Transmigrated Canon Fodder, Please Calm Down!

Chapter 5754: The real world (9)

Chapter 5754: The real world (9)

Chapter 5754 The real world (9)

Tang Kui ended the small world mission, quickly returned to the Time and Space Administration, and walked out of the nutrition warehouse. You can practice in the real world, so the nutrition warehouse needs to be filled with spiritual liquid to nourish the body.

He hurriedly walked out of the mission area, and happened to meet Tang Jiao, who was also running out in a hurry, and the two looked at each other.

Host, this is your sister's sister Tang Jiao in the small world. ] 111 said.

Host, this is your sister's brother Tang Kui in the small world. 222 said, he had told Tang Jiao about the world before, but she was impressed.

This time, he actually did the task by himself, and he hadnt waited until the big guy appeared.

He suspects that the big guy will be very angry, of course, its not his business. He believes that the host still has the ability to handle that big guy, and he doesn't need a system to worry about.

"Hello, this is Tang Kui."

"Hello, I am Tang Jiao."

The two greeted briefly, and hurriedly went to see Tang Guo.

They all looked forward to the person they hadnt seen for a long time.

Especially Tang Jiao, she really didn't expect that the older sister was also a tasker back then, she always thought that the other party was a reborn.


She rubbed her face, is she the stupidest?

"Two, Miss Tang is inside."

Tang Kui and Tang Jiao walked in, and they saw a woman in white clothes with jet black silk. Next to the woman, there was a man with white clothes and silver hair sitting, and the two of them looked very good.

"Guoguo." Tang Kui first yelled in the past. He traveled through so many worlds on missions. Tang Guo was the only one who could touch him. He truly regarded her as his sister.

"Brother." Tang Guo stood up, hugged Tang Kui, "Long time no see."

"Yes, it's been a long time. I didn't expect to see you here. You don't have to suffer from the shuttle anymore." This news made Tang Kui the happiest.

"Sister, you lied to me so hard." Tang Jiao looked helpless, "You lied to me for rebirth. As a result, you were a traversal with the system. I didn't know until a while ago."

The 222 in her family is unreliable, so I dont tell her such important news.

"Dont you know now? This time Im here to see you guys. I still have a lot of things to do. I may not have much time to meet in the future. After I get things done, I will invite you to visit Tianhai."

Tang Guo briefly told the two of the reasons for her shuttle and her identity.

Both were a little surprised after listening, but they didn't expect the original thing to be like this.

Tang Guo planned to stay here for a few more days. After all, in the future, there may not be much time to meet.

During , Tianhai-1 also received news from 978, indicating that their task is now very difficult, and there is no way to find time to come to the Space-Time Administration, and to come to the Space-Time Administration requires a lot of energy, which is not enough for the time being.

Regarding Tianhai No. 1s proposal to allow him to join the Space-Time Administration, 978 is of course very happy, but he wants to discuss with his host, Bai Yumeng.

Tang Guo didn't force this matter either, just asked Yin Yao to tell the administrator to remember this matter. If Bai Yumeng and 978 come over, remember to go through the formalities for them.

The time to get along is always very short, and Tang Guo will be separated from Tang Kui and Tang Jiao again.

The two also knew that it was impossible to get together all the time, they all had their own things to do, reluctantly separated.

Tang Guo and Yin Yao left the Time and Space Administration again, and just returned to Tianhai, Tianhai No. 1 received a signal from a long distance.

[Hello, Im Jin, is it the Space-Time Administration on your side?

Tianhai No.1: [I am the most powerful system in the Space-Time Administration, Tianhai No.1.


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