Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 320 - 81

Chapter 320: Chapter 81

“Offensive magic would be ineffective against the walls, so it would be more practical for the mages to focus on bolstering the weapons,” Maxi pointed out, looking at Miriam triumphantly.

Her sense of victory was nipped in the bud when Kuahel remarked dryly, “If we do not solve the wyvern problem, it wouldn’t matter how much we enhance the catapults. No amount of distance would keep our men safe from an above-ground attack.”

“We will solve that problem in short order,” Geoffrey replied. “We have deciphered most of the rune. Once we understand how it works, it will only be a matter of time before we figure out how to negate it. However…”

The mage trailed off, looking troubled.

Breston’s impatient nature got the better of him. He pressed irritably, “However, what? Get on with it, man.”

Geoffrey frowned, offended by Breston’s rudeness, and said curtly, “To destroy the rune, one would need to access its mana circuit.”

There was a pause.

“That means someone will have to infiltrate the monster city,” Riftan muttered.

Maxi’s back stiffened. Surely he was not considering taking on such a dangerous task? She eyed him warily.

“The monsters will fortify their defenses once we muster our army,” Kuahel said snarkily. “Sneaking in will not be as easy as last time.”

Riftan raised his chin to look at the paladin, and a cold smile curled his lips before vanishing.

“It wasn’t easy the first time either.”


Deliberations continued into the night. The knights flung about various military terms, taking turns voicing their opinions. The atmosphere within the hall soon grew heated as one argument after another broke out. Having had enough of the knights’ battle of nerves, Anton rose from his seat as the servants arrived to light the candles.

“We shall excuse ourselves now. We still have much to do.”

Maxi instinctually stood with them, but the sight of Riftan and Princess Agnes seated side by side prevented her from moving further.

Seeing her awkwardly frozen in place, Miriam frowned as she headed for the entrance. “What are you doing?”

The other mages were already filing out of the assembly room. Not knowing what to do, Maxi turned to look at Riftan. Her husband, however, kept his eyes fixed on the map.

“Escort her back, Charon,” he said woodenly.

Elliot stood and walked over to her. With no excuse for her to remain, Maxi left with a sullen expression.

She found Anette and Armin still hammering away in the workshop. Despite Elliot and Ulyseon’s insistence that she return to her quarters to rest, Maxi returned to her spot next to the brazier to finish her task. After working late into the night, she finally returned to her room to fill her stomach with bread, cheese, and warm wine.

Even then, light still streamed from the barracks. Standing in front of the window with a lamp in hand, Maxi stared out over the grounds before crawling into bed with a gloomy expression.

When morning arrived, she sought out Calto to suggest hiring mages not affiliated with the Mage Tower. Though not fond of the idea initially, the elder must have deemed it necessary, for he soon sent a letter of commission to the mercenary guild.

A few days later, seventeen mages arrived at Eth Lene Castle. Though most were lesser mages who could only use a few spells like healing or restorative magic, some were practitioners of considerable skill. Their assistance made it much easier for Maxi, Anette, and Armin to craft the magical devices. Deciphering the dark mages’ runes made headway as well, and the leaders of the coalition army were able to set the date for their departure.

Anton strode into the spacious room where the mages were gathered and made a solemn announcement.

“You must pack your belongings before the day is out. We re set to leave at first light. Each of you will be given self-defense weapons and emergency rations, and we will also be handing out magical devices, magic stones, and remedies. Be sure to pack everything.” “Has the army made plans on how we’re going to capture the monster city?” Miriam asked, raising a hand.

Anton shook his head. “The commanding officers seem to have something in mind, but nothing definite has been decided. They seem wary of information leaking. The specifics will be confirmed as we travel to the Plateau.”

At his words, the mages began muttering to each other with looks of apprehension. All of them were aware of the war of nerves brewing among the commanders of each of the kingdoms, and the mages were doubtful that such a splintered leadership would be able to bring this campaign to victory.

“Enough with your whispering. Might 1 remind you that three knights heralded as the incarnations of Rosem Wigrew will be fighting in this campaign,” Anton said in an imposing voice, attempting to assuage the mages’ apprehension. “This war is necessary to protect the peace and prosperity of this land. It will not be an easy endeavor, but 1 pray you will all do your best in your respective roles.”

His firm tone silenced the mages. He studied their faces before adding, “The mages of the Tower will be divided into two units. The mages of Sigrew and Kabala will assist the knights on the front. The mages of Undaim and Nome Hall will form the defensive line in the rear and tend to the wounded with the unaffiliated mages. Are there any objections?”

When his listeners remained silent, Anton slowly continued, “I will be leading the offensive support unit, and 1 want you, Maximilian, to lead the rear support.”

Maxi had been listening intently. Her eyes widening at Anton’s command, she stared up at him before turning a bewildered gaze to Ben, a senior mage of Undaim.

“W-Why me and not Master Ben?”

“I have no experience in a war, but you once served in a support unit when you were still an unaffiliated mage,” Ben said placidly. “Not only that, you are quite popular among the soldiers. I’m sure they will have no problems taking orders from the Scarlet Lady. It would make things much easier for the rest of us if you were in charge.”

Heat rose in Maxi’s cheeks as she scanned the faces around her. Including herself, a total of twenty-one mages would serve in the support unit. Three were from Nome Hall, one from Undaim, and the rest unaffiliated. Though she wondered with some apprehension if these mages would be willing to follow her instructions without complaint, she eventually gave a determined nod.

“I understand. I will take the role.”

“Good. Now, all of you, off you go. Go and pack.”

Everyone dispersed at Anton’s instruction. Maxi made her way to the infirmary to gather remedies and medical equipment. To her surprise, the training grounds — previously crowded with the Baltonian knights’ tents — were now filled with dozens of wagons and thousands of horses lined in organized rows. She was weaving through them when the sight of Riftan bending over one of the wagons made her freeze.

He was dashing in a wine-colored tunic and Remdragon Knight silver breastplate and chainmail, over which he had slung a black fur coat. It vexed Maxi to no end.

Biting her lip, she considered giving in and speaking to him first. The fact that he had made absolutely no effort to reconcile was beginning to make her anxious. However, when she saw him straighten from his inspection of a crossbow and turn to Princess Agnes, all thoughts of approaching him first vanished.

She glanced back and forth between the two, her eyes narrowed. The pair were like figures in a painting. A slender beauty with dazzling golden locks, and a dashing, raven-haired knight.

Maxi felt her heart burn with jealousy. Ever since the princess’s arrival at Eth Lene Castle, they were always together. According to Ulyseon, the royal edict that the princess had brought with her appointed Riftan as the chief aide to the supreme commander of Wedon’s royal army — the princess herself.

They attended strategy meetings together and afterward supervised military training side by side. There was nothing strange about this on the surface. After all, Riftan was a knight who had pledged allegiance to the Wedonian crown. Still, Maxi had the sneaking suspicion King Reuben had not given up his desire to match Riftan and the princess.

Quelling her simmering emotions, Maxi whirled around and walked into the infirmary. The mages who were already there were packing vials within the dimly lit space. Though she threw herself into the work, her busy hands did nothing to stop her thoughts from drifting back to Riftan and Princess Agnes.

Did he truly feel nothing for her? Even if he did not, the same could not be said for the princess. Maxi scowled, loathing herself for harboring such suspicions. Her head told her there was nothing to be worried about, but her insides still boiled whenever she saw them together.

She irritably gnawed her lip and tied the opening of the herbal bag as tightly as she could. It was high time she overcame this feeling of inferiority she felt toward the princess. After all, Agnes had done nothing but support and encourage her up until now. It would be highly ungrateful of her to repay her kindness with such petty jealousy. She took a deep breath.

Princess Agnes was not the problem. The real problem was the lack of trust between Riftan and herself. Even so, she could not think of a way to resolve it.

Perhaps I’m wishing for too much.

She walked over to the window and opened the shutters. Outside, she saw Riftan and Agnes walking through the crowd of soldiers.

It was a stifling feeling, this longing to be the one at his side, be it in the safety of the castle or on the battlefield. But all this desire of hers had done was cause a rift between them. One of them would have to relent first.

She knew that her resolve was weakening by the day. Her greatest fear was that they would end up no better than strangers if she stubbornly persisted in placing her will above his. Once this war was over, would it be wiser to follow his wishes? She did not wish to antagonize him any further.

The next day, twenty thousand soldiers marched out of Eth Lene Castle at first light. The infantry marched at the head of the massive procession, carrying the banners of their respective kingdoms. Behind them rode the cavalry, followed by a train of baggage wagons. As the armies of Osiriya and Balto had gone ahead, the billowing banners still visible were those of Livadon, Wedon, the golden banner of the Bolose Royal Knights, and Remdragon navy blue.

Maxi scanned the crowd as she rode behind the Remdragon Knights. It seemed every inhabitant of the city had flocked to the streets.. They waved colorful handkerchiefs, cheering, “Rosem Wigrew d’Aren! Rosem Wigrew d’Calypse! Peace and victory to the Seven Kingdoms!”

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