Twin Soul

Chapter 10: (8/10)

Chapter 10: (8/10)

Nanya left the room to ask the waiter to prepare hot water for her to take a shower. She thought to herself, This girl is a pupil of Master Whistler, no wonder why her attitude is so rude. I guess the rumor was true about Master Whistler being tough on her pupils. I will melt that ice barrier for her so she knows how it feels to have friends and be loved.

Kain was sleeping on his bed, he suddenly heard a singing voice and water dripping. Kain immediately woke up and prepared to deactivate his [Shapeshifting]. What appeared in Kains eyes was the back of a naked woman taking a shower using the wooden bathtub placed in the middle of the hotel room.

Kain asked, Who are you? The wooden bathtub was located in the bathroom of the hotel room but somehow it was moved to the middle of the bedroom. Kain was upset with himself for sleeping too deep to the point that he had no idea a wooden bathtub was moved.

The naked woman turned around to look at Kain. It was Nanya, she smiled and said, Little sis. Its me. Do you want to join me in taking a hot shower?

Kain saw what he was not supposed to see. Even so, he was mentally powerful enough to control himself and said, No. Kain turned around as he said that and attempted to go back to sleep while figuring out how the bathtub was moved silently. It was because Nanya is a Blood Wind Mage. She can easily move objects that were not too heavy around using the power of [Gust] spell casted by Intermediate-tier magic caster. Nanya suddenly grabbed Kain from behind and threw him into the bathtub. She then jumped into the bathtub as well. Kain couldnt cast any magic spell while having his [Shapeshifting] activated. However, he still had the strength of an eighth-tier warrior and shouldnt be able to be picked up that easily. Nanya must have used [Gust] to lighten his weight and after that, she was able to grab and throw him in the bathtub easily.

Nanya, what are you doing?

Lower your voice, you wouldnt want people who are staying in the nearby rooms to hear us, do you?

No, but-

Little sis, take a shower with me. You are not dirty but you stink. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't smell this bad.

Kain wanted to put on some resistance but he doesnt want to cause attention from the nearby hotel guests. Kain softly whispered to himself, Dear the Watcher of Toria Continents, if you are watching this right now, screw you. Somewhere in the universe, Zorim, the Watcher of Toria Continents, felt like her ears were ringing for no reason.

Kain was stripped naked by Nanya. She carefully bathed him thinking he was just another female like her. Meanwhile, Kain couldnt help but enjoyed it. This was the first time a woman bathed Kain like this. Even in the illusion world where Kain was married, his wife didnt attempt to take a shower with him. Kain thought about the happy moments he had in the illusion world and thought to himself, Sometimes I wished that was the reality. It was great having a family. My parents, my wife, my daughter, my son. If I have a choice to live in that illusion world forever, I would unquestionably choose to do it even knowing its not real.

While bathing Kain, Nanya thought to herself, Not only this girl had two Magical Blood Rings hanging on her necklace, she also had a Magical Blood Pendant. I wonder why Master Whistler gave her so many Blood Magical Equipment.

Kain asked, Nanya, I saw you are wearing a Blood Pendant. Isnt Intermediate-tier Blood Mages only supposed to have a Blood Ring?

This Blood Pendant was given to me by a Senior. He was very strong.

Hoh? Who is this Senior?

Oh right, he is also a pupil of Master Whistler. Perhaps you will know him. His name is Kain Bersk.

Ah yeah. He is cool. No surprise when Kain was going to talk good about himself.

Nearly three years ago, I was about to die in Flumen city when I was rescuing a Twin Soul three years old girl. It was Kain who rescued us both in front of many strong magic casters. I will never forget such an awesome Senior.

I agree, he is awesome..

The Guild wanted me to give back the Blood Pendant to them but I wanted to personally give it back to Kain when I meet him again.


That was not even my Blood Pendant. It belonged to Rogal Caligarus. Kain thought to himself.

How about you, little sis? Why do you have two Blood Rings and also possess a Blood Pendant?

I cant tell you.

Uhm okay. Would you tell me your name now?

Ka Kandice.

Kandice, such a beautiful name.


What is the Elemental Magic you have chosen to train in?

I cant tell you.

You have many secrets, dont you, Kandice?


A giant vessel that had a crest of Red on it was traveling from Flumen city of Bifjorkian Theocracy toward Crowbay city of the Kingdom of Winharfia using the seaway. It carried more than two thousand magic casters and at least seven thousand warriors. All the magic casters on the vessel are at least Master-tiers while all the warriors are at least ninth-tiers. This force is powerful enough to destroy a small nation such as the Nalas Kingdom that only had a population of six hundred million people (600,000,000).

Inside Vonda Hardy's cabin, Aber Hardy was humbly speaking with Vonda. Aber, have you prepared to meet with your future wife? Vonda asked.

Yes, Lord Hardy.

I know you are not happy because you couldnt have a say in this marriage because it has been arranged before you were born. It will help us to gain more support for the Hardy Clan from the Kingdom of Winharfia. Do you understand?

Yes, I understand.

Uhm Beside me, you are the only talented magic caster in the Hardy Clan. All the others cant even get to level 30 before their graduation in the Mages Academy. I will do the best I can to help you make your family proud. I know you have joined the Blue and I fully supported it. However, if you ever want to quit the Blue, you can become an Executioner for the Red since you are a Legend-tier magic caster now.

Thank you, Lord Hardy.

Vonda Hardy is the great-great-great-Aunt of Aber Hardy. The Hardy Clan was mostly known for its military strength in the Bifjorkian Theocracy. After Vonda was born with the Fire Soul, the Hardy Clan used a lot of money into buying magical equipment to help train Vonda to become a powerful magic caster. At the age of thirty, Vonda graduated from Mages Academy of Flumen as a Legend-tier level 32 Fire Mage. She decided to become a Solo-Executioner which means she served no Lord of any Colors. The Hardy Clan is powerful enough to help Vonda obtain any Magical Equipment she wanted, therefore serving a Lord is unnecessary. Throughout Vondas career as an Executioner, she had executed too many Rogue Mages and Blood Mages that she cant even remember. The Hardy Clan continued to grow not only in military power but in magical power as well. It was all thanks to Vonda Hardy. All children of the Hardy Clan that were born with an Elemental Soul were specially cared for and looked after by Vonda. However, no other magic casters in the Hardy Clan could get into the Legend-tier beside Aber Hardy who recently broke through the barrier of Master-tier to get into level 31 of the Legend-tier in Ice Magic.

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