Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 220 The charming one

"Brothers, get him!!!"

The bulky man roar in rage. He didn’t care if he stretched the scar on his mouth. All he wanted now was to kill the man who punched him. Never has anyone step foot in Retro and humiliate him like this.

Listening to their leader’s order, everyone takes out their weapon and makes their way towards Qi Li.

From the side, Lin Hui sighed and takes a few steps forward to stand next to Qi Li. He wave his hands out to stop the men.

"My brothers, how about we not do this? Let’s talk this out like civilized human beings."

Qi Li shrug his shoulders nonchalantly and continues to smoke his cigarette without a care.

"Civilized my ass! You’re going to die tonight!"

A man angrily yells out. Changing his target from Qi Li to Lin Hui, he runs in action to kill. His grin widen and he swings his arm to cut Lin Hui.

Staring at the man, Lin Hui sighed and dodges each time the knife nears him. The man leaps and stabs towards Lin Hui, however, in a blink of an eye, Lin Hui had swiftly grabbed the knife. He smiles charmingly and flick the man’s forehead like flicking a bug.

From the sides, everyone saw this flick as a kiddy joke, but only the man knew just how much force that small flick was. He ended up taking a couple steps backward.


The man comes to a stop and glares at Lin Hui, his hand cover his forehead. Yet, when he realized that the hand he is using to hold his forehead was the hand holding his knife, he was dumbfounded. He stare in disbelief at the young man in front of him.


Lin Hui tilt his head, then lower his head to the knife in his hand. Not thinking much of it, he shrug his shoulders then wave the knife in his hand.

"Oh this?" He scratch the back of his head with his other hand and grins at the man. "Um... I think you gave it to me."


The man was even more dumbfounded. His lip pressed tightly together and he shouts in intense rage.

"You’re going to die for reals now!!"

Lin Hui tilt his head, and Qi Li threw his cigarette away. Neither one showed fear as if they were playing a game of Dynasty Warriors and waiting for the enemy to close in. Stealing a quick glance at each other, the both of them stood their ground and takes the group of thugs head on.


From a distance, a black four door Aston Martin rapide parks in a dimly lit area of Retro. Sitting in the backseat is the king of business world.

"Boss, should we.... help?"

From the driver seat, Xu Long spoke as he stare out to the fight scene that just broke out. After his boss dropped the lady boss off, he had gotten inside this car.

He, his boss and Wolf Team had been waiting, not only that, he had to compete online with some hacker and almost revealed themselves.

However, Black Dragon made a move that sent chills to his young and healthy spine. Thinking of it, Xu Long couldn’t help but shiver. Did they not know that his boss of all people is the worst when he’s angry?

Oblivious to Xu Long’s thoughts, Lu Tian stare out the window to the commotion. His brows furrow every few seconds as he ponder in thoughts.

Earlier when he dropped off his wife, he had met up with Xu Long and Wolf Team. His team was split into groups to guard the premises because when he and Yue Ling left Jade Condos, he saw two unknown cars following them. Although the cars stayed in a distance, he knew it was from Black Dragon. No car would follow every turn you make and park in a distance.

However, that isn’t the reason for his creased brows. He had kept close watch on his wife making sure no one from Black Dragon got near the run down building. Yet, after hours of waiting for his wife to call him that she was ready to go home, he didn’t receive a call at all.

Just when he was going to call his wife, he saw a middle aged man and a man wearing glasses step out of the building. The man wasn’t the same one he saw when he picked up his wife. As for the middle aged man, he’s never seen the man before.

A few moments later, another man had walked out from the building to join the two men. Even worse, this made him eat rrjars of vinegars. How he wants to go over there and drag his wife out of the building. How can he sleep at night knowing his wife is surrounded by good looking men? Young ones too.

"Boss, look!"

Xu Long’s sudden excited voice brings Lu Tian out of his thoughts. He looks at his assistant who is punching nothing but air. Turning his head to the scene outside, he arch a brow.

When Black Dragon attacked the three men outside, it was more like a taunt. He had to admit the two kids were pretty fast on their motorcycles, but not as fast as him.

When he arrived in Retro, he didn’t make a move because he wanted to see if these two kids were capable of standing by his wife’s side to protect her. If they can, then he wouldn’t have to worry much about her at work.

Surprisingly, they’re doing a great job. However, he really needs to question his wife on where she finds her workers. Isn’t she just a retired model and fashion designer?

Ending his thoughts, Lu Tian reach for the door handle and opens the door.

"Let’s go."



Cries of pain echoed the sky as each hooligan is tossed onto the ground. Some had long passed out while others are still holding onto their dear life.

The bulky man with the scar stare with wide eyes at his loyal brothers then to the two kids. His fist clench tightly and he points to Lin Hui and Qi Li. He didn’t care if he revealed his bloody disfigured face to the public eye. His brothers were beaten black and blue, while these two kids had not even a pinch of dirt on them.

"You’re both asking for death aren’t ya?!!"

Lin Hui fixed the collar of his motor jacket and dust his hands. When he heard the bulky man, he spread his arms lazily to the side.

"You guys started it. We were just leisurely passing through, no one asked you and your brothers to block our path. Right, bro?"

He turn to look at Qi Li, hinting to the man to go along. Qi Li looked at the group of thugs they just beat up, then to the bulky man. He reach into his pocket and takes another cigarette out.

"I need a cigarette."

Lighting it, he inhaled the tobacco and felt satisfy. Blowing a puff of smoke out, he looks back the bulky man. His expression as if telling the man next to him and the man with half bloody face to carry on with the conversation.


Lin Hui stare with heavy eyes. He sighed and thought to himself.

’So much for backing me up.’

He looks back at the scar face man and sighed even more. Parting his lip, he wanted to say something, but from the behind the man came another bunch of thugs.

These thugs stepped out of another bar. They looked more intimidating than the ones he and Qi Li had just dealt with and there were more of them.

Lin Hui furrow his brows in thoughts. As the group of new thugs near them, a sudden laugh is heard from behind the group.

"Hahah-! Xiu Yang, you can’t even handle two kids?"

Like a formation, everyone parted to make a path for the person who laughed. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a man, but a seductive woman with bright red lips that matched her red sweater and black leather tights. Her brown hair bounced as she walks up Lin Hui and Qi Li.

Looking at both men, she didn’t show any signs of fear as she turn her head to the right. Seeing Xiu Yang, the bulky scar face man, she scuffed.

"I didn’t think you’d be beaten down so easily. Look at you, you’re in a total mess."

Xiu Yang’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. His fist clench tightly and he grit hit teeth.

"Chun Hua, you—"

Before he could finish his words, Chun Hua had already ignored him. Her attention was now back to Lin Hui and Qi Li. She sized Lin Hui and thought nothing much of the man. However, when her eyes landed on Qi Li, a glistening light flash across her brown eyes.

Her lip curl into an alluring smile that could capture any man’s heart. The sound of her heels clacking with each step she took and her hips swinging side to side like model until she stopped in front of the man with rimless glasses.

"Well, aren’t you the charming one?"

Lin Hui was dumbfounded. He wanted to gag but held himself from doing so. This woman thought she was pretty? Did this woman think the blockhead Qi Li would fall for such trick?

Unlike Lin Hui, the blockhead Qi Li remained indifferent as usual and smoke the last bit of his cigarette. Throwing it to the ground, he kills it with his foot and fixed his glasses up.

"Don’t want to answer? That’s fine."

Chun Hua place a hand on Qi Li’s chest and her other hand reach to touch his chin. However, before she could even touch him, a man’s voice sounded from behind the sudden larger group.

"Chun Hua."



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