight in conventional ways.

But this titan lobster was very straightforward and just launched powerful attack after powerful attack.

"I suppose that this will be the best way to finish it off and dismantle it."

Once he had figured out the best way to end the battle without causing too much damage, Marcus held up his right hand and cast a spell.

"Cataclysmic Iron Sword."

Casting one of his tier six iron magic spells Marcus created a sword of iron even larger than the titan lobster.

It was over three hundred feet long and a truly imposing weapon that brought devastation with every swing.

Yet its size was a bit too large currently to cleanly kill the titan lobster, and it soon was shrunk down to only around a tenth of its size.

'Around thirty feet long ought to do well.' Marcus thought, satisfied with the size adjustment.

The titan lobster for its part now had its instincts screaming at it to flee.

It was high level and had good defenses, but it could tell now that it had no chance against Marcus.

Even if it was not an intelligent beast, it could figure out when it was horribly outmatched.

Except when it tried to dive back into the ocean it was unable to get far.

The moment it turned around to flee Marcus launched his spell and pierced right through the titan lobster's head.

Its tough armor was unable to slow down the dense iron sword that weighed several hundred tons and was moving at an incredible speed.

"Wow, it is still alive after that! I suppose that lobsters do not have brains, so even a sword to the head might not kill it immediately."

Still, the attack had done a great deal of damage and the lobster was heavily injured by that one attack.

"Iron threads."

With his prey's struggle diminished now that it had a hole in its head, Marcus was able to wrap it up easily enough and lifted its entire body out of the water.

He then removed his cataclysmic iron sword from the titan lobster's head and blood began pouring out over its body.

"Let's get this done quickly."

Exerting his phantom pressure Marcus crushed the titan lobster's weakened soul and killed it instantly.

What he was about to do next would have been especially painful if it was still alive and he had no intention of putting it through any unnecessary cruelty.

Taking his cataclysmic iron sword, he sliced the lobster up into pieces. Starting with its claws, followed by the rest of its legs, and finishing off with its tail.

'I know it is customary to boil the lobster whole, but I am certain I am not going to find a pot large enough for it.' Marcus thought once the dismantling was finished.

A satisfied smile on his face he stored away the pieces he had cut off that were filled with meat and let the rest of the lobster's body sink into the ocean.

He was sure that the other creatures living in the area would make a meal out of it and it would just be a waste of space in his item box.

After that he flew back to the ship which had been moving away at top speed while he did battle with the titan lobster. Prioritizing the safety of everyone onboard over getting involved in the battle.

When he landed back on the fishing platform everyone was looking at him with completely overwhelmed expressions.

Naturally the feats he had just demonstrated were far beyond the norm and were at the level of what only the strongest warriors of a kingdom would be able to accomplish.

The only one who was not stupefied by Marcus' performance was Mrazivý. Who instead looked exacerbated.

"Don't you think that was a little over the top. We were supposed to not be attracting that much attention to ourselves." She said to Marcus who had a proud expression on his face.

Only now did he realize that he might have caused a bit of a bigger scene than intended.

'Well, it is the lobster's fault for looking so delicious.' Marcus thought, remembering how he had gotten lost in thought about how to cut it up and later prepare it.

"You two really are not normal adventurers. To think that you could stand before such a monstrous creature and easily defeat it. Treating it not as the calamity most would, but as nothing more than an ingredient. Truly spectacular. Even I would not have been able to so casually defeat such an entity. It is clear now that I simply must invite you both to join my kingdom. You two are far too exceptional to simply to stay as just adventurers. Come back with me to the Vazanoa Kingdom, and I can promise you will receive positions worthy of your power."

Not long after Marcus returned Domovoi came up to the two of them with this offer, an intense fervor in his eyes.

It was clear that he had been interested in them from the moment they met, but after seeing Marcus's display of power, he could not help but try to recruit them.

"Sorry, we like the freedom that comes with being adventurers. We have no intention of being locked down by any kingdom." Mrazivý said, lying as easily as she breaths.

The two of them were in fact high-ranking figures in Borealia. But they were not going to blow their cover here.

"I see. That is a shame." Domovoi said, accepting their refusal quite easily.

There was nothing he could do to force them to join his nation, and making a big deal of the issue and getting angry would not help him in any regard.

"What the hell is going on here?! Would someone explain what just happened!"

Within just a couple minutes of his return the ship's captain came running down looking for an explanation. And it was clear from his expression that he was boiling mad

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