Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 168 The Chick Magnet Edward

[Three Days Later]

[Inside the bath tub]

"When are we going out?"

"Why?" Andrew caressed the sides of her breasts. "Are you tired of me already?"

"Aren't you tired?" She splashed water on his face and chuckled, "It's been three days."

"Yeah so?" He pulled her closer. "I won't get tired if we stay like this for the entire month or a year. In fact, the longer, the better."

"In the bathtub?"

"Anywhere—" He pressed his lips on her bare shoulder.

It had been three days since they had confined themselves inside the hotel room. All they did was make love, cuddle, shower together, eat and then repeat the cycle over and over again.

"We have to go out today." Rachael looked at him. "It's the expo day."

"It's okay, that expo is not that great anyway," he said as he hugged her tightly.

When his hand started wandering all over her body again, she slapped it away. "Don't….we really need to go out."

Thinking for a while, Andrew agreed, "Okay, let's go out." He then got out of the bathtub and scooped her in his arms. "But first, let me take my morning dose of you."


[Nearby Cafe]

"Here you go—" Owen placed the neatly cut bite size pieces of the pancake in front of Edward.

"Do you want some ice-cream or maybe some cake?" He asked.

When the little one shook and nodded his head at the same time, Owen chuckled, "What kind of an answer is that?"

"Dada says…no ice-cream and cake in the morning."

"Well, it's true that you shouldn't have them in the morning but you are on a vacation, so you can eat whatever you want," he exclaimed.

"Really?" When Owen nodded, Edward clapped his hand. "I want chocolate ice-cream."

"Okay but first, finish your breakfast."

After finishing their breakfast, they grabbed their individual ice creams before walking out of the cafe.

It had been three days since Owen and Edward had been hanging out together, and they were really enjoying each other's company.

Owen had thought that it would be very tiring and boring to take care of a toddler all by himself but surprisingly, it was nothing like that. In fact, he realised that Edward was much more interesting and fun than most of his friends.

"Dada, where are the others?"

"Why? Are you missing your dad and mom?" When he shook his head, Owen chuckled, "You are having fun with me, aren't you?"

"Yes," he enthusiastically nodded.

"Hmm, they are in their room but we will see them soon," Owen answered.

"What are they doing in the room?" Edward curiously looked at him.

"Well, they are probably having s*ex."

Not understanding what it meant, the little one blinked at him innocently. "S*ex?" When Owen nodded, he threw another question at him. "What is s*ex?"

"Well, how do I say it?" Thininking for a while, Owen answered, "Sex is a fun game that a girl and boy play in the bedroom."

"A game?" Without waiting for his reply, Edward asked, "Is there a prize for the winner?"

"Yes there is."

"A remote control car?"

"Yes," he nodded. "A remote control car that never runs out of battery."

When Edward smudged the ice-cream all over his mouth, Owen chuckled, "Why are you so messy?" He then took out a napkin and started wiping his mouth.

Just then a group of women stopped in front of them. "Oh my God, he is so cute."

One of the women looked at Owen and seeked his permission to pick up the little one.

"Yes, sure." But before the woman could touch him, Edward hugged Owen's legs.

"Dada—you pick." When Owen picked him up, he buried his face on his neck, refusing to look at the woman.

"Aww he is so cute," the woman remarked.

"I am sorry about that, he is not usually shy but—" He gently patted Edwards back.

"That's alright," the woman smiled. "Your son is really very cute." Before Owen could say anything, she inquired, "Is your wife around?"

"Oh no, I am not married. Actually—" He was about to explain that he wasn't the real dad but another woman interrupted him.

"It must be so hard to be a single dad—" She placed her hand on her chest and sighed.

"How do you manage?" Another woman placed her hand on his arm.

"Well—" Owen sighed. "It's hard with the toddler but I manage somehow."

He then looked at the woman who wanted to carry Edward earlier. "I am sorry about that. It's a shame that my son rejected such a beautiful woman."

When the woman blushed, he added, "If i was him, I would have gladly accepted the offer."

"Why don't you call me and—" She took out a piece of paper from her bag and started writing her number on it. "Maybe I'll offer you something as well."

"That will be very hard to say no to," he smiled and took the paper.

"I am here for the next two days so call me."

The woman smiled at him before leaving with her friends.

Owen grinned and shoved the paper inside his packet. He then hugged Edward tightly. "You are a chick magnet buddy."

Since the day he had been hanging out with Edward, an uncountable number of women had approached them. Apparently, women adored a single dad who had a very cute kid.

​ "What is a chick?" Edward inquired.

"Well, when you see a beautiful woman, you call her chick."


[Twenty minutes later]

With their intertwined together, Andrew and Rachael stepped out of the elevator. This was the first time in three days they had stepped out of their room.

"What do you wanna eat for breakfast?" Andrew inquired.

"Anything will do." She looked at him and asked, "Should we look for others first?"

"Justin messaged me earlier, they are coming down too."

Just then, Justin and Elsa stepped out of the elevator.

But unlike Andrew and Rachael, they seemed to be in a relatively off mood.

... .

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