Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1245 A Manned Mission To Mars Part II

Berengar and his family had celebrated the Reich's first official attempt to land on Mars with a manned mission. But they still held off from enjoying themselves too much until two days later, when the success or failure of the mission would be determined.

Once more, Berengar and his women were gathered near the television, while watching the footage of the rocket and its crew getting ever closer to Mars. Each passing moment was one of intense anxiety, especially for the man who the Reich still referred to as the Great Kaiser.

Though it had been many years, Berengar personally oversaw the creation of the German Space Program, and had continued to fund its development throughout his reign. Evidently, his successor agreed with his actions, because Hans also ensured that the Space Program received everything it needed to be successful.

In Berengar's lap was a giant bowl of buttered popcorn, while in his free hand there was a beer. He could not take his eyes off the broadcast which depicted mankind's first attempt to put a man on mars. Slowly but surely, the rocket approached its destination, where the landing pod detached and began to float down towards the surface of the red planet.

Berengar could not help but feel like he was about to have a heart attack, because the time it took for the landing module to touch down seemed like it would go on for an eternity. And then finally the mars landing was completed, when an Astronaut, who bore the surname von Kufstein, stepped out of the landing pod and placed his foot on the surface of the red world.

Berengar completely forgot that there was a bowl of popcorn in his lap, and jumped up and shouted in an overly excited voice as he complimented his people on achieving a dream that had transcended two lifetimes.

"Glory to the Reich! Glory to Germany!"

The popcorn which spilled all over the floor landed on the backs of several of Berengar's children, but even then they did not seem to care, instead they to were quick to jump to their feet and dance around in joy at the sight of this monumental occasion. Mankind had now taken its first step on mars, and that was something to celebrate.

The recording contained the voice of one of Berengar's youngest sons, who was the man who had stepped foot on mars before all others.

"For Kaiser and Fatherland!" 

After saying this, the man placed the banner of the German Empire on the red world's surface while looking around at the barren wasteland with pride on his face. This world contained innumerous resources which the Reich could now take advantage of.

Mars officially now belonged to the Reich. A new world to settle, a new world to conquer, a new world to call home. For the first time in Berengar's two lifetimes, humanity now had two worlds to call home. And though it would take a few more decades to establish a permanent presence in the red world, like humanity had begun to do on the moon. Berengar knew that by the time he drew his last breath, this dream would be realized.

Words could not express the excitement Berengar felt in his heart at this moment. And he was not the only one. Those of his more educated wives and concubines knew exactly what this meant for the German race. They had conquered Earth, and Mars, and next would be the rest of the solar system. Perhaps in a few hundred years, humanity would have a second star to call their own.

It was truly impossible to know how long it would take to accomplish such a thing. But regardless, humanity, or more specifically Germany, was now an interplanetary state. Something which Berengar and Linde both found to be truly unbelievable.

However, before the redheaded beauty could properly react, Berengar reached for his cell phone, and dialed a number which few men in this world had access to. Immediately, the sound of his eldest son's voice appeared on the other end, one which seemed to be filled with joy.  Before Hans could speak, Berengar congratulated his son with a voiced filled with pride.

"Congratulations, Hans, you have accomplished something extraordinary on this day, something which humanity will remember until the death of our race."

Hans smiled when he heard this, even if his father could not see it. He then spoke in a tone filled with admiration towards the man who made this all possible. 

"Me? Seriously? You are giving me credit for this? Even I am not that shameless. I merely continued the policies which you have put in place. This achievement is the result of one man's efforts. Yours, father. Sure, Zara may have built the rocket which sent our men onto Mars, but she would have never have been able to do such a thing if you did not educate her about science and physics.

Something which you and I both know did not exist until you came into this world. I should be the one congratulating you. In fact, I have a question I wish to ask, if you don't mind answering that is?"

Berengar simply smiled and nodded his head as he gave his permission to ask whatever question was currently burning in the man's mind. 

"Go ahead, Hans, ask me anything. I am in a good enough mood that I will answer any question you ask of me!"

These were the exact words that Hans wanted to hear, and thus his voice became rather meek, as if he were suddenly not confident in himself as he asked a question he had been meaning to speak in quite some time. 

"So tell me, father, have we finally done it? Have we surpassed the world which you came from?" 

A proud smile emerged on Berengar's face as he nodded his head once more and answered his son's question with an even prouder tone of voice. 

"Indeed, we have... When I first came into this world, I never thought it would be possible for such a thing to happen. But today we have taken the first step beyond the world I came from. I believe the Reich has a bright future ahead of it, and so long as the von Kufstein Dynasty remains in power, then I believe our Empire will last. Thank you, Hans, for showing me something which I never thought I would ever be able to witness with my own eyes." 

However, Hans' words shocked Berengar, as he did not expect them to come from his proud and stubborn son. 

"No, father, it is I who should be thanking you for creating a world where this is even possible. Enjoy your retirement, you have more than earned it. You can rest easy knowing that the Reich is in good hands. Unfortunately, I'm getting a call from Zara, so I need to go. But we will speak again soon enough. Goodbye for now, and have a good evening. Oh, and do be sure to give mother my love!"

After saying this, Hans hung up, where Berengar saw the anxious expression on Linde's face, who was dying to know what her son had said. Something she was quick to express out loud. 

"Well? What did he say?" 

Berengar chuckled as he recalled the conversation he had just had with his son, before informing his wife of what their boy had said. 

"He said credit for this triumph of humanity goes to me, and that he wanted to thank me for creating a world where it was possible. Oh, and he also wishes to express his love for his mother." 

Linde smiled and hugged her husband while nuzzling her head into his broad chest. She was quick to speak her thoughts regarding their eldest son.

"Our baby boy is all grown up now, isn't he?" 

Berengar simply chuckled when he heard this ludicrous statement, while stroking his wife's silky red hair. 

"You're just noticing this now?"

This caused Linde to pout while remaining silent. To her, Hans would always be her precious baby boy, her firstborn child, the boy she had raised to be an emperor. How could she possibly view him as a man? 

As for the rest of the evening, Berengar spent it with his wives and concubines, as well as the many children he had with Brynhildr. After throwing a massive celebration for this triumph of humanity. Berengar would retire to his bedchambers with his eleven women by his side. Where they would have a grand orgy before falling to sleep in each other's arms. 


I wanted to thank you all for supporting Tyranny of Steel up to this point. From here on out, until the very end of the novel, updates are going to be less frequent with one chapter a day. Instead, I would like to invite all of you to read my new novel Interstellar Age, at https://www.webnovel.com/book/interstellar-age_26235247006730205 which will be receiving my primary attention from here on out. Thank you all for the support you have shown me, and I look forward to writing novels for you all for years to come! 

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