Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 313 - 74

Chapter 313: Chapter 74

Maxi’s acidic tone did not stop Sidina’s cackling. She glared at her friend, then stomped on her boot under the desk.

“Ow! There’s no need to get physical!”

“You never listen to me otherwise,” Maxi shot back sullenly.

Feeling peeved, she plucked her quill from its ink pot to continue working. Ten minutes later, however, she had not written a thing. She blew away the strand of hair that had slipped onto her forehead, recalling this morning’s mortification and sense of rejection.

The glass or two of wine she had downed to calm her nerves while waiting for Riftan had gone straight to her head. When she had come to her senses again, she was sprawled naked on the bed, bathed in the morning sun. Riftan had been getting ready to leave after having prepared a washbasin for her by the fireplace.

Seeing her in the throes of a hangover, he had poured her a cup of coJd water and left the room after a terse warning to drink in moderation. His cold, almost indifferent manner had left her shocked. They had been separated for three years before reuniting under life-threatening circumstances. By then, there were so many accumulated emotions that the tension between them was inevitable. Still, she had thought some of it would have been resolved by now.

Having believed they would be able to reconcile after this journey, her disappointment was beyond words. She bitterly vowed never again to let such strong liquor touch her lips.

As she sat silently scolding herself, Anton burst through the door.

“Gather around, everyone.”

The mages looked at him inquiringly before lowering their parchments. They surrounded Anton as he flopped onto the long couch beside the fireplace. He heaved a sigh.

“We have finally reached an agreement with the Temple Knights. The Mage Tower will officially join the war effort.”

“Should you be making a decision like this without consulting the elders?” Ben, a senior mage of Undaim, asked. It was a question fitting of his cautious personality.

Anton nodded, “Master Cairo was given full authority on this matter. Before we departed, the Head designated him as his proxy, and the elders supported the decision.’

“Will rhe Tower deploy more mages?”

Deep lines creased Anton’s forehead at Miriam’s question. He stroked his well-groomed gray beard and said, “We would if we could, but 1 doubt the coalition army would wait for them to get here, 1 think the knights intend to depart for the monster city as soon as the troops are assembled,”

Maxi bit her lip.

Anton scanned the mages’ grim faces before continuing in a measured tone, ■’Of course, it would likely take more than half a month to finish all the necessary preparations, but it would take longer for the mages of the Tower to get to Eth Lene. Hence Master Calto has decided to assemble the free mages currently in the north. We have already sent out a notification through the mercenary guild. We’re hoping to recruit as many as possible.”

Despite the hope shining in Anton’s eyes, the others exchanged skeptical glances.

Noting their reluctance, Anton added with a sigh, “The mages who join the coalition will be handsomely rewarded. They will be allowed to study the records of the dark mages before anyone, as well as granted private workshops on the upper floors of Urd upon their return. Those who wish to remain active outside of Nornui will be paid no less than eight denar, with additional compensation depending on the difficulty of the task.”

The mages began to murmur among themselves.

After glancing around in bewilderment, Maxi whispered in Sidina’s ear, “Is eight denar a lot?”

‘This is the problem with wealthy ladies,” Sid in a said with her nose in the air. ‘A high mage earns six denar a year on average, and those with greater talent may charge many times that. But 1 heard it’s difficult for most mages to earn much more than four denar a year. Of course, that’s still double your average commoner’s wage.”

‘Be prepared for all the second-rate mages to come swarming like bees,” said Miriam, her tone scathing. “No one with actual talent would be enticed by such a pittance.■’

“Maybe, but the chance to study the dark mages’ records would hardly be considered a pittance to most.”

True to Sidina’swords, some of the mages appeared more than inclined to join. After looking at the stack of parchments on the desk with a pensive expression, Joel raised a hand.

“I would like more information before 1 make any decisions. How big is the army? How well will it be supplied?”

“I have yet to receive details,” Anton replied, looking embarrassed. nWe can’t be certain until the Council of the Seven Kingdoms has convened, but if we consider the size of the last coalition, it should easily surpass twenty thousand.”

“The knights seem to be holding daily meetings about something. Have you heard anything, Max?” Anette asked.

Maxi frowned and shook her head. “I barely get to see his face… let alone talk to him.”

“It might be faster to interrogate the traitor,” Lucain chimed in. When everyone’s eyes flew to him, the mage of Kabala shrugged and added, “He is the Remdragon Knights’ mage. Wouldn’t he be in those meetings? He should know more.”

The room fell silent. Anton frowned, clearly not fond of the idea, but turned to look at Maxi.

“Yes, it wouldn’t hurt to know what the knights are saying. Bring him here.”

Anton spoke as if Ruth were a prisoner to be hauled in for questioning. Maxi rolled her eyes, When she showed no sign of rising from her seat, the mages all glared at her to get going. In the end, she stood reluctantly and grabbed her coat. After descending the stairs, she slipped out into the blinding sunlight.

Frowning, she cut across the vast courtyard bustling with workers. Soon, she came upon dozens of wagons and horses in the training grounds. As she weaved her way through, a familiar voice addressed her from behind.

“Good morning, Lady Calypse.”

Maxi turned and gave Sejuleu Aren an awkward smile. Despite his imposing dress of a wine-colored cape over black armor, his laid-back manner made him appear almost ridiculously jolly.

Approaching her, he said gently, “May 1 ask what brings you here of all places? Are you looking for Rif tan?1

“N-No. 1 am looking for Ku- the Remdragon Knight mage.”

“He should be inside the assembly room over there. He refuses to leave the warmth of the fireplace.’1

Maxi gave a small smile in thanks and began walking in the direction Sejuleu pointed. She did not get far before he feli into step beside her.

“Allow me to escort you there.1

“Tlr-That won’t be necessary. 1 do not wish to take up your time.1

“It’s no problem at all. It is the highest duty of a knight to serve a lady.”

In one fluid motion, he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Not used to such courtesy, Maxi looked uncomfortable. She quickly smoothed her expression when she saw Riftan marching toward them.

He was upon them in the blink of an eye.

“I will tend to my wife,” he said, snatching her hand from Sejuleu’s. “You go check the equipment. The merchants are waiting for you to sign the receipt.”

“Worry not. My aide is more than capable of handling such duties,” assured Sejuleu. Then, grinning, he said, ‘Aren’t you supposed to be attending the strategy meeting?”

Riftan glowered as if he very much wanted to smack the man. He hissed through gritted teeth, ”1 can spare a moment.”

“H-How surprising. 1 had thought you too busy to spare even a second to talk to me,” Maxi said sullenly, retracting her hand.

Riftan’s head whipped to her From where Maxi stood, golden sunlight shone in a halo around his face. The sight momentarily weakened her resolve, He had always been a breathtakingly beautiful man, but as he aged, he had begun to mask his rough, impatient side behind this frightening self-control. It gave him a certain mature charm.

But Maxi was not happy with his restraint at all. It riled her that this man who had once burned with desire for her now acted like a cleric. A part of her feared that he no longer found her as desirable.

Wanting to shake his resolve, she said coldly, “Sir Sejuleu has offered to escort me, so you needn’t concern yourself.”

Riftan leaned in and whispered dangerously, “Are you telling me… you wish to be alone with him?1

Sejuleu raised his hand in exasperation. “There are at least four hundred soldiers here. It would be impossible for us to be alone. And as I’ve reminded you countless times, 1 am a man of honor. I’m flattered by how highly you appraise my charm, but 1 think you re overreacting.’

“You be quiet,” Riftan said menacingly.

Maxi arched an eyebrow at him. “Y-You mustn’t be so rude! Sir Sejuleu is merely being kind.’

“That’s right 1 was trying to help this lovely lady,” Sejuleu chimed in.

Riftan gave him a murderous glare. “1 suggest you shut your trap before 1 rip that mouth of yours off.”


Riftan’s face grew red with anger, and he gave each of them a glare. A moment

Jater, he raked back his hair and barked, ”Fine, do as you please.”

With that, he marched away. Sejuleu shook his head as he watched him go.

”1 think we’ve truly angered him. How would you like to proceed, Lady Calypse?”

After a moment of indecision, Maxi raised her chin in a determined tilt. She was tired of being the only one fretting and chasing after him.

Putting on a haughty air, she said, “W-What else? [ will go see Ruth as 1 intended. Can 1 still rely on you to take me to the assembly room, sir?”

“It would be my pleasure, my lady.1

Grinning, Sejuleu held out his hand and escorted her away..

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