Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 251: Daimyo and Uchiha

  Chapter 251 Daimyo and Uchiha

  Sasuke's words were so surprising that everyone couldn't help laughing.

   "Sasuke is not even a ninja, so he wants to be Hokage. But I have to say, it's a good thing that he has such great ambition since he was a child."

   "Hey, Sasuke, have you opened your Sharingan yet? Your brother already has Ergouyu Sharingan at this age."

The    clansman teased Sasuke one after another, making him blushed for a while, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

  In fact, as soon as Sasuke uttered those bold words, he himself regretted it.

  Even if the elder brother is left aside, the Uchiha clan still has so many talents, each of whom is better than him, how could it be his turn to be the next Hokage?

   If you talk big, you will be laughed at.

   Just when Sasuke was blushing and feeling very frustrated, Itachi touched his younger brother's head and said to him with a smile:

   "Sasuke, you have to work hard, because I will regard you as the biggest opponent and go all out to defeat you."

  Itachi didn't dream of being Hokage.

   Or, there used to be, but now there is no such idea.

  Because it was in his heart.

  Uncle Uchiha Duan is the perfect candidate for Hokage, so he hopes that his uncle can continue to be.

  However, in order to encourage his younger brother, he told a white lie.

   Sure enough.

  Hearing what Itachi said, Sasuke's fighting spirit was suddenly aroused, he nodded heavily, and said seriously:

   "Brother, I will catch up with you soon!"

  Seeing how good the relationship between the brothers is, Fugaku and Mikoto smiled with relief.

  In a peaceful and joyful atmosphere.

  Shisui, who was about to disappear, raised his head, and took a last look at Duan standing on the castle tower from afar.

   Duan Leaning on a railing alone, the heights are too cold.

  He nodded slightly towards Zhishui.

   Create a brand new future, off.

  Zhishui said silently in his heart that he no longer had any regrets. With a smile on his face, his body was completely annihilated, and his soul also ascended to the sky.

  Under the blessings of the Uchiha people, Shisui returned to the Pure Land, and his soul got eternal rest.

   Zhishui's departure is sad, but today's atmosphere is still dominated by excitement and celebration.

  Especially the villagers of Konoha, are happily celebrating the birth of Sixth Hokage.

  Whether it is the patriarchs such as Hyuga Hizuru, Nara Shikahisa, Akimichi Choza, Yume Shiwei, or the ordinary ninjas and civilians below, everyone has a smile on their faces, and they have experienced the long-lost joy and relaxation.

   There is also a sense of security.

  After experiencing the dark years of being colonized by the Four Great Ninja Villages, suffering all kinds of humiliation, and living in fear, the villagers of Konoha are all grateful for the sense of security provided by the Uchiha clan.

  From now on, under the big Uchiha tree, those humiliating past events will never happen to everyone again.

   This alone is enough to make the Konoha ninjas and the people who have suffered so much to devote their allegiance to the Uchiha clan.

   "Little devil, don't squeeze!"

  Amidst the voices of a group of villagers cursing, Choji and Shikamaru squeezed to the front of the crowd, and looked up at the Sixth Hokage-sama on the castle tower.

   "I'm going to find Hokage! He said he would accept me as a disciple and teach me to build muscles and lose weight."

  Ding Ci yelled, Xiaopang's face was full of excitement.

Shikamaru dissuaded him with a helpless face: "It was all a long time ago. Maybe Hokage-sama just said it casually and forgot you a long time ago. If you are reckless and lost looking for him, if you catch him in a bad mood and say It might kill you with a single slap."

  Hearing what Shikamaru said, Choji suddenly trembled all over, quickly shut his mouth and ate potato chips, and never dared to mention it again.

  As for Ino, he didn't go out with the two of them today to join in the fun, but stayed at home.

  No one can share or resolve the pain of losing her father for her. Only time can slowly heal the trauma in her heart.

  Among the joyful crowd.

   Onogi, Chiyo, Raikage Ai, Terumi Mei and others couldn’t squeeze a smile no matter what.

  Seeing that Uchiha became Hokage, and Konoha was surrounded by a frenzied atmosphere, Four Kages had a premonition in their hearts—

  The territory of the Fire Nation that they had previously carved up is likely to be spit back.

  The next Konoha will definitely expand to the outside world, and retaliate against and attack the Four Great Ninja Villages.

   And what happened next proved their conjecture even more.

  There was a sudden commotion on the periphery of the crowd.

  Many Konoha ninjas and villagers followed the prestige, all showed surprised expressions, and then gave way one after another, clearing a path in the crowded crowd.

  I saw a group of ninjas and servants, carrying a gorgeous sedan chair embroidered with flame patterns, slowly walked out of the crowd and came to the square.


   "The daimyo is back!"

  A black-haired man with battle patterns on his face walked out of the crowd, glanced around, and shouted sharply, his loud voice echoing over Konoha.

  This person's name is Hema, and he is the best among the twelve warriors who protect the ninja, and has always been highly regarded by the daimyo.

  As soon as He Ma spoke, the whole Konoha quickly fell silent.

  No one thought of it.

  The fire country daimyo who fled will return to Konoha at this time.

  Daimyo, is the ruler of the country.

  The history of Konoha Village is only a few decades, and the daimyo's family has ruled this land since more than a thousand years ago.

  Whether it is the samurai group hundreds of years ago, the ninja family in the Warring States Period, or the major ninja villages later, they all chose to be loyal to the daimyo.

  Over the long years, ninjas and commoners in the ninja world have already formed a deep-rooted class concept in their minds.

That is-

  The descendants of rulers are still rulers, and the sons of commoners are still commoners after they grow up. The gap between different classes is inherent.

  Even someone like the original Hokage didn't think about crossing that gap in the past.

  In people's hearts, the status of daimyo has always been sacred and lofty.

  Even though the fire country daimyo has lost his country, his appearance still makes everyone in Konoha subconsciously feel awe.

  Unfortunately, the Uchiha clan is an exception, and they don't follow this pattern.

  Led by Fuyue, all the Uchiha tribe stood in place, looking at Kazuma blankly, unmoved.

  He Ma frowned when he saw this, raised his voice and reprimanded:

   "What are the Sixth Hokage of Konoha and all the high-level officials waiting for, hurry up and pay homage to Daimyo-sama!"

  In the Guardian Ninja Twelve, Kazuma has always been a radical faction.

  He believes that Naruto is unnecessary, and the real power of Konoha Ninja must be in charge of the fire country daimyo, so he showed a very tough attitude.

As soon as   he Ma said this, many villagers present changed their faces.

  Because he mentioned Six Generations of Hokage.

   Swish Swish Swish.

  For a moment, countless eyes looked at Duan on the castle tower.

  However, Duan didn't seem to hear Kazuma's words, but looked at the distant scenery with long eyes, without making any response.

   Fuyue's eyes were fixed, and he probably guessed Duan's attitude in his heart.


  He took Tiehuo, Itachi and others and walked forward, and said to Hema in a deep voice:

   "I am the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. If there is anything, let the daimyo come out of the sedan chair and talk about it yourself."

   After finishing speaking, everyone looked at the sedan chair.


  He Ma saw that the Uchiha clan was so disrespectful to the daimyo, and just about to get angry, a lazy voice came from the sedan chair:

   "And the horse, step back."

  The voice fell.

  Following the servants opened the curtain, a middle-aged man wearing luxurious clothes and holding an exquisite folding fan, with a feminine appearance, stepped out of the sedan chair.

   "Everyone of the Uchiha, congratulations for taking back Konoha and driving away the enemy's army."

  After the daimyo landed, he first congratulated Fu Yue and others.

  After that, he gracefully opened the folding fan, and while fanning it gently, stared at Fu Yue and the others, and asked:

   "The one-country-one-village system jointly established by the Land of Fire and Konoha, you haven't forgotten, have you?"

  The so-called one country, one village, simply put.

  The Kingdom of Fire provides military and material support to Konoha, and in return, Konoha must belong to and serve the daimyo and become the standing army of the Kingdom of Fire.

  The establishment of this system put an end to the chaotic Warring States period, allowing the Fire Country and Konoha Village to achieve a win-win situation.

  Subsequently, the system of one country, one village was quickly followed by other countries and ninja villages, and the four ninja villages were established one after another after Konoha.

   Eventually formed the later ninja world pattern.

It can be said.

  Under the system of one country, one village, the Fire Country and Konoha have a close relationship, and their fates are closely linked and interdependent.

  Thus, when the Land of Fire was divided up by the Four Great Powers, Konoha naturally could not escape bad luck, and became a colony of the Four Great Ninja Villages.

   And now.

   "Since Konoha has been reborn, I am here in the name of the daimyo, and I hope that you can continue to abide by the agreement of the one country, one village system, help the country of fire to restore the country, and bring everything back on track."

  Daimyo put forward his appeal to the Uchiha clan in front of everyone.

  His words sound reasonable.

  In fact, many Konoha ninjas and villagers, including Hinata Hizuru and others, agree with the daimyo.

  After the restoration of the Nation of Fire, Konoha can continue to provide financial support, and Konoha Ninja can receive various commissions from the Daming Prefecture to maintain their lives.

   This is how the system has worked for the past few decades.


  Fuyue knew in his heart that as the Sixth Hokage, failure to express his position meant rejection.


  He just shook his head, and responded to Daimyo indifferently:

   "Times have changed. The so-called one country, one village system is a thing of the past."

  The daimyo stopped fanning immediately, his expression became stiff.


   Hema sneered even more when he heard this, and questioned Fugaku on behalf of the daimyo, "You mean, your Uchiha clan intends to replace the daimyofu and become the new ruler of the land of fire?

   Don't you think that governing the country is a very simple matter? The hundreds of millions of people in the Land of Fire probably won't easily recognize you either. "

  In Kazuma’s view, ninjas are a group of guys who are full of fighting and killing, especially Uchiha, who only knows killing and destruction, is a group of illiterates.

  The Uchiha clan wants to rule the huge country of fire, it is simply whimsical.

  Faced with He Ma's questioning and ridicule.

   Fuyue didn't look angry, and said lightly as before:

   "I don't need you to worry about it. Daimyo-sama, you can go back wherever you came from. Uchiha still has a lot of things to do, so I won't see you off."

  Daimyo's complexion became increasingly ugly.

   "Uchiha Fugaku! The daimyo is a descendant of a god, with noble blood flowing in his body, how dare you speak to him like this!"

  Hema yelled at Fuyue.

  Tie Huo sneered when he heard it, and said arrogantly:

   "What god's descendant, bullshit. Our Uchiha clan is still the descendant of the Six Paths Sage, and it's genuine."

  Since just now, he has been very unhappy with Kazuma, as long as Fuyue gives an order, Tiehuo will not hesitate to do it.

  Whether you are a daimyo or something, kill them all.


   Already enraged, Kazuma took the first step.

   Zizi Zizi.

  He took out an iron rod and slammed it into the ground. Suddenly, a large amount of lightning burst out from the end of the iron rod, spreading towards the Uchiha people.

  Thunder Escape·Lightning strike away.

   Facing Kazuma's sudden attack, the Uchiha people were fine, but many Konoha villagers around were affected and screamed.

   "Looking for death!"

   Fuyue finally got angry, a kaleidoscope pattern suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his eyes focused on Kazuma.

   Next second.

  As a line of blood and tears flowed from Fuyue's eyes, a jet-black flame was also summoned and descended on Kazuma.


"what is this!"

  He Ma quickly screamed, his whole body was surrounded by Amaterasu's flames, and his whole body was on fire.

   "Help and horse!"

   Seeing this, the rest of the guardian ninjas rushed forward, trying to extinguish the black flames on the horse, but they didn't expect that the flames could not be extinguished at all.

   Instead, it spread to them in the process, and even they burned together.

  Amaterasu will not go out until it burns everything.

   Under daimyo's horrified eyes.

  He Ma and others were burned to death by the black flames in front of him, not even the ashes remained.


  Seeing such a tragic scene, Daimyo backed up a few steps with a pale face, and fell to the ground.

   "Protect Daimyo-sama!"

  The remaining guardian ninjas rushed up, surrounded the daimyo, and stared at the Uchiha people nervously.

  Fuyue made a forward gesture.

  Tiehuo, Itachi, Qianxiuzi, Quan and the others immediately showed their kaleidoscope Sharingan and walked towards Daimyo and his subordinates.


  Daimyo's voice was trembling, and he was scared all of a sudden, and quickly shouted at Fuyue, "Don't do anything, I can tell you where Konoha's traitors are hiding, that is, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and his gang!

  They plan to use the reincarnation technique to resurrect Konoha's past Hokage, and then make enemies of your Uchiha clan! "


  Hearing what the daimyo said, everyone in the Uchiha was surprised.

  The reincarnation of the filthy soil is a technique they are all too familiar with. After all, Zhishui and many other tribesmen were resurrected by this technique.

  Unexpectedly, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also studied the reincarnation of the soil, and planned to resurrect the past Hokage.

  Daimyo’s words don’t sound like a lie.

at this time.

   Duan, standing on top of the castle tower, finally moved.


   Under the eyes of all the people, he leaped and landed lightly from the nine-story tall building to the ground.


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