Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 152.1: Match Made in Heaven

Chapter 152.1: Match Made in Heaven

However, compared to Luo Pei Shan’s ‘numerous dissatisfactions’ towards Jin Qinwang, Luo Old Madam’s level of acceptance was actually quite high. In reality, his conduct right now was similar to what the Ding Duchess had done at that time, just the inherent purpose wasn’t the same. Jin Qinwang indeed pulled in animosity for Jing Wan, but he was capable of shouldering it. Those people, even if they have burning rage, it still won’t be able to burn Jing Wan. His purpose was basically just giving his wife the best, and the most of. In short, giving his wife more face.

Reasonably speaking, for the imperial family, in many areas, they further needed to abide by the rules. How it should be, there were established practices. Jin Qinwang’s selected gifts truly exceeded by too much. Thus, not at all surprisingly, Jin Qinwang got accused of misconduct. However, since the matter concerned this living Enma, the so called accusations of misconduct was also nothing more than just going through the motions, simply because that was where their duties reside. But how it will be in the end, that was all Le Cheng Emperor’s business.

And Le Cheng Emperor finally learned at this time what good things that bastard son of his did this time. Even if you add a bit of things, you still need to take it easy a little. Moreover, right now, if even the selected gifts are already this generous, then what of the betrothal gifts in the days after? Are you preparing to empty out the entire Internal Affairs Department? Raising such a wasteful son, it was distressful even just thinking about it. Things in the end still just ended up with nothing definite, because the list for the selected gifts was personally ‘looked over’ by the Emperor. Since at the time he didn’t have any objections, then right now, he naturally can’t slap his own mouth. Thus, Le Cheng Emperor shouldered the pot himself.

But shouldering the blame just like this, Le Cheng Emperor was also quite annoyed inside, and thus had his bastard son dragged over to berate again. But a certain person just carried an extremely bored appearance, and as Le Cheng Emperor scolded him, he also felt it was quite boring. Afterwards, for some unknown reason, Le Cheng Emperor suddenly had the urge to gossip. “You really like the Luo family’s third miss?”

Li Hong Yuan faintly glanced at him, “Imperial father, from where did you get this kind of conclusion?”

Was the matter of the selected gifts, that kind of handiwork, still not enough? Le Cheng Emperor slightly narrowed his eyes, sizing up this son of his that possessed perfect good looks. If he had taken a fancy to her, then prior to getting bestowed the marriage, how come from his behavior, this didn’t seem like the case at all? Moreover, according to his personality, if he’d taken a fancy to her, he would’ve long tried to ‘steal’ the person, would he still wait until now? “What have they done to annoy you this time?”

Li Hong Yuan looked to Le Cheng Emperor, yet he was coldly sneering inside. Even if he’d really fallen deeply in love before, and had been infatuated, visualizing millions of possibilities, he(Le Cheng Emperor) still wouldn’t be able to think of the real reason. In his eyes, he(LHY) was just someone that as long as he(LHY) can be pleased, then nothing else mattered. If providing these selected gifts can make him happy, then no matter how much more, it all wasn’t a problem. That’s why, this kind of materialistic things, no matter how much was piled up, it still wouldn’t be his son’s expression of care.

Le Cheng Emperor was precisely this confident in himself. His son would only use strong power to forcibly plunder those he’s taken a fancy to.

Everyone all said he, Li Hong Yuan, lived the most unrestrained, doing as he pleased however he wanted, but in reality, this wasn’t the case. He still didn’t have absolute unbridled power. He similarly still had many misgivings. However, he was also not far from that day.

The next day, in the seemingly normal as always capital city, a small wave rose out of nowhere, purely because Grandmaster Liao Chen entered the capital.

Grandmaster Liao Chen wandered the four seas, yet rarely ever entered the capital. Even the Emperor wasn’t necessarily able to invite him. Of course, Le Cheng Emperor also didn’t need to use this kind of matter to show off his authority. Only those who were stupid beyond help would do something like this.

In the people’s eyes, Grandmaster Liao Chen was just like that living Buddha. If one was able to invite home, that wasn’t just earning face, that was also an enormous blessing. But, since Le Cheng Emperor still hasn’t done anything yet, the others also didn’t dare to act recklessly.

Just as expected, immediately after Le Cheng Emperor learned of this matter, he just ordered someone to sincerely invite Grandmaster Liao Chen to enter the palace. Grandmaster Liao Chen didn’t refuse, gladly accepting the invitation. After Le Cheng Emperor received the news, he personally went to the palace gates to welcome him.

Le Cheng Emperor had his official duties temporarily placed aside, wanting to listen to Grandmaster Liao Chen’s lecture on the Buddhist doctrine.

Even if in the palace, Grandmaster Liao Chen was also no different than when in his own temple. As a result, upon hearing this request of Le Cheng Emperor’s, there naturally was nothing undoable. And if others wanted to hear, it was also okay.

As a result, those that went to listen to the buddhist teachings in the end, also included a few imperial concubines, a few qinwangs, as well as the old qinwangs from the previous generation, and the previous previous generation.

During these two hours, regardless whether it was those with the patience, or those without the patience, those that understood or those that didn’t understand, they all maintained a peaceful expression from beginning to end, regardless whether it was an act, or that Grandmaster Liao Chen really did have the magical power to make one submerge in tranquility. All in all, the final outcome, Le Cheng Emperor was very satisfied with.

Grandmaster Liao Chen will stay in the capital for three days, and during this time, the Empress had already arranged a place of residence for him.

Le Cheng Emperor also knew, Grandmaster Liao Chen won’t allow him to stay behind to accompany him, the nation’s affairs were the most important. However, before departing, Le Cheng Emperor hesitated for a moment, “Grandmaster, this emperor’s sixth son, his marriage has always been unfavorable. For his marriage arrangements this time, is it possible to ask grandmaster to match the eight birthday characters for them?”

This was precisely Grandmaster Liao Chen’s purpose in coming to the capital this time to begin with, so naturally he nodded his head.

Le Cheng Emperor was greatly delighted, hurriedly ordering someone to fetch over Jing Wan and Li Hong Yuan’s eight characters.

Grandmaster Liao Chen held the two people’s eight characters and looked it over. He originally promised Li Hong Yuan, after his and Jing Wan’s marriage settled, he would present for him ‘beautiful good karma[1]‘. Even if it was somewhat inappropriate, but for the sake of the common people of the world, he was willing to put in this effort. Afterwards, after seeing the eight characters, it seems he didn’t need to do anything excessive. These two people truly ought to be together.

Le Cheng Emperor and Noble Consort Su were both rather nervous inside, if by chance it was still unsuitable………….

“A match made in heaven, a rare, difficult to encounter in a thousand years, great marriage fate.” Grandmaster Liao Chen gently smiled.

“Grandmaster, are these words true?” Le Cheng Emperor was endlessly happy, but he immediately came to his senses, “Grandmaster please forgive, this emperor was just too happy, and didn’t have the intentions of questioning grandmaster.”

“No matter.”

This time, in Le Cheng Emperor’s heart, it was as if a giant rock finally landed. He finally didn’t need to worry about that bastard’s marriage taking a wrong turn again.

Speaking of the previous engagements, every time the eight characters were matched, it actually all weren’t considered bad, just problems arose every time, to the point that the later excuses all were somewhat reserved, and Le Cheng Emperor was also too lazy to question whether it was real or fake. But Grandmaster Liao Chen wasn’t the same, no matter who one suspect, one still won’t suspect him. So far, Grandmaster Liao Chen’s words have never been wrong a single time before.

Le Cheng Emperor’s mood improved, and as he walked, his feet seemingly even carried wind.

The matters afterwards naturally all smoothly carried out, nothing more problematic.

After the engagement process, the Luo family received the imperial family’s letter of betrothal, and the matters afterwards, was just waiting for Jing Wan’s coming-of-age ceremony.

Previously, it’s not that Le Cheng Emperor didn’t think of not waiting for Jing Wan to reach marriageable and just let his son have the person married back, precisely the same reason as before when deciding to quickly set Li Hong Yuan and Sun Yi Jia’s wedding date, to avoid long nights and many dreams. However, thinking back to previously when the wedding date was that pressing, didn’t trouble still occur in the end? It was best to just let nature take its course. And right now, his mind was further set at ease by Grandmaster Liao Chen’s words, and so he was no longer feeling anxious.

And this time, Luo Old Madam personally looked after the letter of betrothal. Daughter-in-laws and whatnot, just stay to the side wherever it’s shady.

[1] Specifically this phrase means ‘an opportune/fateful connections with one’s marriage partner’.

T/N: Regardless of whether you believe in fate, destiny, and whatnot, in this novel and setting it is very much a real thing, especially regarding Jing Wan’s future. I mean this is a novel with reincarnation and rebirth, so is fate and destiny that much of a stretch. And there’s also going to be real ghosts later on in this novel too. Obviously there are fake fortunes and whatnot, but Grandmaster Liao Chen is the real deal. It’s also kinda ironic how the living Buddha Grandmaster Liao Chen is friends with the living Enma.

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