Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 858 858 Battle For Ladhidh (2)

Walking into the town of Ladhidh, Marcus could see fighting going around all over the place.

Amira's guards and the crew of their three sand boats, were fighting the rogue Nubah Clan that had been in the middle of ransacking the town.

However, their arrival had caught these thieves off-guard and now a fierce battle was going on.

'Hm, things are not going badly, but the numbers really are not in their favor." Marcus thought.

Amira's guards only numbered seven, and with her head guard having to stay behind there were only six of them here to do battle. With the added members of the sand boats crew that brough their total force up to sixteen, while their enemy had about fifty combatants.

Still, it was a matter of quality over quantity. Most of the members of the Nubah Clan were not even level twenty and their equipment was lacking.

It was taking at least five of them to keep each of Amira's guards at bay, and even then it was only a matter of time before one of their members slipped up and end up dead.

'Oh, one of them is coming for me.' Marcus thought.

A member of the Nubah clan had snuck around to try and flank Amira's guards and the sand boats crews. And when he noticed Marcus leisurely walking around, he charged towards him.

In his hands he was holding a bronze scimitar that had some basic enchantments on it to increase its durability and sharpness.

Among the weapons that the Nubah Clan had, this was one of the better ones and the man who was wielding it was level twenty-three. Definitely one of the more powerful combatants among the rogue clan.

Nevertheless, he was about as threatening to Marcus as a kitten, and he paid the man no mind even when he swung the scimitar at his neck.

"You are going to need something a bit stronger than that if you want to hurt me." Marcus said, to the man who was now stunned from the shock of seeing his weapon bounce off of Marcus' neck.

In another show of power, Marcus reached out with his bare hand and folded the enchanted bronze scimitar like it was made of foil.

He then gave his attacker a slight shove, that sent him hurtling into the town's wall.

The man smashed into the sandstone with enough force to crack it and slumped over with blood dribbling out of his mouth.

After that display, none of the Nubah Clan members tried to approach Marcus and did their best to flee.

Unfortunately, for them, Amira's guards were not going to just let them go, and using their superior stats, chased the men down and killed them while they ran.

However, one of the last few men had retreated inside of one of the buildings and when he came back out, he had a young girl no older than twelve in his grasp with a knife to her throat.

"If you don't want me to gut this little girl, you are going to let the rest of us go. Get out of the way and prepare one of your sand boats for us to leave."

With a hostage in hand, this man and his few remaining compatriots seemed to regain their confidence and started shouting demands and threats at a rapid pace.

For a few moments Amira's guards and the sand boats crew stopped their attacks, clearly hesitant about risking the life of a young girl.

Nevertheless, Marcus could tell that they would soon come to the conclusion to sacrifice her. They were not going to simply let these men take one of their prized sand boats and escape unpunished simply to try and save one young girl's life.

Realizing this, Marcus decided to intervene. He was not so heartless as to let an innocent person die in front of him when he had the power to help.

Glancing at the man holding the dagger to the girl, Marcus used his phantom pressure on the guy and killed him instantly.

Like a puppet that had its strings cut, the man crumpled to the ground. Unmoving and without any sign of life.

Several people gasped when this happened, and stared blankly at the man who was now a corpse.

It was truly terrifying to witness what had just happened. There was not light, no sound, and no movement. From all appearances, the man just dropped dead for no discernable reason.

Even Amira's guards looked shaken by what had happened and stood frozen for several seconds.

Thankfully they recovered from their shock quicker than the members of the Nubah Clan, and swiftly moved into kill most of the remaining rogues. Leaving only three alive to interrogate.

'Something is not right here.' Marcus thought, gazing across the streets now filed with the body of Nubah Clan.

Among all those that had stayed behind to fight them, none of them really seemed like a leader. The strongest guy that had been there was level twenty-four, the oen Marcus had killed with a shove.

There was also the matter of their numbers.

When they had initially been attacked by the enemy sand boats, each one had between six and ten people on board, but they certainly had not killed or captured over sixty people in the town which Marcus estimated to be the low end of the attackers' reaming numbers.

Soon he realized that the higher ups of the Nubah Caln had likely decided to abandon their comrades and try and steal their sand boats during the ensuring battle.

'Sadly, for them, Mrazivý is still with the boats.' Marcus thought, showing know signs of worry.

"Marcus really beat me to the punch. I should have made up some excuse to go and join the battle myself." Mrazivý mumbled to herself.

While Marcus was in the thick of things, she was waiting on the boat with Amira and her head guard.

The three of them were the only ones left on the sand boat and the other two had only one crew members a piece to watch them.

While she was relaxed not feeling any pressure from what was going on, everyone else was tense and she could not even make idle conversation with them to pass the time.

Eventually she decided to pull out a book and read, when her senses picked up a group of people approaching.

"Looks like we have company." Mrazivý said, pointing out the group of men trying to sneak up on them.

Turning his gaze in the direction of her finger, Amira's head guard caught sight of the fifteen men and grimaced.

With a quick use of his creature appraisal skill he found that each of these men were over level twenty and that their leader was level thirty-six.

None of them were a match for him, but it would be difficult for him to keep them all at bay by himself. Especially in a defensive battle.

"Lady Amira, I must go and confront them to make sure you stay safe. I promise to slay all of them." Her head guard said, before bounding off the boat and charging towards the men that thought they were still hidden.

The crew members abord the other two boats noticed this and took control of one of their boat's mana cannons in order to offer support.

"He certainly is a bold one." Mrazivý said, watching Amira's head guard charge into a swarm of enemies.

He was heavily outnumbered, but his ferocious initial attack had caught the Nubah Clan members off guard and he had killed three of them before they even knew what was happening.

His top tier mithril glaive gleamed in the moonlight and each time it moved a scream resounded from the man he carved into.

However, the surprise attack did not keep the Nubah Clan members stunned for long, and they moved into defensive formation, with their strongest members engaging Amira's head guard to keep him in check.

"Hehe, it looks like I am really lucky today."

Looking over towards the voice, Amira saw that one of the attackers had managed to sneak onboard.

He was wearing dark tan clothing that blended in well with the desert and his movements showed he was well trained in stealth.

Of course, Mrazivý had noticed his arrival long before he got on the boat, but she did not see any reason to stop him at this point, since she had been told not to get involved.

The man began lumbering towards Mrazivý and Amira, looking them both over with his eyes and licking his lips.

"I can't remember the last time I saw two girls as delectable as the two of you. And one of you is a foreigner. I've never been with a foreign girl before." The man said, letting out a creepy laugh.

Understanding the man's intentions and seeing the lustful look in his eyes, Amira could not help but shake in fear.

Her head guard was in the middle of an intense battle to protect her and she had none of her usual protectors around.

"Amira, I know you asked me to not get involved, but it sounds like this man intends to assault me as well. You do not mind if I deal with him, right?" Mrazivý said, completely calm in contrast to Amira.

Nodding her head vigorously, in this moment Amira cared little for her pride as a member of the Eazim Clans head family.

"Okay." Mrazivý said with a reassuring smile.

She then flicked her wrist at the man who had been slowly approaching them and turned him into an ice sculpture.

"Definitely not one of my better pieces of art." Mrazivý with frown.

She then got up and tossed the frozen man far into the desert. Where he was swallowed up by the sand, still encased in his frozen coffin.

After that, Amira's head guard and the two remaining crew members managed to clean up the last members of the Nubah clan. Not leaving a single one of them alive.

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