Twin Soul

Chapter 9: (5/9)

Chapter 9: (5/9)

Three weeks earlier. Admon was playing with his son inside his barrack-room, a warrior knocked on the door requesting permission to enter.

Come in. Admon gave the warrior permission to enter.

The warrior walked in, nodded at Admon, and said, Lieutenant Colonel Pashar, Colonel Calaudra wanted you to head for Mathyr city tomorrow to welcome two Student Master Mages from Mages Academy of Nosh and escort them back to Ganarion city. These Student Master Mages are also members of the Gray. Their arrival was estimated to be a week from today.

Understood. Please let Colonel Calaudra know that I will lead my Battalion and head for Mathyr city at dawn tomorrow.

After the warrior left. Admons four years old son, Pieter Pashar, said in an unhappy tone, Father... I thought you said you will have a month off. You have promised to take me and mother to the festival tomorrow.

Aw Im sorry Im a soldier. I have to follow orders and come back to work when required. How about this? I will buy a gift for you and your mother in Mathyr city. After I get back I will take you and mother to the festival. They open for another two weeks, no worry.

Hmm What gifts are you going to buy for mommy and me?

Its a secret. Im sure you will be happy.

Thank you, father. You are the best! Pieter kissed Admon on his cheek to show his appreciation.

Okay okay now go play with your mother.

Yes, father.

Admon saw his son run outside to the room. He thought to himself, Shandri, Pieter, I hope our family will remain happy like this forever.

Admon Pashar, thirty-nine years old. He was born and raised in Ganarion city. At the age of ten, he joined the Warriors Academy and was trained for ten years before he officially joined the Nalas Army as a seventh-tier warrior. Admon quickly claimed through the rank of Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and now as a Lieutenant Colonel. Admon married Shandri Embers when he was thirty-three years old and she was thirty-one. Admon met Shandri inside a restaurant in Ganarion city and instantly fell in love with her (yeah right). It took Admon two years to successfully court Shandri. Shandri was just a normal city girl, daughter of a blacksmith in Ganarion city. One year after marriage, Shandri was pregnant and gave birth to Pieter nine months later.

The next morning, Admon led the Seventh Battalion toward Mathyr city. It took them three days to walk from Ganarion to Mathyr. From the Commonwealth of Krorg to the Nalas Kingdom using the seaway takes about thirty-five days. Admon and his Battalion waited for three days at Mathyr city for the Ship Vessel that carried the Student Master Mages of Nosh who were also members of the Gray to arrive. On the third day, after twelve hours of waiting, the Ship Vessel finally arrived. Arthur and Kain walked out from the Ship Vessel toward Admon and his warriors. Admon has never seen them before, but when he saw two young men who had long hair and each of them wore a grey robe that was embedded with six Magical Conjuration Stones; he knew it had to be Student Mages that he was assigned to escort back to Ganarion city. Warriors of Toria Continents like to have their hair short while magic casters loved to have their hair grow long.

Honorable magic casters, my name is Admon Pashar. I am one of the Lieutenant Colonels in the Nalas army. My Battalion will safely escort you back to Ganarion city.

Lieutenant Colonel Pashar, my name is Arthur Castillon. This is my friend, Kain Almos. We thank you for your service.

My pleasures, honorable magic casters. It's already sunset. We will rest tonight at Mathyr city and will leave at dawn tomorrow.

Admon gave the signal for Arthur and Kain to follow him back to Mathyrs barrack where they will rest for one day before heading toward Ganarion. Later that evening, Admon was checking on the toys he bought for his son inside the barrack-room assigned to him at Mathyr.

Knock. Someone knocked once on Admons barrack-room door.

Who is it?

Lieutenant Colonel, this is Kain Almos. May I come in?

Oh yes, please come in.

Kain opened the door and walked in. Kain smiled at Admon and asked, Lieutenant Colonel, I have never been to Mathyr city before today. I would like to tour around for a little bit. I wonder if its okay for you to escort me around?

Not a problem, let me send one of my Captains to-

I prefer you to escort me if you dont mind.

Uh sure, I dont mind. Let me grab my sword real quick.

Admon grabbed his sword and was about to put on his steel plate armor. Kain smiled and said, No need to put on your armor. Im a licensed Master-tier magic caster. I am allowed to cast magic spells in public. If anyone causes us problems, my conjured creatures can take care of them.

Admon thought about it for a second, he nodded in agreement and said, You are right. Honorable magic caster, let me walk you around the town then.

You can just call me Kain. I hate formality bullshit.

Thank you. In that case, you can just call me Admon.

Kain and Admon walked around Mathyr city together. They started talking about the difference between being a magic caster and a warrior. Then the subject changed to family stuff where Admon shared with Kain that he had a beautiful wife and a good son. Kain was happy to share with Admon about his (fake) life as an orphan then how he was adopted by Duchess Sybell Graylock. Kain wanted to know as much as he could about Admon as possible. Because he wanted to kill everyone that Admon loved, including Admons wife and son. Admon suddenly stopped at a Toy Store where he saw a toy that he wanted to buy.

Kain saw Admons reaction. He said, Admon, we can go inside the store if you want.

Yes, if you dont mind.

Not at all.

Admon walked inside the store, pointed at the toy, and asked the merchant, Sir, how much does this cost?

Kain looked at the toy Admon pointed. It was a girls toy. Kain asked, Admon, I thought you have a son.

Im buying it for my niece.

After Admon bought the girls toy. Kain told Admon he wanted to try out the food of Mathyr city. Admon took Kain to a local restaurant where he claimed the food is great. The waitress walked Admon and Kain to a table. After they ordered the food, Kain excused himself to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom where no one else was present at the time, Kain activated [Second Soul] and another version of himself was created. Kains Second Soul casted [Shapeshifting] and turned itself into an old man. Kain gave him the Blood Ring and then the old man walked away from the restaurant. Kain doesnt need to give any commands to his Second Soul because they are one person. They shared the same thought, same personality, same vision, same communication. Whatever his Second Soul sees, hears, and speaks, Kain will know about it as well. Kain calmly walked back to his table and had dinner with Admon. After the dinner was over, Kain and Admon got back to their barrack-rooms without any incident.

[Second Soul], the unique ability of Blood Mage who have successfully duplicated his/her Twin Soul. This ability can create an exactly self version of the caster that can use Blood Magic, have half of the casters blood and mana pools, as well as one of the casters Elemental Soul.

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