Undead God: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 58 - 58: 058 Summon Skeleton Upgrade

Chapter 58: 058 Summon Skeleton Upgrade

Translator: 549690339

In Spring City, the issuance of a warrant for Breanna Holt’s arrest was like opening Pandora’s Box.

The entire city was in an uproar.

Not too long after Breanna Holt was dismissed, Ennis Hawkins returned with the body of Jay Murray, along with the four victims.

Following this, the Professional Alliance of Spring City flew into a rage.

The audacity of the Bloody Church was intolerable!

They dared to conduct such a sacrilegious ceremony within Spring City.

And dare to lay the blame on Ennis Hawkins?

This was blatant disregard for the boundaries set by Spring City and was courting death!

They would not allow any fallen professionals to behave so brazenly within Spring City!

So, the purge of the Bloody Church, who was behind Jay Murray, began.

Caught off guard, the Bloody Church’s stronghold in Spring City was exposed within a single day.

What followed was a siege on the Bloody Church’s hideout.

What surprised those in Spring City was the unexpected strength of the forces at the Bloody Church’s hideout.

Even though they had been caught off guard.

The Bloody Church resiliently resisted for two full days.

It wasn’t until the third day that Spring City seized the Bloody Church’s hideout, wiping out their presence in the city.

Upon capturing the Bloody Church, Spring City obtained first-hand information regarding the Bloody Church’s recent activities.

This included the “Book of Dark Promotion” and “Skeleton Cave Copy”.

Various signs pointed out.

For the past few months, the “Bloody Church” has been operating in the shadows of Spring City.

With the Bloody Church captured, the skies of Spring City seemed to brighten up.

However, looking at the data offered, Ennis Hawkins couldn’t help but furrow his brow.

Seeing him like this, the chairman of the Professional Alliance sub-division in Spring City slapped him on the back not being able to resist saying, “You’ve taken down the Bloody Church. Everything’s been taken care of, why are you still frowning?”

“I feel like it isn’t that simple.”

“The timing is too perfect.”

Ennis Hawkins, rubbing his eyes, continued, “I feel like things have gone too smoothly.

The Bloody Church appeared just as we were about to uncover some crucial information in our investigation regarding the Skeleton Cave Copy.”

“It’s as though they either got scared after we found something out, or they had some important agenda.”

But it was to deal with that kid.

No, they weren’t going after him at all. They were clearly provoking me!”

Ennis Hawkins said this, slowly removing his hands from his eyes.

The head of the subdivision frowned, “Are you saying that the Bloody Church was just sacrificed by someone.”

“I don’t have solid evidence, but logic dictates they were probably a scapegoat!

Also, I won’t rule out the possibility they used the church to achieve their own motivations.”

In any case, I am certain there is another group of fallen professionals hiding somewhere in Spring City.”

“So what’s the plan now? Do we continue investigating along the line of Skeleton Cave Copy?”

“By the time we were drawn by the Bloody Church, the culprits would have cleaned up the evidence there. I think if we investigate now, it might not be beneficial and it will only alert them that we’re onto them.”

The chairman, hearing his words, decisively said, “Then let’s pretend to be ignorant for now!”

Outside Spring City, amidst the mountains in some stronghold.

In a pool filled with blood, a pale-faced individual emerged, watching in the direction of Spring City with hate-filled eyes.

Spring City, Mirror Stand.

Breanna Holt, who had been stripped of her position, was still in her office.

The chubby man who had temporarily taken over her role didn’t dare rush her.

After all, despite losing her position, Breanna Holt was still able-bodied. He dared not provoke this formidable woman.

He speculated that she must be seething right now.

However, he misjudged her this time.

At the moment, Breanna Holt was in quite a good mood.

She sat leisurely by the office window, a glass of red wine in her hand. As she read some intelligence reports, a deep, meaningful smile crossed her face.

“Sometimes, special measures are necessary!”

Spring City, South Hill Base.

For the past three days, the atmosphere at Dean McKenzie’s end in South Hill Base had been rather calm and peaceful compared to the outside world.

Ever since Dean McKenzie returned to the base, he’d barely set foot outside for several days straight.

But this didn’t mean he wasn’t doing anything productive.

For these past few days, he had been investing his time into leveling up his “Summon Skeleton” skill.

In just a few days, Dean McKenzie successfully raised the “Summon Skeleton” skill to level 2, which was a slower rate compared to his other skills.

A level 2 skill allows one to summon a level 9 skeleton, with a maximum of six existing simultaneously.

Of course, the fruits of Dean’s stay-at-home routine weren’t limited to just this feat.

In addition to leveling up “Summon Skeleton” to level 2, he summoned three of the four skeletons and individually enhanced each one.

Thanks to the endless sources of skeletons from the Land of Bone, he had managed to strengthen 3 elite-level skeletons for only 60 silver coins and 3 elite templates.

As of now, Dean commanded five elite skeletons.

If any other Necromancer Apprentice could summon five elite skeletons as Dean did, they could easily sweep others of the same rank with just these five skeletons.

But Dean was unique.

As he held the enhanced “Bone Fang” and “Bone Shield” and looked at these five skeletons, his feelings were mixed.

It was a complexity of thoughts.

It seemed as if they were useful, but not quite effectively.

But if they were to face an opponent at Jay Murray’s level, Dean felt that their usefulness would be limited.

Dean had to admit that the skeletons felt rather redundant in his current battle system.

However, this was inevitable considering the horrifying effects of the enhanced “Bone Fang” and “Bone Shield”.

On one hand, Dean was only a level 18 Necromancer Apprentice, but on the other hand, he aimed high and sought to match up with skilled warriors.

How could the average level 10 skeletons be of any help?

If Dean were to boost all these skeletons to level 20, their combat capability would indeed be quite impressive, but still not as good as he wanted.

“It seems that if I need the skeletons to perform better in my combat system, I can’t neglect strengthening the skill itself.

I’ll have to prioritize enhancing the ‘Summon Skeletons’ skill.”


Mentioning skill enhancement, Dean couldn’t help but furrow his brow.

“I only have enough money for enhancing one skill at most!

What should I do if I run out of money!”

As soon as Dean spoke, the communication tool in his arms rang.

Oh, it’s a call from Anthony!

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