Undead God: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 73 - 73: 073 Proposal from the Princess

Chapter 73: 073 Proposal from the Princess

Translator: 549690339

[You have entered the instance [Goblin Uprising-2]!]

With the refresh of the system prompt, Dean McKenzie opened his eyes, his face filled with the joy of surviving a disaster.

“I escaped!”

However, the joy on his face didn’t last; Dean’s complexion soon changed.

“It hurts!”

Currently, he was like someone emerging from unconsciousness. His bodily functions were sluggish at first, but after a delay, all sorts of pains welled up like a flood.

Dean had never encountered such a situation before.

Next, Dean noticed his current state and found his hands and feet were bound by heavy iron shackles.

Moreover, he couldn’t mobilize the Mana within his body for some reason.

Looking around, he found himself in a dank and dark environment. Obviously, it was a dungeon.

Just as Dean was confused, the system message refreshed again.

[Instance Plot Synopsis:

Three months ago, you left the Goblin Tribe and ventured towards the human world in search of the Necromancer’s legacy.

Heading south for over a month, you encountered the first big city — Pink City.

You were quite excited.

You entered Pink City!

You were captured…]

When the plot synopsis got to this point, Dean couldn’t hold back anymore.

“What sort of plot unravels like this?

Isn’t the start of this instance getting crazier and crazier?

Last time, I was almost eaten right after entering, and this time, I’m captured as soon as I arrive?

Even if I’m captured, shouldn’t you at least tell me why I was captured?”

Just as Dean finished speaking, the plot synopsis continued.

[Because the most beautiful princess of Pink City fell for you and proposed in public, but you rejected her!

The ruler of Pink City was furious and ordered your execution, but on the princess’s pleading, the sentence was changed to incarceration.

Until now, you’ve been imprisoned in this dungeon for more than a month.

Over the past month, someone has been trying to force you to marry the princess every day, but you’ve been steadfast and would rather die than submit!]

[The current instance is an open instance, there are no instance quests, and no instance plot.

Next, you will live in this instance for three months.

At the end of three months, your performance will be assessed and instance rewards given accordingly.

PS: The timeline of this instance is different from the real world, the time flow ratio is 30:1!]

When this plot synopsis came out, Dean immediately fell silent.

His gaze lingered on the additional settings for a moment, then moved to the instance introduction above.

After reading the instance introduction, Dean was silent for a long time.

His gaze lingered on the words [most beautiful princess] [proposed in public] for a while.

Dean suddenly felt that his imprisonment seemed to make a bit of sense.

He even felt that the Dean McKenzie in the plot synopsis was indeed a bit unappreciative.

“But isn’t the plot a bit unreasonable?

In the plot, do I have the role of Liu Xiahui?

Why doesn’t it take into account my personality?

With my personality, there’s no way I would be so unappreciative.

And would rather die every day? Isn’t this a bit too much!”


Before Dean could finish speaking, the door suddenly opened, and two burly figures walked in.

As soon as he saw someone entering, Dean immediately shouted, “I give up, tell the princess, I’ve had a change of heart, I don’t want to struggle anymore!” Just as Dean finished speaking, the two figures faltered, and a soft light flashed across the leading figure. The next second, Dean saw the figures clearly under the soft glow.

Both of these figures were over two and a half meters tall, round and robust, with big heads, large ears, short noses, and wide mouths.

Noteworthy was the fact that these two, oh no, these two pigs were dressed in women’s clothes.

The leading one even had a silver tiara on her head, and her skin looked tender and rosy. She was undoubtedly a beauty among pigs.

But the issue was, she was a pig!

At this moment, Dean’s face twisted in agony.

Dean knew for sure that the him in the previous plot was not playing the role of Liu Xiahui, but being himself!

He, Dean McKenzie, would indeed rather die than submit!

Just as Dean was gritting his teeth in agony, the head pig princess, whose rosy face was initially full of joy, visibly drooped her head and looked a bit aggrieved and pitiful, which angered the maid pig behind her.

“Human, you’ve gone too far!”

With a light cry, the maid pig burst out with an impressive aura, ready to teach Dean a lesson, but was stopped by the pig princess: “Chloe, don’t be rude!”

After she stopped the maid pig, the pig princess advanced two steps to stand in front of Dean McKenzie.

Her enormous figure was quite imposing, especially to Dean, who was in pain all over and couldn’t use his Mana. Still, Dean stood straight.

Well, obviously, after knowing the true identity of the so-called most beautiful princess, Dean was just as unwilling to compromise as the Dean in the plot synopsis.

However, to Dean’s surprise, when the princess advanced, she made a deep bow to Dean, an apology that should’ve been graceful: “Mr. McKenzie, I apologize for the trouble my caprice has caused you.

I am deeply sorry!”

The princess pig’s behavior left Dean slightly confused. He squinted at the apologizing pig princess and remained silent for a moment before saying, “Now that your Highness has come to her senses, can you release me?”

“I’m afraid I can’t help you with this request!”

The pig princess bowed again, then raised her head to look at Dean seriously, her eyes full of affection and reason, “My caprice has not only caused great trouble for you but also humiliated Pink City, my Porchett family, and my father.

Therefore, I can’t let you go.

Even if I were to let you go, Pink City and the Porchett family would not let you escape. The moment you leave the dungeon might be the moment they attack you.

I don’t want to see you die, especially since you are the first person of opposite sex I have ever liked.”

It must be said, this was the first time Dean had encountered someone of the opposite sex admitting their feelings so straightforwardly.

Look at how she articulated her feelings, full of emotion and straightforwardness.

It’s lovely! Except, the only flaw was she happened to be a pig.

Dean curled his lip: “Then what did you come here for?”

“This time, I came to resolve this issue properly!”


Dean raised an eyebrow: “How do you plan to resolve this?”

“I hope Mr. McKenzie would agree to marry me!

Under the current circumstances, only this way can produce a satisfactory resolution.”


“Yes, this way, the dignity of Pink City, the Betch family, and my father will be preserved, and you won’t have to stay here any longer.

Of course, I know that you don’t like me, Mr. McKenzie.

That’s okay, we can have a fake marriage. Once this issue is over, I will find a way to get you out of Pink City.”

The princess pig looked at Dean, her gaze filled with affection and sincerity..

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