Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

By the next day, her dizziness had reduced by a little. Max left the dormitories after a quick breakfast and went to see the small market near the island’s harbor. She knew from experience that expeditions would require sturdy boots, leather belts, a bag for her belongings, and a practical weapon. Boots, thick socks, travel hat, and comfortable clothes could all be purchased directly from the market, but the weapons should be obtained from Gnome Hall’s smiths. Max bought all that she needed with the money she earned from the tower and the gold coins that Rodrigo gave her upon leaving Anatol.

Clothing for the winter season was quite bulky so even if she only brought those that she really needed, her luggage was still far from being light. Max loaded her luggage into a small cart she borrowed from the tower, then climbed up to hold the donkey’s reins and drove her way out of the market. After climbing the wide hill and travelling for about half an hour, the hostel building finally appeared. Max then carried her luggage to her room and headed to the temple connected to the center tower to attend a meeting of the dispatch team.

There were nearly 20 wizards gathered. All the archmages wore dark reddish-brown cloaks while the apprentice wizards, who had just received their magical attributes, were wearing casual clothing. Max walked over to Sidina, who was waving a hand for her to come over, and carefully observed the other wizards present. There were three wizards who came from Kabbalah, three from Sigur, two from Undaim, and 8 people who had just become ordinary wizards—a total of 16 wizards gathered. The total number of the dispatch team would be 19 if the three Urd wizards who had yet to arrive were counted. Max frowned at their number which was a bit low for a dispatch team.

“I don’t think there are any high-ranking wizards from Gnome Hall who will join.” Armin sighed at her mutter. “It’s as expected. All the high-ranking wizards in Gnome Hall are learning about taboo magic. A lot of restrictions on leaving the island are in place and the World Tower most likely won’t hastily permit those wizards to join the dispatch team given that it will involve cooperating with the church.”

“It doesn’t seem like that’s the only reason why.” Annete whispered. “I heard that a lot of Urd’s elder wizards were against forming a dispatch team. The Serbel clan despises being entangled with the church... and in fact, it is said that many of those warlocks who were exiled to the north are of elf descent.”

Max gasped at the unexpected revelation. “The e-eleven race... are good. But why would such a thing as black magic...”

“If heretical judges hear me saying this, I will probably have my throat cut but... the truth is, dark magic is not as evil as people may think. The reason why they are being called ‘evil warlocks’ was because they fought against the church. In the past, during the oppression and massacre of wizards and the likes, the Serbel clan was split into two groups. Half of the wizards and non-human races came down south to build Nornui, while the other half remained in the Roviden continent to fight ‘til the end but they were eventually exiled to the north.”

“So... are you saying that the Serbel wizards are not in favor of fighting against the warlocks?”

“Well, It’s not certain whether the warlocks are still alive. What is clear is that the Serbel clan remains hostile towards the church. Some of the elder wizards were first hand witnesses of the massacres the church has done, so it is understandable that their grudges still remain. It seems that Calto Serbel has persistently insisted for this team to be formed. However, it appears like the voices against it were not strong enough, reasoning that creating a dispatch team will be a difficult thing to do. That is why trainees like us were also recruited.”

“Everyone, quiet!”

As Max’s head was swimming with all the new knowledge that Annette fed her, Calto entered the meeting room and spoke in a loud voice. She hurriedly regained her composure and straightened her posture. After Calto climbed up the elevated platform and checked that everyone was present, he began to explain the expedition in sequence.

“The dispatch team shall depart as soon as the ship arrives at the harbor. We’ll probably be able to leave within a week’s time. I hope everyone has prepared everything for the journey by then. We are planning to find a few hired workers to help carry our loads when we arrive at Roviden, but everything else should be done by ourselves as we always do.”

“What about the matters regarding our safety? Most of the monsters are resistant to magic, so attack magic will not be enough. Travelling with wizards alone will be dangerous.”

“There will be no need to fret about that. Our team will be escorted by the Holy Knights from the port onwards. The church will also provide support for the journey’s expenses and equipment.” Calto paused for a moment as if to see if there were any more questions and Max took the opportunity.

“What will be... our journey’s route?”

“Our plan is to dock at Anatolium’s port and travel to Roviden by land.”

Max’s eyes widened. She was expecting that they would be entering a port located in the northern part for safety reasons, but the plan made her anxious. She bit her lips nervously and recalled how many days it took to travel by ship from the island to Anatol. If it went smoothly, they would be able to reach Anatol in the next few weeks. Her heart fluttered aggressively. At that moment, Miriam spoke in a tough tone.

“How come we’re docking at Anatolium? The journey will be much faster if we go to the port in Revan. Travelling by land across continents will be too slow.”

Max stared at the back of Miriam’s head, who was seated in front of her. It wasn’t the first time that Max felt like smacking that impudent woman, but she felt the most hostility towards her at this moment. Her anxious eyes were fixed on Calto. Fortunately, he shook his head.

“The dispatch team plans to visit the great temple in Balbom. The fastest route to that would be to enter the continent of Roviden through Anatol’s port.”

Miriam made an expression like Calto’s words did not make sense to her, but did not argue further. Max discreetly calmed her heart. After answering a few more questions, Calto talked about the things they needed to be careful about in front of the Holy Knights, but nothing seemed to enter her ears. She anxiously tapped her feet, preoccupied that she might be reuniting with Riftan in just a few weeks. Her chest pounded with fret. She would have to leave for Pamela Plateau instantly, not even lingering long enough to enjoy their reunion. She wondered how he would react and would he be upset about her jumping into something reckless again—or maybe, he didn’t care whatever she did anymore. It felt like her heart was shriveling at that thought.

“What are you thinking about so deeply?”

Sidina asked, waving a hand in front of Max. She was drawn out of her thoughts and smiled to tell her that it was nothing. She had already jumped into worrying about things that wouldn’t change anything. Max struggled to put herself together.

The day of their departure had finally arrived. As soon as she heard that their ship had entered the port, Max immediately began to pack her belongings. As if Roy had sensed that she was about to go on a long journey, he clung onto her and refused to leave her side even for a second. After barely appeasing the cat who was clinging to her skirt, Max wore the thickest dress she had that was made of wool and two pairs of socks. She had to be extremely equipped to defend herself when the temperature dropped in the coming weeks. Finally, she put on a thick robe and sturdy leather boots, then began to carry her luggage down the stairs.

It was still early ‘til the time of their departure, but the other wizards were already busy loading things into the wagons. Max spotted Miriam who was carefully checking her luggage from afar, she then loaded her bag into the back of the wagon and climbed up with Roy. The cat wriggled in her arms and dug deep into her cloak, he was perhaps feeling called as he clung close to her stomach.

‘I told Annette in advance that I am going to bring Roy along with me...’

She glanced out the window and eyed Miriam. The other wizards didn’t really care about it, but Miriam wouldn’t let her bring Roy. Max sat down and lowered her body as much as she could so Miriam wouldn’t see her. After a while, she saw Annette who was walking back and forth with a luggage as big as her. Max immediately waved a hand at her.

“Annette, over here!”

Annette yawned and approached the carriage where Max was. Behind her were the Godrick twins, who were also carrying luggage as huge as themselves. They were constantly grumbling to each other and when they found Max, they immediately ran over to her with their short legs.

“Hello, Max. Are you done packing?”

“You went on and on about leaving the island as soon as you can and now you really are.”

Dean gave her a mischievous look. Max’s face colored red as she remembered all the things she did and said to leave the island.

“Stop idling around and load those things!”

Annette, who was placing her bag into the wagon’s compartment, started yelling at her brothers. They frowned at her and walked towards the back of the wagon. Then, they threw the bags into the compartment and went back to the door, holding something in front of Max.

“Take this with you. This winter seems particularly cold. Even now, it’s already chilly.”

Note – LF: I hope everyone had a great Christmas Nymeria – Same!!

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