Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 906 906 A Breather Before The End

Marcus watched Mrazivý and Ghazi clash against each other several hundred times in a matter of seconds.

Both of them were incredibly fast, but it was not too long before Marcus noticed Mrazivý starting to slow down.

Her own unique skills were close to reaching their time limits, and when they did, she would not be able to continue fighting on her own.

"It looks like you could use some help."

Appearing in a flash of light Marcus materialized next to Mrazivý and blocked Ghazi's ax with his mana barrier at full strength.

His defenses held for only a second, but it was enough for him and Mrazivý to jump back and get some distance.

Ghazi changed his posture to pursue, but before he could Marcus' cataclysmic iron sword slammed down in between them and cut him off.

"I wish I could say that I did not need your assistance there, but I was on my last leg. It still vexes me that I could not beat him though when you managed to win against Aziz." Mrazivý said, wearing a frown.

Unfortunately, she had been fighting the strongest warrior of Aezam. One of the most powerful nations on the continent. The fact that she could put up as good of a fight as she had was already impressive.

"There is no need to feel down about it, you were doing well. Had you not used up some of your strength fighting Aziz with me, you might have been able to beat him on your own. Anyway, I only managed to win thanks to your help."

Mrazivý rolled her eyes as Marcus comforted her, but despite trying to shrug it off, she was smiling.

"Now let me fix you up." Marcus said, conjuring a silver ball in his hand.

She had several gashes on her arms and legs where she had used her body to defend herself. Normally the hard scales one her limbs could repel most weapons, but evidently, they were not able to stop Ghazi's amethros ax.

With his Ultimate Refresh Supreme Skill, Marcus not only healed Mrazivý's wounds but also restored her weakened state from hitting the time limits of her unique skills.

In an instant she was back up to full strength and could fight at nearly her best again. Sadly, her limited use unique skills were still on cooldown just as Marcus' Soul Burst was, but she was at least no longer suffering from any ill effects from her own powers.

It was just a moment later that Marcus felt a great shockwave and watched his tier six iron magic spell get shattered.

Ghazi had swung his giant ax into the giant magical blade and completely destroyed it.

"I see that we have all managed to recover." Ghazi said, seeing that Mrazivý was no longer injured or breathing heavily.

Of course, Mrazivý had not been the only one to take damage during their fight. Before Marcus had intervened Ghazi had been missing his left eye, his pinky and ring finger on his right had had been sliced off, and he had numerous other wounds all over his body thanks to Mrazivý.

However, while Marcus had conversed with and restored Mrazivý to peak condition, Ghazi had been healing himself.

He had the high-speed regeneration skill at a high level, and his fingers had already grown back and all of the cuts that had been on his body were barely visible. Only slight reddish raw skin showing that he had ever been injured.

The only thing that had not fully regenerated at this point was his missing eye. But given time even that would grow back.

Nevertheless, Ghazi's recovery was not nearly as impressive as Mrazivý's.

Thanks to Marcus' Supreme Skill, not only were her injuries healed, but her mana was completely replenished. Ghazi on the other hand had to use his mana to heal and was not getting what he used back fast enough to cover his consumption. In a battle of attrition, he would run out of power before Marcus and Mrazivý did.

"I truly am surprised that you managed to defeat Aziz. Though it seems that it has cost you your shell and fangs." Ghazi said, pointing out his lack of armor and a weapon.

Regrettably his adamantine equipment had been rendered useless after being his by Aziz's Amor break unique skill.

"Don't worry. I still have plenty of means to fight." 

Marcus then burst forth with light and darkness that wrapped around himself, as he once again activated his Embodiment of Eclipse Supreme Skill.

Yet instead of allowing the power to simply wrap around himself as usual, he began modeling a part of it into his hand until he had made a scythe out of light and darkness.

The form was not completely stable and was constantly shifting in size thanks to the incorporable nature of the elements the scythe was composed of, but it would still do for a makeshift weapon.

Ghazi shook his head when he saw this. Obviously not impressed.

"And here I was hoping that you would bring out your true weapon. I know that the scythe you have been using is something you made recently at one of the forges in Aezam. But surely someone as skilled as you must have a more impressive weapon. I brought out my own best weapon and was hoping that you would do the same." 

"Sorry, but my main weapon is not something to be brough out in public. You will just have to make do with me as I am."

Sighing, Ghazi was clearly not happy with Marcus' answer, but could tell he was not going to change his mind. 

"Very well. Then let us begin our match anew. My brother may not have been able to handle both of you, but I can assure you that I will not be as easily beaten as him."

A loud roar shook the arena as Ghazi charged towards Marcus and Mrazivý. Bringing the match into its final stage.

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