USSR 1941

Chapter 142: counterattack

  Chapter 142 Counterattack

   You must know that Rakowitza has the strength of an army group in his hands, while Schobert only has an infantry division in his hands.

  So it's hard for Schobert to imagine that Rakowitz would ask him for help.

   But Rakowitza really needs to ask Schobert for help, because the outer defense line has collapsed, and no matter how Rakowitza deploys troops, it will not help.

  But the battle has been fought to this extent, even the German army is powerless.

   "General!" At this moment, Rakowitza couldn't care less about his demeanor, and asked Schobert for help on the phone in horror: "The Russians have broken through our defense line, and their tanks are advancing towards us!"

  This is not true. The Soviet tanks were not only advancing in depth towards the Romanian and German defense lines, but were divided into two groups, one of which was advancing in depth, and the other main force was advancing in the middle between the outer defense line and the middle defense line.

   This is the strategy that Shulka and Major General Tokarif made before.

  Original Major General Tokariv really wanted to push in depth and hit Odessa in one go, but Shulka disagreed with this approach.

   "Comrade General!" Shulka said: "I don't think it makes much sense to do this. Although it is possible to break through the two lines of defense, the enemy may fill in the gap and build a new line of defense!"

  There is 20 kilometers between the first line of defense and the second line of defense. This distance will take at least an hour for tanks, and then attack the second line of defense... If everything goes well, two hours is necessary.

  Two hours was enough time for the Romanian army to respond and build a vertical line of defense. At that time, all the Soviet army got was a narrow passage, which could easily be cut off again by the Romanian and German armies.

   "I think!" Shulka said: "We should directly attack the weakness of the Romans, that is, use the fastest speed to intersperse in the middle!"

   This time the Romanian army was in a mess.

  Because the troops stationed in the middle zone of the Romanian army are relatively vulnerable units that need to be protected, such as engineers, artillery, field hospitals, logistics units, headquarters, etc.

  First of all, they are not combat units, to be precise, they are not units that fight the enemy head-on.

  Secondly, they didn't expect that the Russian army would suddenly appear in the rear, and it was still a tank.

  Being caught off guard and confused, many people wanted to run and didn't know where to run.

   "Block them!" Schobert shouted at Rakowitza.

   At this time, Schobert had already had a thousand grass-mud horses whizzing by in his heart, but he knew that this was not the time to curse, because his fate had already been linked with these bastards.

   "I will reinforce you immediately!" Schobert said: "Steady your ground!"

   "Yes, General!" Rakowitza replied.

   Then Schobert gave an order, and a regiment was drawn from the 22nd Infantry Division and rushed to the front.

  The reason why a regiment was transferred was because Schobert only had cars carrying a regiment of infantry... These cars also came from the Romanian army, and the German 22nd Division, which landed here, basically had no heavy equipment.

   On the other hand, the German army needs to maintain its offensive line.

  This approach is of course correct. Schobert knows that the more he does this, the more he must maintain his defense line. If the east wall is torn down to make up for the west wall, the Soviet army in Odessa will soon counterattack.

  However, just because Schobert knew this does not mean that others knew it.

   What Schobert didn't know was that Rakowitza, in a hurry, transferred the troops attacking Odessa back to the middle ground.

   This has caused a bigger problem: the middle line of defense is useless, because it has to face the enemies in the middle zone and Odessa at the same time...

  Petrov is not a fool either. At this time, he didn't know what to do. As soon as he gave an order, the defenders of Odessa launched a counterattack in the rear of the Romanian army.

  If it is possible for the German army and the Romanian army to block the previous gap, the current failure is like a landslide, and no matter how many people pile up, they will be buried.

At this time, Shulka is advancing behind the tank... The more you chase the enemy, the more you should fight steadily. After all, the dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry. The enemy may spontaneously organize and turn back at any time in order to escape and save their lives. Bite you hard.

   Therefore, most of the Soviet troops followed the tanks and moved forward.

   There were also a few troops who jumped over the tanks and attacked forward for greed, but soon disappeared like a mud cow into the sea... After all, the enemy is a group army with more than 100,000 people.

  In fact, sometimes there is no need to be so hasty in pursuit, because those who flee for their lives in a hurry will block their own way in a panic.

For example, when Shulka and the others saw a not-so-narrow bridge that was tightly blocked and could not pass through, when Shulka and the others followed the tank up, it immediately caused panic in the Chen army, and then it became a piece of the bridge. Many people rushed into the river regardless of everything... As a result, many people who could not swim drowned in the river, and those who escaped in a hurry raised their hands and surrendered.

   Along the way, there are cars, artillery, ammunition and supplies discarded by the Romanian army.

  At the beginning, the Soviet soldiers would grab the supplies when they saw them, but later they didn’t even bother to look at them. Some people even laughed at their crazy behavior of grabbing bread.

   "I regret it!" The thief looked at the discarded beef cans on the roadside and said with emotion: "I snatched three cans and brought them here all the time!"

   "And the piece of horse meat you cut off?" Leonyev asked.

   "I ate a little, and lost the rest!" The thief replied: "I found that you were right, I really shouldn't have brought it with me!"

  The soldiers laughed coaxingly.

   What impressed Shulka the most was the occupation of a field hospital.

   It was obviously also an abandoned field hospital, with stumps and broken arms everywhere, and of course dead bodies and wounded who couldn't move.

  When you walk in here, you will have the illusion of walking into a slaughterhouse, but here are not animals but people.

  The wounded looked at the Soviet army walking towards them one by one, with complicated eyes, not all fear. Shulka believed that many of them actually hoped that the Soviet army could help them end their pain.

   "What are we going to do with them?" the actor asked.

   "Just pretend you didn't see it!" Shulka ordered: "Go ahead!"

   It is basically impossible for the Soviet army to heal them. The Soviet army itself does not have enough medicine to treat the wounded soldiers, let alone these people are invaders.

  So, it is not difficult to guess what will happen to them in the end.

  When there was a burst of gunfire from the south, Shulka knew that the enemy's defeat was doomed... that was the sound of Odessa's counterattack.

  (end of this chapter)

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