Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 55 55 A silver treasure chest

Chapter 55 55 A silver treasure chest

[Lucy's POV: ]

The silver treasure chest was something located deep in this village so we had the option to simply steal it without them noticing.

But, that would have been difficult as…

[ "Why are we in our ancestral sanctuary master?" ]

These trolls had a burial tradition and greatly respected their ancestors.

Their reverence for them and everything associated with them ran so deep that, under ordinary circumstances, they wouldn't even allow their own unqualified people to set foot in these sacred places or lay hands on their belongings.

[ "Just to take your prayer stone. No biggie." ]

And we were here to take the prayer stone that they must have been using as a prayer and offering altar for multiple generations now. Which, as a matter of fact, was a silver treasure chest.

[ "T-the prayer stone?!" ]

And our new slave-, I mean my new disciple was obviously shocked to hear this, but he knew that just like how their lives didn't belong to them anymore, anything that does and has belonged to their tribe was now the possession of his masters.

"We are here~."

My El's voice was sweet now. Mature, a little low-pitched, but definitely melodious.

'Haaa… oh my little heart, I have asked the sun and moon, the sky and stars, the dusk and down,

But even they do not know the answer to my predicament.

Oh, my dear soul, I have endured the trials of time, the harsh wounds of these restraints, this unbearable happiness that drives me closer to her more than ever before,

But I have still endured.

I think about the future, dream about the moment we can become one once again, the moment these restraints are shattered, but… oh mischievous fate.

Why did you make her so perfect, this time?

Why, did you give her such lethal weapons that

Even I… can't bare it much longer.'

I am miserable and this world is a bitch. And my bitch is worse because she doesn't give a fuck about it...

Deep within a hidden cave of the troll village, a sacred place was reserved only for their mightiest warriors or esteemed village chiefs.

We stood in the middle of another graveyard there, but this time covered with greenery and fresh flowers all around us, with a giant silver chest placed on a structure resembling a prayer altar.

'And naturally, I stumbled upon this place accidentally during one of my reruns.'

But standing here like this in reality with my El and another one of our family members, sure was unique.

[ "Command: call exclusive merchant ID: Azrail." ]

And she even called Raz… who strangely took a little longer to appear before us.

<Nya! Sorry! I was doing some work- nyaaaaaaa!?>

And as soon as he appeared, he was shocked to suddenly come face to face with Gurak, our troll hero, and jumped up with shock. And the troll hero also jumped back with a shocked expression… horrified expression would be a better word.

[ "W-who are you?!!" ]

<I should be the one asking that, nyaaaa!>

Both were suddenly on guard too, and the troll even took out his weapon.

"Raz, I understand is overacting, why is he surprised?" Eva asked as she looked at both of them with a fun smile, enjoying whatever was happening before her.

"Easy Raz darling. He's Lucy's new slave. Pretty good, right?"

<No! Nya! He's good and all but why the hack does he have so many people watching him?! Is he some kind of criminal or hero or something?!>

Raz was surprised because the spectators following this troll hero must be more than us. Though, most of them would be the lowest-ranking beings that just wanted a puppet and something they could play around with.

And we had strangely just got to know that this little troll awakened that we picked up randomly, was someone that has rejected every single contract he had been offered.

'Though the reason for that was his dumbness. Every single time a contract was offered to him, he would click the more attractive button, the red one.'

Now it isn't his mistake that he considered becoming someone's contractee a sinful thing for a warrior, the poor creature didn't even know how to read the language of his own kind, so he must have offended quite a few bunch of spectators.

And it was just El's theory until a while ago, which was proven in this moment.

[ "Oy, you, troll, quite down. He's our kitten and family member which means he is your master too. And I know you can feel the difference in strength with that skill of yours, so respect him properly." ]

This new interpersonal communication ability her link skill got after our first awakening was quite handy.

We can practically communicate with anyone as we did with ourselves. And it only consumed Mana, different from my six-wall materialization that munched on my mental strength, so it was even better.

"And Raz. He, well, looks like you already saw his status window so that is that. He's dumb, so he thought red was the answer to everything.

Anyway, look over there."

Raz was smart and strong, so he didn't need long explanations or detailed answers to trivial questions like that. So, after she calmed him down, she pointed towards the altar, and his night sky-like starry eyes became wide open.

<Nyaaaaaa! Nya! El! Lucy! A silver treasure chest! Nyaaaa!>

He was surprised… so surprised that bastard ran towards the treasure chest and almost tried putting it inside his own dimensional space.

"You ungrateful son of a bitch…"

El already knew her basted kitten would lust after an unclaimed item of that level. It would be foolish of him if he didn't try it. But El was there, and there was no way for even this ruler of dark to escape from her warm, smooth, soft, experience-… ahem.

So, she caught him, and now, we stood before the treasure chest in this naturally lit area.

<Nyaaa! So this is how you were gonna gather funds for the night stone, Nya?! With a single stolen treasure chest, han?!>

"What the fuck do you mean stolen? We worked hard to get it you fucker. And what is this behavior? Is this how you will talk to me now? Do you want your treats or not?"

She… was upset, and her threats were super effective on the cat that was now conditioned to live on the food that we made and the recipes that she provided.

He couldn't possibly talk against her in this kind of casual situation, so, as soon as he heard her words, he just fell quiet and curled up in her arms like the little kitten he was.

"Hahaha, you two and your funny talk. It sure is fun."

The entrance exam was near so we would be starting the academy, but we were planning to get the adventurer's license before that since we had free time on our hands.

We finished the three treasure gathering sooner than we expected thanks to the boons and new knowledge we received about ourselves.

This one was easier than the first time in the slime dungeon, so now that we stood before the final treasure…

"Lucy. Do the honors."

I was also excited to see what we get, and how strong our weapons become after the synthesis.

"Wish me luck, everyone."

El had already inserted the master key, which this time, went inside a place with only a straight line-like lock.

It was a master key in true meaning, but, the rewards of this batch ultimately also depended on luck.


"Good luck Lu."

<Good luck Lucy! Nya! Pull something very, very, very rare so that I can have it~! Nyahahaha!>

I didn't think much of those words, but, probably how a black cat is the symbol of bad luck, a pure white one like our Raz is a symbol of good one?


A golden light escaped from the treasure chest as soon as we opened it… and no this thing wasn't a mimic, we had triple-checked it already, so this golden light only meant one thing.

<Nyaaaaaaaa! Jackpot~! Nyahahahaha!>

When one goes beyond the first layer of the specific odds and a golden light falls from any kind of treasure chest, it is generally referred to as getting a <Jackpot>. And yes there existed <Goldrush> and <Rainbow's end> in which, one gets the best of the best rewards one can get from those specific kinds of chests, a <Jackpot> of a silver chest, was no small thing either.

[Congratulations! You have opened a silver treasure chest for the first time. Bestowing achievement reward: <Question voucher>.]

[Ta-dum~! Your luck has triggered a special event and you have gone beyond the basic odds!]

[Excellent rewards have been obtained!]

"My lucky basted Lucy~! Gimme that luck, ugh~."

The way she made that last sound was definitely… bad.

'So I will just forget about it.'

But hey. We got a jackpot. Which obviously ticked off those bastards watching us.

[Some angels of <Absolute purity> faction wonders if you are blessed by divine luck.]

[Some gods are asking if you are related to a certain entity known for their luck.]

[Some demons of <Pure evil> factions ask again for a temporary contract.]

[< Someone has revealed their true name. >]

"Wait what…?"

<What the hackkkkk, Nya?!>

"Ohhh? Was someone so fed up that they couldn't hold back anymore? Hehe. We had just reached level hundred today too."

That last Worldline message was really shocking for me.

Even I was seeing a situation where someone reveals their true name this early while spectating someone.

And, to reveal a true name was akin to giving away the fact that they were observing us.

Now, for the weaker beings, it was a foolish thing to do as the ones stronger than them could just come to them and quite possibly kill them to lessen the competition, but, in a case like this, it was surely possible that the one that revealed their name was a stronger being that was confident in their strength.

'And if they are stronger, the other weaker ones can also just forget the fact that they would ever have the chance to get the ones they are aiming for.'

So, this situation was surprising for me, absurd for Raz, and fun for El.

Eva again had no idea what was going on, but, she wasn't even paying attention to that. Her eyes were locked on the treasure chest that had just opened up, and when I followed her gaze and looked back… even my eyes got glued to the unique jewel sitting in the center of everything insideit.

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