Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 8 (3/9)

Book 2: Chapter 8 (3/9)

Jaane thought to herself, At my current level, I may defeat an entry First Stage Saint Warrior. If this Purple Goblin has reached the late First Stage Saint Warrior, I can still escape out of here alive. However, if he had advanced into Second Stage or Third Stage, then today will be my last day of living.

Thinking so, Jaane decided to retreat and wait for backup instead of facing this Purple Goblin alone. She walked away without saying anything but then the Red Goblin demanded out loud, Where do you think you are going? Our King is here. You should pay respect toward him.

Jaane ignored the Red Goblins demand as she continued walking away calmly while chanting for [Earthquake], [Sandstorm], [Ward of Stability], and [Magnetic Shield] spells. Sensing dissatisfaction and hostile emotion from the Purple Goblin toward Jaane, the Red Goblin quickly commanded nine other Red Goblins to attack Jaane to punish her for disrespecting Lunthus the Great. Jaane casted [Earthquake] spell and then activated [Ward of Stability] to grant her immunity from the earthquake as she continued to walk away. If Jaane only cast [Earthquake] spell and remained standing idly, then it wouldnt affect her at all since the spot where she was standing wasnt affected by the [Earthquake]. But if Jaane wanted to move freely, she must activate [Ward of Stability] to avoid being affected by her own [Earthquake] spell.

If any Green or Blue Goblins decided to chase after Jaane, they would have fallen on the ground while continuously taking damage from her [Earthquake] spell. However, the Red Goblins continued to charge toward Jaane without being slowed down despite her strong earthquake still working. Jaane knew the attacks from those Red Goblins cant be overlooked, she casted [Magnetic Shield] to create a magnetic shield with a radius of six hundred square feet to block all physical and/or magical attacks toward herself. The [Magnetic Shield] was casted on top of Jaanes [Stone Skin] to absorb all of the attacks from the Red Goblins while she continued walking away in calm.

Lunthus had watched the disrespect from Jaane long enough. He withdrew a big steel blade holstered in his back then sprinted toward Jaane to attack. Similar to the Red Goblins, Lunthus wasnt being affected by the earthquake as he jumped up and landed a powerful blade swing onto Jaanes [Magnetic Shield]. One swing, two swings, after twenty-seven swings from Lunthus's blade finally broke Jaanes [Magnetic shield]. Together with ten Red Goblins, Lunthus swung his steel blade at full force while the Red Goblins also struck their swords, aiming at Jaane. Too many powerful attacks at the same time will surely break Jaanes [Stone Skin] as well but she wouldnt let it happen in the first place. Jaane casted [Sandstorm] spell to reduce enemies eye sights and constantly damage them within two miles radius.

Despite receiving constant damage and having their eye sights reduced by the [Sandstorm], Lunthus and the ten Red Goblins carried on with their attacks only to be knocked up into the sky by Jaanes [Stonefist] spells. Before they could fall back into the ground, Jaane casted [Earth Blast] spell to shoot out numerous rock projectors toward them. As they landed on the ground, the ten Red Goblins could not stand up as their resistance against Jaanes [Earthquake] grew weaker due to recent injuries caused by her [Stonefist] and [Earth Blast] spells.

The [Sandstorm] continuously caused damage as their skins were torn off. The Red Goblins were forced to retreat by crawling away far from this area as soon as possible. Seeing the Red Goblins had retreated, Jaane was somewhat feeling relief. Nevertheless, knowing Lunthus was still walking toward her, Jaane knew she was not out of the danger zone yet. Jaane reactivated her [Magnetic Shield] then casted [Earthen Hawk] hoping it can keep Lunthus busy long enough for her to escape. But after only four swings from Lunthuss blade, the Earthen Hawk was cut to pieces.

Lunthus could sense the panic atmosphere coming out from Jaane, he laughed and said, Human, surrender now and I will allow you to die painfully.

Continued walking away, Jaane asked in an annoying tone, Allow me to die painfully? Why would I want to surrender then?

Because if you dont surrender, I will make sure you die much more painfully.

Jaane shook her head to get back her focus on continue chanting magic spells instead of making dumb conversation with this Purple Goblin.

You choose to die much more painfully. I will make you regret it! Lunthus sprinted and then jumped up high, swinging down his steel blade at Jaane, but her [Magnetic Shield] spell absorbed all the damages. Because Lunthus was attacking by himself, it took thirty-eight swings from his steel blade before Jaanes [Magnetic Shield] was broken again. Lunthus immediately slashed his steel blade six more times and broke through Jaanes [Stone Skin] as well. He then attempted to stab her with the blade but Jaane casted [Stonefist] spell on time to knock him flying up again. Jaane reactivated her [Stone Skin] spell and then casted [Tree of Life] spell so it can heal her just in case Lunthus successfully landed any attack on Jaane.

While being in mid-air, Lunthus rolled three hundred sixty degrees then sprinted toward Jaanes direction again like he was flying down. Just like the last time, Lunthus broke through Jaanes [Stone Skin] after six attacks and this time managed to land a slash on her back. Jaane once again casted [Earthen Hawk] so it could keep Lunthus busy while the [Tree of Life] healed her injury. To speed up the healing process, Jaane casted [Healing Vines] spell so it can help to heal the injury on her back as well.

If I deactivate [Earthquake] and [Sandstorm] spells, other goblins will attack me together with this Purple Goblin. But if I keep them activated, my mana pool will reach depletion before I could get out of here alive. This Purple Goblins strength is incredible, he must have reached Third Stage Saint Warrior. No wonder why the Red Goblins were so confident that their King has the power to destroy a nation. Jaane thought to herself.

After careful consideration, Jaane decided to use the [Mana Infusion] technique to create a powerful Earthen Hawk. This Earthen Hawk may not be powerful enough to defeat Lunthus, but it should be sturdy enough to keep him busy while Jaane begins her escape. The problem with that scene is, her [Tree of Life], [Earthquake], and [Sandstorm] spells will be deactivated due to no mana left to keep them operating. Even if the Red Goblins wouldn't chase after her because of their injuries, the Green and Blue Goblins alone can easily kill a magic caster that has her mana pool depleted.

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