Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 44

Vol.2 Chapter 44

After the content-gathering activities in the lounge were finally over, both my team and Hana's team decided to leave and venture toward our respective destinations. During this time of reflection, I couldn't help but acknowledge that the earlier events had been surprisingly enjoyable (disregarding the interview, of course), particularly the charade portion where the twins had excelled due to their inherent advantage. However, as we made our way out of the lounge area, we unexpectedly encountered Draven and his team, who were presumably present for their own interview. Since we had finished our activities later than anticipated, it was now their turn for their allotted time.

As I glanced at them, I caught sight of Draven's eyes fixed upon our team with an air of arrogance. His gaze carried a smug confidence tinged with a hint of superiority. It was clear that he viewed us as someone who was not a threat, and his demeanor exuded a sense of underestimation.

"What do we have here? It appears that losers really do prefer to stick together," Draven taunted, his words laced with contempt.

"What does that even mean?" Hana questioned, clearly unfamiliar with Draven's abrasive attitude.

"Allow me to clarify for you," Draven retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Both of you guys are weak. One is a useless team who just got lucky that they fought you, while the other will be eliminated tomorrow, and I’ll personally ensure that.”

I see what his intentions are. If I recall correctly, Hana’s team will be the one facing him for the qualifiers. But, judging by his demeanor, it seems to me that his taunts are just an attempt to compensate for his dwindling confidence after his defeat at the hands of Arthur. Therefore, he resorted to taunting and provoking our team to undermine our abilities in order to bolster his own self-assurance.

"Looks like we've got an easy victory here," one of them sneered, reinforcing Draven's taunting remarks. "We'll make quick work of you and show everyone who the real contenders are."

Another teammate chimed in, their tone dripping with condescension. "You may as well surrender now. We all know you're no match for us."

His two teammates backed him up in his attempt as if they were some sort of henchman. Who are those three again? I forgot their names since they were not a threat, so I’ll just call them Henchman A, B, and C.

As I pondered how to handle these troublesome individuals, Clarence took it upon himself to confront them head-on and engage in a war of words.

“You talk big for someone who also lost your first match,” he bit back.

"We agree, you have no.”

“Right to criticize us."

The twins retorted simultaneously, speaking in their customary synchronized manner in support of Clarence.

Draven responded with a disdainful snort. "You're only lucky that you faced a weak opponent like her. If it were me, I would have effortlessly crushed you."

Clarence, not one to back down, taunted back, "Oh, is that so? Care to prove it now?"

"Fine by me!" Draven retorted, matching Clarence's challenge with equal fervor.

They both eyed each other, both refusing to back down.

It appears that Draven is still carrying the weight of his loss from yesterday, which could be fueling his desire to find an outlet for his pent-up frustration. Perhaps he sees us as one of the underdogs in this tournament and as an easy target upon which to release his frustrations.

“Ren, he is not worth it. Don’t stoop to his level,” Liz stopped Clarence before it escalated even further.

"C-come on, guys! Can you please refrain from fighting?" Kaito intervened, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension.

What’s going on here?!” came a loud voice.

It was the interviewer from before. It seemed he had heard the altercation and stepped in to mediate, effectively silencing the individuals involved.

As everyone froze in response to his authoritative presence, the interviewer issued his instructions. "I will not tolerate any form of violence here. Team Unfiltered, get inside and prepare for the interview."

With a final begrudging click of his tongue, Draven finally composed himself and headed inside, wherein his team immediately followed.

"What's his problem? He's really getting on my nerves," Clarence mumbled audibly, expressing his frustration.

Hana, in a reassuring tone, responded, "Don't let it bother you. The best way to respond to his taunting remarks is to prove ourselves through our actions. You don't need to worry about us; we won't be defeated by the likes of him.”

Clarence looked at her for a moment, contemplating his words before offering a friendly grin. "Then, we won't lose either. Let's meet each other again in the finals and give it our all!”

Following the chaotic incident, our teams went their separate ways, dispersing to our respective rooms to seek much-needed rest and rejuvenation for the upcoming tournament.


Murasame’s PoV

As I step into the taxi, the driver greets me with a warm smile and a polite nod. His friendly demeanor immediately puts me at ease. I return the smile and provide him with my destination.

"Good day, madam," he says in a courteous tone. "Where can I take you today?"

I provide him with the address, and he acknowledges it with a nod of understanding. As he starts the engine, the car hums to life, and we smoothly merge into the flow of traffic. The driver's skillful handling of the vehicle is evident as he navigates through the busy streets with confidence and ease.

As I sit in the taxi, my attention is drawn to the view of the bustling Los Angeles streets outside the window. The cityscape unfolds before me, a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds that captivates my senses.

Tall buildings reach towards the sky, their glass facades reflecting the warm sunlight. The architecture varies from sleek and modern to historic and ornate, each structure telling a story of the city's rich history and ever-evolving character.

The streets below are alive with activity as cars weave through lanes and pedestrians navigate the sidewalks. The rhythm of the city pulses through the veins of the streets, a constant ebb and flow of movement and energy.

The palm trees that line the sidewalks sway gently in the breeze, their slender trunks and lush fronds adding a touch of natural beauty to the urban landscape. They stand tall and proud, a symbol of the iconic Californian scenery.

Colorful billboards and signs adorn the sides of buildings, advertising a variety of products and events. They contribute to the vibrant visual tapestry of the city, adding splashes of brightness and creativity to the surroundings.

The sounds of the city seep into the taxi, blending together in a symphony of urban life. The honking of car horns, the chatter of pedestrians, and snippets of conversations create a cacophony of noise that somehow harmonizes with the city's energy.

"Are you visiting from another place? I hope you're enjoying your time here," the driver posed a question, breaking me out of my musings.

“…Yes,” I said curtly.

I wasn't particularly interested in engaging in casual conversation, so I hoped my brief response conveyed that to him.

Fortunately, he didn't pry any further, allowing me to relish in the tranquility and reflect on my thoughts undisturbed.

A while later, my attention is momentarily diverted by the ringing of my phone. I quickly reached into my pocket and saw that it was my manager on the other line.

"…Jean?" I said, slightly raising my voice to be heard over the taxi's ambient noise.

"Aoi," my manager says in a businesslike tone. I wanted to inform you that Sakura e-sports management has approved your request to substitute as a coach.”

“I see… thanks…”

With a sigh that indicated a hint of exhaustion, she responded to my seemingly spontaneous request. "It wasn't a straightforward task, but I utilized my connections to fulfill your request. I also criticized their current coach for his lack of preparation, which led to Hana’s loss. They gave in to the pressure and acknowledged that you would be the most suitable candidate to help their organization achieve victory in the championship, which is why they readily accepted your involvement."

“…That is good to know.”

I’m glad my self-centered request didn't cause her much trouble. It's fortunate that my abilities are well recognized, which made it easier for her to smoothen things out. I’m also glad for Jean’s help, so I probably owe her a big one.

“Moreover, Eun is quite angry with you for suddenly departing on a three-day vacation without informing her, especially considering the AC is nearing. Please make an effort to communicate with her," she advised.

"Understood, I'll reach out to her later," I responded, my voice tinged with reluctance.

I chose not to inform Eun about my plans, aware that she would only nag me if I did. Although I feel a slight pang of guilt, I believe it is ultimately for the best. I will be sure to call her later and apologize for my abrupt absence from our practice matches.

"It just occurred to me; do you even have any plans for their strategy?" she queried.

"I have been diligently reviewing the contestants' replays since yesterday during my travels. I've already devised some countermeasures for their opponents, particularly for the crucial first elimination match they will face tomorrow," I responded confidently.

"Oh? So, have you come across anything noteworthy in your research?" she said in an amused tone.

"Yes, there are… many intriguing players in the tournament..."

She chuckled lightly, "Hmm, they must be quite impressive if they managed to catch your attention."


She paused, seemingly pondering something, before continuing, "You truly care for your sister, don't you? You went as far as rearranging your busy schedule and turning down sponsor advertisement just to assist her in the tournament."

"Yes… she means the world to me," I voiced my honest thoughts.

After a moment of silence, she responded, "I see… Then, best of luck to you, and take care.”

After bidding farewell to my manager, I ended the call and returned my phone to my pocket. I took a moment to gather my thoughts. A couple of minutes later, we arrived at my destination: a hotel near the venue of Hana’s tournament.

As we arrived at my destination, I expressed my gratitude to the driver. In return, he responded with a polite smile and a simple "You're welcome," acknowledging my appreciation.

Ensuring that I had gathered all my belongings, I carefully checked for any forgotten items before confidently stepping out of the taxi.

Choosing not to engage in further conversation or exchange pleasantries, I swiftly left the taxi behind and headed towards the hotel to book a room. Since this particular hotel had a VR pod available, I planned to arrange a meeting for Hana's team within the virtual world.

I hoped I would be able to meet them in person, but it seems that the hotel they are staying in is exclusively reserved for participants and does not allow any other guests. Therefore, I will have to settle for meeting them online, at least for now. However, I am certain that Hana will be quite surprised to see me in person tomorrow. I believe that my presence there will provide her with the encouragement she needs to perform at her best.

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