Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 5 (5/8)

Book 2: Chapter 5 (5/8)

Outside of the war camp. General Lupoid Gelt led a hundred tenth-tier warriors to speak with the Phantom Knight. Upon seeing Lupoid, the Horse Riding Phantom Knight asked, Are you the General of this army?

Yes, my name is General Lupoid Gelt. What do you want to speak with me about?

Is there a Great General leading this army?

No, just me and three other Generals.

Where are they? Why are you the only General that came to speak with me?

Oi you bastard, if you have something to say then say it already before I give the commands for my army to chop you to pieces.

The Phantom Knight got off his horse and humbly said, I am a Horse Riding Phantom Knight, conjured to Toria Continents by Lord Noe Clerico of the Gray. On the behalf of my Conjurer, I am here to respectfully take your head. You can either cut it down by yourself and hand it over to me or I will painfully take it down by force.

I don't care who your Conjurer is. Do you want my head? Come and take it, you bastard.

General Gelt then gave the commands for a hundred tenth-tier warriors to surround the Phantom Knight. The Phantom Knight then drew out the greatsword that was holstered from his back and swung it in the air several times before throwing it up high into the sky. Lupoid saw an opportunity to attack, he immediately withdrew his battle axes and said, Now! Together with a hundred tenth-tier warriors, Lupoid furiously attacked the Phantom Knight repeatedly. The Phantom Knight could easily dodge all attacks from the enemies before jumping up to grab his greatsword that was flying down in mid-air and swung it once, penetrated through both battle axes that Lupoid was holding to get to his head. Lupoid quickly reacted by bent his body backward and managed to avoid the Phantom Knights greatsword by two inches before flipping backward three times to create some distance.

General Gelt raised his hands and saw the battle-axes were broken, he thought, Those battle axes were crafted using pure steel. But this Phantom Knight could have easily cut through them proving his physical strength was not weaker compared to a Fourth Stage Saint Warrior.

By the time Lupoid finished thinking, more than fifteen tenth-tier warriors were slain by the Phantom Knight. Lupoid then retreated deeper into his war camp while commanding out loud, All Vice-Generals, command your warriors to kill this Phantom Knight at all cost!

Before his Vice-Generals could react, General Gelt heard a horse was running behind him. He turned around and saw the Phantom Knight was riding the Phantom Horse to chase after him. Lupoid grasped the battle axes from a nearby warrior and roared out loud then lurched toward to attack the Phantom Knight. As a First Stage Saint Barbarian, General Gelt believed he wouldn't lose to the Phantom that easily. After two minutes of fighting with the Phantom, Lupoid was safely escorted away from this area while at least ten thousand warriors kept the Phantom Knight busy surrounded and attacked it. Ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, seventy thousand troops teamed up and finally managed to kill the Phantom Knight and his Phantom Horse after forty minutes of fighting with them.

General Gelt sighed in relief inside his war tent as his warriors reported about the death of the Horse Riding Phantom Knight. Approximately a minute later, Lupoid pointed at one of his Vice-Generals and said, Send words to Queen Pescennia Agapta and three other Generals of other armies laying siege outside of Slut city. Let them know about what happened here with that Phantom Knight wanting to take my head. Recommend them to increase their personal bodyguards wherever they go.

Yes, General Lupoid Gelt.

One more thing. Give a command to our entire army. If any Phantom Knight shows up at our war camp again then go ahead and kill it at all cost without asking for my permission.

Yes, General. What about other conjured creatures?

Kill them all!

Understood, I will pass this on to our soldiers.

Inside Slu city. Duchess Sybell Graylock was hosting a banquet welcoming Lord Noe Clerico into her city. After finding out the sixty million troops that she had requested from Lylnesle will head for Guruchi instead of Slu, Duchess Graylock appeared not to be pleased about it.

Noe asked, That was my idea. Are you opposing it?

No, Your Grace. I am thankful that you are here to assist us. Nonetheless, the Dryardian Empire armies led by Queen Pescennia Agapta have a combined troops number of a hundred million. If Slu doesnt get more troops on time, I afraid this city will fall into the hands of the Demi-Humans.

You are the Duchess of Ehweiler, Slu, and Guruchi cities, am I correct?

Yes, dear Lord Clerico.

Then why wouldnt you want the troops from Lylnesle head for Guruchi first? Why does it have to be Slu? Was it because you are residing here? Or is there some other reason that I am not aware yet?

Lord, it wasnt because I am residing here. It was because Slu was located between Ehweiler and Guruchi. If Slu is safe, we can always send aid to the other two cities under my control. But if Slu fall, other cities will eventually fall as well.

You can think of that, how about the enemy? Are they too stupid to realize it or what?

Lord, I am not trying to argue with you. We have been at war with the Dryardian Empire for too long and could guess every move they are going to make.

Oh how funny. Because I just sent a Phantom Knight to check out one of the Demi-Humans war camps outside of Slu city and apparently they have been setting up a lot of traps. It seems like those traps were preparing for the troops coming from Lylnesle.

How can you be certain of that? Those traps could have been set for us here at Slu city, dear Lord Clerico. If Slu city falls, then our citizens will have to escape from this city. Perhaps those traps were made for our citizens to prevent them from escaping. Even though Duchess Graylock was disagreeing with Lord Clerico, she remained humble in her tone.

Duchess Graylock, I came here to assist you because you are the foster mother of Kain Almos. If you dare to disagree with me one more time, I will leave Grand Duchy of Macmalian and let the Dryardian Empire lay ruin to this nation. Noe was fed up with the disrespect of Duchess Graylock. No one should dare to disobey or disagree with him in any way, no one.

Lord, do you know of my son?

Yes, I have recruited Kain Almos to the Gray. He is one of the potential ungraduated members that I have recently recruited. This was why I came to this country to assist you instead of sending the members of the Gray to do it.

Lord, please forgive me for my rudeness earlier. I wont dare to disagree with you again. On the behalf of the people living in my cities, I thanked you for being here with us during this time of need. Duchess Graylock kneeled on the ground as she thanked Noe.

My son is a member of the Gray. This is such great news! Kain Almos, I have made the right decision of adopting you. Together with the support from the Mages Council, I should have no problem in declaring myself the Great Duke when the right time comes. Duchess Graylock thought to herself.

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