Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 332 - 93

Chapter 332: Chapter 93

The coalition army’s thunderous cries were almost as loud as the rocks smashing into the stone walls. Maxi covered her ears against the din and looked down. Foot soldiers with shields charged up the hill like a herd of bison, surrounding the city. Two battering rams, ten scaling ladders, and three siege towers followed close behind.

The monsters reloaded their crossbows and began to fire down on them.

“Hurry!” Maxi cried out to the men readying the catapults.

They swiftly loaded the buckets and released the hooks holding the arms. Maxi crouched and watched the rocks soar through the air. The monsters ceased firing and scattered as the projectiles smashed into the stone walls.

The soldiers sprung out from under their shields, rapidly extending the ladders. But before they could scale the ramparts, flaming arrows began to rain down on them from the watchtowers. The mages in the offensive support unit hurried to cast a shield, but they were a second too late.

Maxi watched in horror as pitch oil and flames spattered over the soldiers at the base of the wall. Even from her post, she could see them flailing in agony as flames engulfed them. Sick to her stomach, she hastily looked away. Despite the biting wind, her whole body broke out in a cold sweat, and her heart pounded furiously. Willing herself to keep her eyes from the gruesome scene, she staggered along the towering earth wall to help transport the rocks.

A row of approximately eighty soldiers stood alongside forty catapults perched precariously across the ridge. They worked tirelessly, ferrying rocks up to each weapon. Reloading took time, and the soldiers had to continuously draw the ropes back in before they could ready the catapults for firing.

Maxi counted the pile of rocks at the base of the catapults, then used magic to transport similarly sized projectiles from beneath the twenty-kevette-high earth wall. It was no easy task for the soldiers, hauling such large loads up a ladder, so she wanted to help in any way she could. She did her best not to look at the battlefield and immersed herself in the work.

“My lady! Watch out!” Ulyseon’s urgent cry rang out from below.

Maxi abandoned the rock she had been levitating and instinctively cast a shield. Within seconds, there was a deafening impact as flames burst in front of her eyes. She shrieked and covered her head. It took her a few moments to realize what had happened.

The monsters had launched a massive fireball using a catapult, but her quick action had saved her and the soldiers from being blasted into pieces.

Unfortunately, part of the earth wall had crumbled, causing one of the catapults to tilt.

Maxi hurriedly touched the ground, but the catapult tipped over the edge and plunged off before she could do anything. She looked down to make sure no one was hurt.

Her relief was short-lived when Ulyseon shouted, “Lower the wall! They’re aiming for the catapults!”

Maxi whipped her head up and saw one enormous fireball after another hurtling toward them. She cast a shield at the same time as Anette and Armin, but it failed to block the dozens of fireballs completely. Two catapults suffered direct hits, blasting some of the soldiers off.

“E-Everyone, on the ground!” Maxi yelled at the top of her lungs.

Whether it was her command or instinctual fear, every soldier on the earth wall dropped to the ground. Maxi began to lower them but could only do so at a measured pace, as descending too quickly could topple the other catapults. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead from the effort.

Even as she returned the ground to its original state, the fierce battle continued at the front. Burning rocks and arrows relentlessly rained down on them from above, and Maxi felt caught in surreal hellfire.

When they finally reached level ground, Ulyseon rushed over to help her to her feet.

“This way, my lady! We must retreat to where their attacks can’t reach us.” Ulyseon then bellowed to the soldiers, “Move the catapults back!”

Maxi staggered to the rear. Two of the siege towers that had attempted to approach the wall were ablaze, while the third was in pieces. The battering rams, which had been charging the gate, were also in flames. It hit her then that the coalition army’s first attack was a disastrous failure.

She was staring at the wreckage with a stupefied expression when Ulyseon tugged her arm. “We must hurry!”

Maxi mechanically moved her legs. When they were finally out of the enemy’s range, her legs gave out from relief. She sank to the ground and tried to catch her breath.

Ulyseon knelt next to her, fear etched on his face. “Are you all right, my lady? Have you depleted yourself—”

“N-No, I’m all right. I-I am simply… tired, that’s all.”

Shaking her head, Maxi got to her feet. She had never experienced this sort of shock before; her legs felt weak, and she had to summon all of her willpower to remain standing. Despite the struggle, she managed to steady herself and assess the situation. The central battalion was retreating on their commander’s order. The left and right flanks, which had remained at the foot of the hill, surrounded the city at a safe distance.

Terror-stricken, Maxi whirled to Ulyseon. “W-What happens now?”

“I do not think the commanders will order another attack immediately, but there is no telling what the monsters will do.”

Ulyseon anxiously looked to the city gate. Nothing could be better for the coalition than for the monster army to charge out and engage in direct battle. But the entrance remained firmly shut, and the coalition army’s cavalry kept a vigilant eye out as they stood in formation around the ramparts.

It was impossible to tell how long the silent standoff lasted. When the sun began to sink behind the mountain, the soldiers started setting up camp around the city, and Maxi retreated to the rear to tend to the wounded. Around eighty men had suffered injuries, half of which were too dire for magic to heal.

Even as it grew dark, she helped her patients out of bloodstained armor, cleaned wounds, and applied splints on broken bones. The uninjured repaired the siege weapons and other armaments in preparation for the next battle, and clerics performed the purification rite for the dead. As the night grew deeper, Maxi slumped in front of a brazier, exhausted from hours of healing.

Ben, who had tended to the soldiers alongside her, handed her a cup of ale. “Here, have a drink.”

Maxi shakily accepted the ale and gulped it down. Until now, she had been unaware of her hunger.

When she finished devouring the bread the soldiers brought her, she asked, “I-ls there still no word from Riftan?”

Her voice was hoarse from all the shouting.

“None of the fairies have yet returned,” Ben replied with a sigh.

Maxi bit her lip and pressed her face to her lap. Now that she could finally rest, the gruesome scenes of the day floated back to her, traumatizing her anew. She squeezed her eyes shut to dispel the paralyzing fear rising in her chest. There was also worry for Riftan and dread at what lay ahead. Clasping her hands together, she sent up a desperate prayer for courage.

Right at that moment, the blast of a kopel signaled a surprise attack. Maxi shot to her feet and raced out of the tent. Beyond the thousands of torches lighting the camp, she saw a shadowy horde charging down the hill. The knights, who had anticipated a night raid, swiftly mounted their horses and rode out to meet the enemy. Battle cries rang out, and soon the cacophony of a skirmish shook the ground.

After looking on in terror, Maxi scrambled to cast a shield around the wagons. It would be the end for the coalition army if the monsters slipped into the camp during the commotion and burned their provisions.

“E-Everyone, cast a shield now! We must keep the provisions safe at all costs!” she yelled to the mages.

They promptly obeyed, and Maxi observed the battle while keeping her shield in place. Beyond the rows of spearmen surrounding the camp, the cavalry was engaged in fierce combat with the monsters. Maxi held her breath as she watched the two armies clash.

Thousands of shadowy figures thrashed in the gloom. Though it was too dark to tell which side was winning, it was clear that it was a bloody conflict. Maxi fought to keep from fainting, determined to play her part. She pushed through the pain and exhaustion and remained vigilant through the long night.

The enemy finally retreated to their city as dawn began to break. The bluish light revealed a harrowing scene, filling Maxi with despair. Strewn across the hill, alongside mutilated monster carcasses, lay the lifeless bodies of their


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