Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 40: Pinlanju

Chapter 40

Ji Nian didn't know what to do but followed along as a background extra to finish the scene.

Liu Yi saw that Ji Nian had also gotten into the boss's car and was going to stop her, but seeing the man's expression remain unchanged, he forcibly held back what he was going to say.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the car was a bit awkward. Ye Jingzhan sat in the left window seat, Shen Shuyao sat in the middle, and Ji Nian sat in the right window seat.

"Where are we going?" Shen Shuyao asked.

"Sending you to Pinlan Residence," Ye Jingzhan coldly replied.

Shen Shuyao was shocked and somewhat annoyed, "Mr. Ye, even if I'm moving, you should let me go back and pack my things."

"Miss Shen, don't worry. I've already called someone to go pack your luggage, so we can go straight there," Liu Yi replied.

Shen Shuyao was so angry her chest heaved up and down as she took deep breaths to suppress the rage welling up inside. "What's the difference between you guys and robbers?"

Ji Nian was shocked. The female lead was confronting the male lead head on! She hurriedly pulled Shen Shuyao and tried to soothe her, "Shuyao, let's calm down... Mr. Ye was just trying to save us the hassle of moving..."

Seeing her take the man's side, Shen Shuyao huffed angrily, "You don't understand! He..." Before she could finish, she whipped her head around to glare fiercely at the man, too furious to speak.

Ye Jingzhan was nonchalantly looking over some documents, not paying any mind to the woman throwing a tantrum next to him.

In fact, when he had woken up that day and found he could touch women normally again, he had later tried touching other women but it didn't work at all.

The psychologist had also suggested this was a good start, and since he didn't reject Shen Shuyao, he could get closer to her and figure out why he didn't reject her.

Pinlan Residence wasn't far, located in the city center of Jingdu, and though the location was bustling it still gave off a quiet vibe. The whole villa area felt as if it was outside the city.

After passing through tight security, Ji Nian couldn't help but sigh in admiration. The world of the wealthy was so different from the high-rises and skyscrapers on the outside. This area was like entering a different world.

After getting out of the car, Ji Nian's eyes roamed around, filled with shock at the house.

Following them inside, she marveled to herself. The black marble flooring looked like mirrors.

The magnificent crystal chandelier, the pure black imported wood table, branded cushions...the decor of the entire house was indescribable.

"Wow," Ji Nian murmured softly. This couldn't even compare to the small villa she had woken up in. It was completely outclassed.

Shen Shuyao was also shocked. Even though her own family circumstances were decent for an average person, compared to wealthy people like this, the gap was enormous.

Even so, she still felt displeased with the man's proposal of a contract to be his mistress. Although she had slept with him once, she still strongly rejected this kind of overbearing behavior.

"From now on, Miss Shen will live here. Your things should all be packed already. The master bedroom on the second floor is your room," Liu Yi said.

Shen Shuyao was puzzled. "I'm living in such a big place by myself?"

Ye Jingzhan raised his brows. "This is close to my company, so I'll come by occasionally."

She wouldn't have thought anything of it if he hadn't said that, but now Shen Shuyao's eyes became guarded. What did he mean, come by occasionally? That meant...

Ji Nian was just an observer eating melon seeds on the side, still watching with great interest. The novels always wrote that after the female lead moved into the male lead's villa, the two would quarrel unhappily at first.

But after living together for a while, the female lead would also gradually be attracted by the male lead, and the two would start a romantic relationship. Of course, adult relationships always involved some spice.

"Xiao Nian sleeps with me every night, so she has to live here with me," Shen Shuyao said firmly.

The named Ji Nian was stunned. Huh? She had to live with the female lead in this villa too? That seemed a bit too exciting...

It was only now that Ye Jingzhan realized there was still an ignored woman present, the one wearing a mask. How strange, usually when other women approached him, even without physical contact, he would feel extremely repulsed internally.

Yet this mask-wearing woman had followed them the entire time, and he had treated her like air, as if she didn't exist at all, without any feeling, and had let her tag along for so long.

Seeing his boss sizing up Ji Nian, Liu Yi's heart skipped a beat, very worried there might be a pathological reaction or some aversion. Although there was no contact, she was still in his line of sight at too close a range.

Sensing the male lead's gaze, Ji Nian didn't know why but felt a chill down her back from the icy aura he emitted. She laughed awkwardly, "Mr. Ye misunderstood, I have a place to live...I'll go home today..."

"No!" Shen Shuyao said agitatedly, her eyes pitiful as she pleaded, "Xiao Nian, didn't you say you'd accompany me for a while..."

Seeing the female lead's pitiful look, Ji Nian understood she was afraid and wanted someone to be with her, but the male lead's cold, chilling gaze also frightened her...

This really put her in a dilemma...she didn't want to offend either side...Ji Nian felt conflicted.

Ye Jingzhan didn't know why, but he didn't feel any disgust towards this mask-wearing woman before him.

Maybe it was because she truly lacked any presence, unlike other women who would desperately try to curry favor and intentionally get close, which made him even more averse to women.

On the contrary, this woman had said very little from start to finish, barely making a peep, just silently following along the whole time.

"There are many rooms in the villa. Since you want your friend to accompany you, let her stay for a while," Ye Jingzhan said. Even he was shocked internally at his own words.

Liu Yi stared wide-eyed in disbelief. What? Had his boss changed his personality? Or was he cured? How was this possible...

Shen Shuyao was also surprised he had agreed so readily.

Ji Nian blinked blankly. "Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Ye Jingzhan didn't say anything more. He turned and walked away with his long legs, leaving only a cold back view behind.

Seeing that, Liu Yi gave them a few more instructions before hurrying to follow.

Ji Nian understood that as the cold and ruthless tycoon, the male lead was quite busy as a CEO, so he couldn't stay long and had left.

Now the entire villa only had her and Shen Shuyao left. Liu Yi had arranged for people to come daily to clean and make meals.

Ji Nian sat leisurely on the leather sofa. This was her first time in such a luxurious house, and she really wanted to take some selfies with her phone.

Seeing the female lead looking preoccupied, she asked, "Shuyao, what's wrong?"

Shen Shuyao seemed to have trouble speaking. After hesitating a moment, she finally said, "Xiao Nian, will you look down on me?"

"Hmm?" Ji Nian turned to look at her, puzzled.

Shen Shuyao had a bitter expression. "He's the man I had a one-night stand with."

Ji Nian reacted very calmly, but thought, wait no, she should act very shocked. So the quick-witted her immediately put on a look of great astonishment.

"Although he said it was changing companies, it's more like coercing me to be his mistress..." Shen Shuyao lowered her head, her tone helpless.

"He must've threatened you, right?!" Ji Nian immediately acted outraged.

Shen Shuyao's eyes turned red as she nodded, "Yes!"

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