Transmigrated into a Female-Oriented Card Game

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Marmil explained that it was a potion that cleaned the mana vessel, but Cadel already knew. That it was an ‘attribute point reset’ potion in the game.

It was expensive and hard to come by, so he tried not to use it until I’d collected another [Potion of Circulation]. Once you reset it, you can’t change it until you drink the same potion, and if you make a mistake, you’ll ruin your magician’s life in an instant.

‘This is the best I can do for now.’

However, this was the only way to fill the ‘shortcomings’ that were lacking. To pour the mana that was distributed to the three properties, into ‘Fire’.

He drank the potion without hesitation. Even during that time, Sellev didn’t stop, and her soles moved forward as if they were crushing Cadel.

Killing Cadel was no longer a priority for her. All she wanted was the fall of the Empire. To smash the gates, to annihilate the humans beyond.

“Let’s see if you can stop me.”

In Sellev’s opinion, there were no opponents in this land who could defeat her anymore.

* * *

“Don’t stop attacking! Never give up the gateway!”

The full force of the Guardian Knight Order, including the reinforcement battalion, was mobilized. Magicians unfurled barriers, swordsmen parried sword energy aimed at Sellev’s ankles, or stopped the remaining Red Men remnants.

Still, it wasn’t enough, for none of their attacks could stop Sellev’s sprint. Her body, as massive as a mountain, moved forward unhindered. Even the demonic energy that flowed from her body made their vision darker.

“Damn, how the hell does she get this speed with that body……!”

Dreyfe muttered through clenched teeth as he sheathed his twin swords. Despite the difficulty of standing upright, he tried to lend a hand, but his extended sword energy was either absorbed or deflected by the thick demonic energy.

“Why do these useless legs keep staggering?! Stand upright!”

Dreyfe grew impatient with the sight of Sellev, who was getting closer and closer to breaking the gate. Sorin stepped in front of Dreyfe, who nervously slapped his thighs.

“Don’t overdo it, Dreyfe.”

“What bullsh*t! If I don’t overdo it now, what will I do?”

“I’ll stop her, but in the meantime, I’m handing over command of the battalion to you.”

Sorin flicked his wrist, revealing a bracelet identical to Dreyfe’s. A golden dusting of light emanated from the bracelet, which resonated with his aura. It flowed like the Milky Way over his outstretched palm, and soon transformed into a giant hammer.

Dreyfe bit his lip as he eyed the giant hammer in Sorin’s hand.

“Stop her properly. Pick up the mercenary commander who’s probably lying around somewhere too.”

“I’ll do that.”

Once the gate was down, the damage would be unstoppable. The minimum requirement for victory was to defend the gate. They could never let it fall.

As Sorin crossed the gateway, a demonic energy that was thicker and darker than the night sky hung over it. He ran, sensing only the presence of Sellev in the harshness of his vision.

That was when he spotted Sellev’s right leg, which was advancing through the demonic energy. Golden energy condensed above the hammer. The hammer, held sideways, swung back with all its might, striking Sellev’s ankle.


The sound of the blow was unbelievable, coming from a living being’s bones. There was a loud recoil, but Sorin didn’t take the hammer off and continued to pump his power. The muscles all over his body swelled, and blue tendons sprouted on the backs of his hands.

“……Ah, what a funny race.”

An eerie voice boomed from above his head. Sellev waved a hand to disperse the demonic energy, then looked down at the sound of a blow to her ankle on the ground.

“Stupid and brave. Extinction is the answer for a race that doesn’t know its place.”

Raising her opposite leg, Sellev slashed at Sorin’s standing position. Sorin rolled to evade the attack, then raised his upper body and aimed for Sellev’s heel at the same time.


A series of dull blows rang out, sending a dull ache through Sellev’s ankle. The corner of her mouth twitched at the unexpectedly swift movement. It was like being annoyed that a pesky fly wasn’t as easy to catch as she’d hoped.

“I’m going to kill you and make you go away.”

She had tried to ignore this annoying fly and break the gate, but then this fly gave her an unexpected sting.

Clasping her hands together, she sucked in a short breath. A portion of the spreading demonic energy gathered around her fist, and in an instant, a blackened hand struck the ground.

[Black Fist Random Acts]

As if dozens of fists were pounding the ground simultaneously, multiple imprints were carved in every direction of the rapidly descending fist. Sorin couldn’t tell which one was real. The range of the attack was too wide. All the afterimages were imbued with killing intent, and in fact, each one was a real attack.

It was impossible to avoid them all. Reflexively raising the hammer, Sorin braced himself to defend against the attack.

But before Sellev’s fist hit the ground.


Suddenly, red-hot flames accompanied by a sharp metallic sound flew across the demonic energy.

“What, what the hell?”

It was a chain woven of flames. A flame with heat like lava and hardness like steel. Sellev tried to resist the chains that began to wrap around her body in an instant, but the restraints of the chains were faster than her resistance.

“What kind of nonsense is this……!”

Confused eyes suddenly turned to the back.

No way.

Into her jagged, disbelieving vision, the owner of the chain appeared.

“You! I’ll kill you!”

It was Cadel, a slender chain of fire twisting around him as if to protect its master. A calm face emerged from the flames, staring straight at the frenzied Sellev.

“I told you, you’re the one who dies.”

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