Transmigrated Canon Fodder, Please Calm Down!

Chapter 5761: The real world (16)

Chapter 5761: The real world (16)

Chapter 5761 The real world (16)

If the people of the Yuan family are not afraid of them, how can they avoid it?

Tang Guo smiled beautifully when she heard Yin Yao's movement. The broken stone was really violent, but she liked it very much.

She leaped to the top of the formation with her sword, just in time to see the huge rock hitting the Yuan family's formation quickly, making a loud noise.

She also put aside her distracting thoughts, slashing on the formation with one sword and one sword.

The power of the two is extremely powerful. It can be said that no one can be an enemy of them at the top of the ten thousand realms.

Speaking of her strength has grown so much, she really has to worship them, otherwise her spirit will not be so powerful.

Especially when taking back all the power of Xiao Qingsi, it is even greater.

"Patriarch, it's not good, they actually found our position. The formation may not last long."

The head of the Yuan family, Yuan Qian, was sitting on the main seat for a while, saying, "Get Lao Jiu here."

"Father, I'm here." Yuan Jiu walked in from the outside. At present, this is just one of his external incarnations.

When he learned that Tang Guo and Yin Yao had found them and were still destroying the formation, he knew that the Yuan family had been exposed. Fortunately, he left a few more ways for himself.

As long as there is a trace of soul, he can live.

"Old nine, see what you do!" Yuan Qian was very angry. "I said that Princess Tianhai is not so easy to provoke. You just don't believe it. After so many years of tossing for so many years, you just didn't get any benefits. Several backwards."

Yuan Qian patted the table vigorously, Im not going to talk about it. Now that Princess Tianhai comes back, she will directly charge this account to my Yuans family. Now shes breaking the battle outside. What do you want to do?

"Father, you agreed with this at the time. You didn't say that you couldn't count Princess Tianhai." Yuan Jiu said with a smile, "How do I remember that you praised my intelligence at the time? Just marry Princess Tianhai. Isn't we just taking the resources? It is also said that the king of the sea clan has not come back for so many years, and he will definitely not come back. Most of them are accidents, and Tianhai dare not talk about it."

"At the beginning, I discussed this with Ming Ye and asked him to confuse the old lady, but you didn't stop it. Now that A Guoguo is back and is looking for trouble, will you shirk everything on me?"

Yuan Qian was touched and his face was not very good: "You did bring up this matter."

"But you can't run away when you participate in the calculation of Agogo. When Agogo suddenly went to the small world, you were the one who arranged the master. You said, as long as you kill her, or rob her of her power, It's not a loss, even if Tianhai is sealed." Yuan Jiu smiled and shook the fan, "Father, you are much tougher than me. I can't carry this pot by myself."

"But now she has found it, it is impossible for the entire Yuan family to follow through, right?" Yuan Qian's face struggled, "Sacrificing you alone can save the family..."

Yuan Jiu: "I really want to calculate A Guoguo. I can't ask for her power and Tianhai. Therefore, she must hate me deeply and want to kill me. But the Yuan family has never participated in this. When things start, you cant just stand by. Do you really think that if you hand me over, she will be able to ignore the Yuan family and not care about the previous things?"

"Father, you take it for granted, who is she? Princess Tianhai, Xiao Bawang, not afraid of heaven and earth, even the old lady of her own can be driven out."

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