Transmigrated Canon Fodder, Please Calm Down!

Chapter 5811: Extraordinary: Return to Interstellar (24)

Chapter 5811: Extraordinary: Return to Interstellar (24)

Chapter 5811 Extraordinary: Return to Interstellar (24)

Killed, not necessarily good.

Kill their leader and that's it.

If you really want to kill them all, another strange creature may immediately appear to oppose humans, so its not good.

For interstellar humans to deal with strange and powerful creatures, it is better to continue to deal with Zerg, at least understand their habits.

Tang Guo has been on the main star of the Zhou Hao Alliance Empire, and people infected with Zerg are sent to her every day.

Most of them still have their own mental power, but a few have completely lost their mental power and can only be wiped out.

Early this morning, Tang Qianqian came to the laboratory to find Tang Guo, and said with a serious expression, "Cheng Song is back."

"Send it over." Tang Guo didn't reply, he was dealing with a Zerg-infected person.

Tang Qianqian is used to it, knowing that this is not the real Cheng Manqi in front of her, she still wants to see the other party's reaction.

So, who is this person?

She thought of the stone Tang Qingru said. If the stone is really Shenyao, then... Tang Qianqian stared at Tang Guo carefully, trying to see something from her face.

Tang Guo felt Tang Qianqians scrutiny, and did not say much. If the other party asked, she would certainly admit it.

But in the end she saw Cheng Song who was in a coma, and Tang Qianqian didn't mean to ask.

Tang Guo checked Cheng Song's situation: "Fortunately, although the mental power has been swallowed by more than half, the remaining half can be saved."

Cheng Manqi in the sea of knowledge was so excited when she heard this.

Next, Tang Guo did a mental energy stripping for Cheng Song. Tang Qianqian didn't stay much, she still had a lot to do.

Walking out of the laboratory, she sighed slightly.

She couldn't confirm this matter, she was afraid that after asking, if not, it would be even greater disappointment.

She opened her personal terminal and tried to send a message to Tang Qingru, but she did not send it out. The other party also locked her in a small black room.

Cheng Song woke up on the third day after he came back. When he woke up, he was very desperate. He soon realized that he seemed to be able to control it. I don't know how to describe this mood.

Tang Guo let Cheng Manqi take control of her body, and asked Cheng Song what was going on.

The final result was similar to Tang Guo's guess. Cheng Song was indeed saving his daughter, and he could only do a few things, all with great restraint.

As for Cheng Yan, it is not his son, but the kid who came up by himself to help the Zerg control his mental power.

Those women are containers chosen by the Zerg.

Wait until he is completely assimilated by the Zerg, then he will be able to multiply the Zerg with those women.

So, even if those women were married back, nothing really happened to him.

At least until the container is fully developed, nothing can happen.

Cheng Manqi breathed a sigh of relief, as did Cheng Song.

When he knew that he had only a small amount of mental power left, Cheng Song was still very sorry. He was a fighter. He is now a waste material and can no longer fight for the country. Of course, he will feel sad.

After Tang Guo carried out the spiritual separation of all the Zerg-infected people in the Zhouhao Alliance Empire, she planned to go to the Rollo Alliance Empire.

Now it is to use Cheng Manqi's body, so on the surface she is Cheng Manqi.

Before leaving, she gave Cheng Song the remaining pure mental power of Yuan Jiu to help him restore his mental power.

This is a reward for using Cheng Manqi's body.

Cheng Manqi said that she can give this body to Tang Guo.

Now all the misunderstandings are solved, she has no regrets.

Tang Guo went to the Luoluo Alliance Empire on the front foot, and Tang Qingru on the back foot came back. Tang Qianqian knew, and hurried to see her.

see you tomorrow

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