Transmigrated Canon Fodder, Please Calm Down!

Chapter 5717: Legend of the Wizarding World (71)

Chapter 5717: Legend of the Wizarding World (71)

Chapter 5717 Legend of the Magic World (71)

The Dukes chaotic thoughts were quickly attracted by the items on the auction.

I cant take pictures of the mysterious alchemists potions today, but other things are okay. He would never miss a good thing when he encountered it.

Because of meeting Mervin, the Dukes previous bad mood has surprisingly improved. As long as the potions Mervyn used were from the mysterious alchemist, it would be sooner or later for the Havelock family to get the potions.

Of course, before that, he would find a way to make Mervin go back to the Havelock family regardless of the predecessors.

The Duke stared at the items on the auction table, occasionally bidding in the middle.

Tangguo and Mervin bid more frequently here, basically every two or three items, they bid once. Regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap, as long as the two ask for a price, they will surely get the shot.

The two were sitting in the hall again, attracting people's attention, and looked at their positions.

Mervin is a familiar face in Soka City, and he has taken the place of the Duke many times to take pictures.

At this time, apart from the people of the Havelock family and the Eustaces, almost no one knew that Mervin had recovered his sword aura, and Mervin had hidden his breath again.

When they saw the Duke sitting next to Mervyn, many people were secretly guessing, is the Duke still reluctant to give up Mervyn?

Tang Guo asked Mervin to ask for something that he found good, and watch for himself what happened in the Havelock family house broadcasted by the system.

She had to lament that this Maureen was really a ruthless character, planning to kill half of the younger generation. The cultivation base must be abolished first, and then killed, especially the more prominent ones.

At this time, Maureen, dressed up as Mervyn, attacked them as these people exclaimed.

However, with Hillary's existence, Maureen didn't completely kill them, on the contrary, he could save a life, Maureen didn't know.

Mervins younger brothers and sisters, none of them escaped from Morin's murderous hand.

The last person Maureen chose to start was Mervins mother Bonadette. When he did it, he pretended to be very sad and asked why Bonadette didnt wait. After he lost his sword spirit, he immediately moved He gave up.

Anyway, Bonadette didnt notice that the person in front of her was not Mervyn.

Her exquisite face could no longer maintain her previous hold, she was frightened and panicked, hoping that Maureen could forgive her for her mistakes. If she can let her go, she will treat him well.

Molin just pretended to be like this, because Bonadette was the only one who wanted to stay alive. If you don't leave a living, how can you make people believe that it is Mervyn who does all this?

Mervin killed Nancy, who he loved and trusted most, and he wanted to make the other party pay a heavy price.

"Mervin, no, Mervin, can you forgive your mother?"

Maureen, whose face turned into Mervin, gave a cruel smile, unceremoniously abolished Bonadette's cultivation base, and then attacked her again. It's just that he has a sense of measure this time, to ensure that she can save her life.

After doing all this, Maureen hurriedly left and returned to the retreat room to pretend to be retreating.

In addition, he didn't attack all his peers, most of them were not pleasing to his eyes. So even if he is safe and stable, it won't arouse other people's suspicion.

He has always acted carefully, just for fear that things will be revealed.

Molin was complacent in his heart, but he didn't know that there was a hidden demon beside him, who had recorded his words and deeds in the crystal ball a long time ago.

Because some things are delayed, I will pass a chapter first, I am writing, I cant wait to see tomorrow

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